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Anything said once can be said again in a better fashion. Everything said today can be better clarified tomorrow All entries are under constant editing and can be changed or expanded anytime. All views are dated, and are works in progress reflective during the expressed time frame only. This blog emphasizes issues ..., not personalities. Except for the On Line Bible, included for convenience, this site is portal to other Sunset Stroller sites linked below....

God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
For updates in sites linked above,
see links in left column below.

Saturday, 28 November 2020

An Epiphany face to face

God Places Ideas in Our Hearts

Once one experiences an epiphany it is hard to in anyway debate or over rule it any respect. It was not a logical process on my part but was something simply put within my heart as a natural established fact. 

I have no way of knowing this, but I strongly suspect others have had similar revelatory experiences. I am thinking now of Moses speaking with God, asking Him who shall he say sent him? That is to say, who gives him, Moses, the authority to tell all this present experience with God to the people?  Why should they take his word for it? 

This is when God defined Himself, saying I am that I am. I can't help suspect Moses, my view anyway, experienced an epiphany. This is why I trust Moses' account of who God is and accept it as the earliest definition, which makes it the first definition of God, given by God Himself. 

But when I Googled a definition of God the answer returned to me was that He was a Supreme Being. No mention of God indicating that He exists. Also, such questions were presented as who invented God and other similar perspectives. I noticed they all relied on the conscious definitions of men rather than speaking of God's own definition as reported by Moses. Later.....

Friday, 27 November 2020

Persistent prayers

Faith Forever Never Ending

Healing, one of the central benefits of the Cross along with the forgiveness of sins, is pressing into my thoughts now amid current wide spread concerns. Since Jesus has already

Beware Uncertainty
healed us by His stripes on the Cross, it remains only for us to believe it and believe that He can do it. This seems correct to me but if there is any doubt in it then, of course it likely would  not happen. There is a healing prayer in Manna permanently located in that first page's left hand column. I approach healing attempting to follow the way Jesus instructed by example.  Acceptance of a healing and permanent belief are the persistent bedrock in healing prayers.(See also Monday, 23 November 2020 in Manna.)

Friday, 20 November 2020

God is Existence

"Basically, when God told Moses “I AM WHO I AM,” he was giving the translation of what Yahweh means (Exodus 3:13-14). “I AM WHO I AM” is Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh in Hebrew. He was saying in effect, 

My name is the fact that I exist.

Now, isn’t that a perfectly fitting name for the Almighty?"


Sunday, 15 November 2020

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

What a conception!

Try this link to see our Milky Way and the location of our sun as  Our Star in the Milky Way  Run your cursor over image to see where  the earth fits into the galaxy, which is only one of an infinite number of uncountable other galaxies. The unimaginable number of delicate conditions that support us are too far unfathomable for me to conceive. Hard to avoid, I can only certainly conclude, the acknowledgement of a greater conceiver than myself is in the mix.  Left double click to even further "increase" the size of the image.

Monday, 9 November 2020

Vibration question

What is the story with vibration, or waves, that appear to be so central to theories of physical science.?  

From Google: Everything in the  universe is constantly in motion, vibrating. Even objects that appear to be stationary are in fact vibrating, oscillating, resonating, at various frequencies. 

So it seems similar to the heart, and its' in-voluntary beating. Now where did those rhythms come from?

Saturday, 31 October 2020

Fiction is Future

More than a few science fiction stories, considered outlandish when written, are where future physical science ideas were born. The first science fiction story, the very first science fiction story, told about going to the moon appeared from the unseen in the mid 1600s. 
It was written as an amusement by Cyrano de Bergerac and he was credited by Arthur C. Clarke for using the first idea for a ramjet engine. This is how the unknown unseen morphs into the recognizable seen. 
     Once  existing still everything keeps changing. The jet into, very possibly in  my view, into unlimited electro magnetic energy drawn from the mass of the planet itself.  After that? Do not under estimate Scotty. Everyone's imagination is as wild as anyone else's. (See Today's Photo)

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Perception and Permanence

Time may be entirely perception. Watched pots do not boil. Hold your hand over the fire. Waking up after falling into a deep sleep. We are all going to die, but not right now. Time is distant

between fifteen and 15 1/2. Don't trust anyone over thirty. What happened to forty? Time only exists in a comparative state which means it cannot exist in a individual relationship. 

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Cheaper and safer....

 Why should we go to Mars? We can send automatic machines to report back via videos and make tests while sending the results back to earth. Here we sit in relative safety, no threats to our health, no complications relating to bodily functions. Cheaper and safer, and even quicker,
like I said.

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Arthur Koestler

    "True creativity often starts where language ends." 

Sunday Photo for Today leads us into "dark holes".

Saturday, 24 October 2020

A great mystery lies ahead.....

Further from Far

Many writing their headstones, I have seen more often of late, is their amazement life is over so quickly. A doctor told me a long time ago that if I did not lower my blood pressure, I would have a stroke or a heart   attack within four years. I asked, "What if I control it?" He told me in that event, I could live ten years before I had a stroke or heart attack. He was 40, but  a short ten years to me was merely one little decade. I have to labor to remember any of them. He, on the other hand, obviously thought ten years was a long time. 

At least fifteen years now, and no strokes or heart attacks yet. My advice to all doctors is to not make any predictions, because everyone only remembers the ones that are wrong. I, on the other hand, perhaps should not have even mentioned this at all. One never can tell when a superstition will rear its ugly head.