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Anything said once can be said again in a better fashion. Everything said today can be better clarified tomorrow All entries are under constant editing and can be changed or expanded anytime. All views are dated, and are works in progress reflective during the expressed time frame only. This blog emphasizes issues ..., not personalities. Except for the On Line Bible, included for convenience, this site is portal to other Sunset Stroller sites linked below....
God is the Spiritual Personification of Exisstence
God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Friday, 31 July 2020
I do not lean on the arm of flesh
Our bodies waste away according to what is seen . The seen changes and is temporal but the unseen is eternal. So I set my course on the eternal. See Manna today.
Thursday, 30 July 2020
Favorite quotes.....
HAve not run across any good quotes lately but like to recall favorites. B. Shaw sent Churchill two tickets to the opening night oft his new play saying, bring a friend, if you hsve one. To which Churchill ssid, Can't be at the opening night, but will be there the second night, if there is one.
Monday, 27 July 2020
Physicists w,ho see only the physical...
I am starting to wonder, now we've decided space is not all that empty, but is rather full, if not there is any expanding universe at all. In other words space is infinite to the extent it does not exist except in the physical mind of the physicalists. We are living in the mind of God who gave us the freedom to conceptualize our own existence. If one does not have the faith nor the presence for it then the lighter weights will fall into the orbit of charismatics with greater mass.
Sunday, 26 July 2020
Which one is worse off?
Which man is worse off? The one who tells a lie or the one who believes it?
I know my answer. But your answer wold tell me a lot about you. This my favorite quote because it is mine.
It is not because I don't know the answer. I don't know your answer. Your answer is not correct anymore than mine is. Short answers are hard. Long answers are easier to hide our ignorance in.
Friday, 24 July 2020
War between the flesh and the spirit....
Pain is evil leaving the body. Suspected U.S. Marine saying....
Thursday, 23 July 2020
Foremost reason to define....

Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Reason to define terms....
If we do not define our terms how does anyone know what we are talking about, not that many pay much attention. The way I start is by dividing the observable facts surrounding the definition against two extremes. As an example everyone can be placed somewhere along a continuum from one side to the other with one extreme being "the" group and the other being "the" individual. In this way........
Monday, 20 July 2020
Everyone is exclusively on faith....
......because no one has anywhere near enough information or knowledge to make any where near a serious decision. So we are all dealing with faith. Only, some have more than others. The more one knows, the more respect they have for what they do not know. Everything said here is exclusively said for the benefit of the poster and persuasion only of the poster. It is assumed here that everyone speaks for their own benefit in order to persuade themselves.
Sunday, 19 July 2020
Finding atheism undefinably boring....
I finally became an avowed atheist as result of falling for a fallacy in logic as so many continue to do today as well. Every single person, it seems to me, base their unbelief on their experience in churches and their lack of a definition of God in the second place. Eventually I found atheism boring, predictable, and constantly reactionary. After all how does one satisfy a negative? I found atheism fundamentally illogical. I always check the premise as well as the definition.
Saturday, 18 July 2020
Issues more important than physics......... my view are those abstract questions we have unseen hints of but no clear physical inert forces that are easily explained by the unseen in physics and the seen of the physical.
Since emotion generates evidence we do have, I myself steer away from mentioning personalities since reference to one single person could embrace several different issues without any reference to the effort at hand.
It is tempting to bring an individual into discussion as an example illustrating a specific topic but very interesting participants can easily make the error assuming an example is somewhat of a proof. So there are pitfalls sliding us away from the abstractions at hand.
Since emotion generates evidence we do have, I myself steer away from mentioning personalities since reference to one single person could embrace several different issues without any reference to the effort at hand.
It is tempting to bring an individual into discussion as an example illustrating a specific topic but very interesting participants can easily make the error assuming an example is somewhat of a proof. So there are pitfalls sliding us away from the abstractions at hand.
Friday, 17 July 2020
Best time to read....
....the Bible can be a problem for those interested in the transcendant. The morning is often mentioned, but I've not found myself very alert too early. But things lend themselves better when a regular schedule can be found. Time always enters the the picture in the end. Hopefully it will not be when I am out of the picture. I'll be stuck with myself then.
Thursday, 16 July 2020
Will quotable quotes change?
I've noticed recently that many quotes all from the perspective of the past reflecting the importance of the individual. Maybe that is why I like them so much.
Wednesday, 15 July 2020
Churches can really try your faith....
I cannot think of a more important reason to attend churches other than to increase our faith. In my experience atheists stream out of churches from the age of fourteen.
Tuesday, 14 July 2020
One's age lurking wingside.....
Visited the doctor's today, will also tomorrow and the day following as well. It all will go quickly.
Monday, 13 July 2020
Life like a dream.....
Long stories are sad, like a saga where time shows you changes that lose the "present" where true happiness has the only chance to survive.
Sunday, 12 July 2020
Faith comes thru saying......
I take this cue from God who spake the world into existence. He said it and it was so. We have to believe things that are not as though they were. If one can relate to the existence of spirit they can understand the physical that is seen as coming from the unseen. All things seen came from the unseen. This places the physical world under time and it is subject to change, on it's appointed course. There are many spirits but only one Holy Spirit. More in God is Existence.
Saturday, 11 July 2020
How you get faith...........
And, how do we get enough faith? Enough faith comes with success. This brings Billie Holiday into the mix as she is quoted as recalling someone's comment that we'll never know how much is enough until we have too much.
The ancient writers only indicate one way as far as I can determine.. Read and reread until faith is within us. Faith is unlimited and persists forever but not always believers..
A preacher once told me that if we pray for two men and only one is healed that God changed His mind. First the preacher quit believing under his own time restrictions and then blamed his own decision on God. He changed his mind, God didn't. As always, more later.....
The ancient writers only indicate one way as far as I can determine.. Read and reread until faith is within us. Faith is unlimited and persists forever but not always believers..
A preacher once told me that if we pray for two men and only one is healed that God changed His mind. First the preacher quit believing under his own time restrictions and then blamed his own decision on God. He changed his mind, God didn't. As always, more later.....
Friday, 10 July 2020
I am writing for understanding and clarification. I am figuring ideas out to see what I can come up with on the fly. It would not be the first time discoveries came from mistskes. This would be possible because God spoke through design.
Wednesday, 8 July 2020
Definiton of definimg, why?
I define everything for myself, tthat is my procedure. Let any others define for everyone but I'll do it for myself. Many haven't even defined God for themselves and that even in a debate. I think it unprofitable to think too much about what is wrong. It can get tangled up too easily with what's right. I think for myself. Tkinking for anyone else would make me a reactionary. I think that , we might say.
Tuesday, 7 July 2020
Definition of art....
Art is not a subject, it is a verb. It is not what you do, it is how you do it.
Saturday, 4 July 2020
Time outside a comparative state....if
If earth were doing fine outside our orbit with the sun, we would be outside time and be in eternity, wouldn't we?
Thursday, 2 July 2020
We'll never have all the facts so we must rely on faith.....
Based solely on the knowledge we had in the womb before being born who would want to trade the perfect environment, water, where everything is automatically taken care of for us? What will happen if we are kicked out of the garden of Eden? We will be hung upside down by our heels, wacked on our ass unexpectedly, get periodically cold, hungry, and pay taxes. Not a good deal based solely on the knowledge we had to go on at the time. So it was good to be born and I believe even better when the "arm of flesh" fails us, as it surely will.
Wednesday, 1 July 2020
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