
Rules of the Portal, for latest elaborations check both columns.

Anything said once can be said again in a better fashion. Everything said today can be better clarified tomorrow All entries are under constant editing and can be changed or expanded anytime. All views are dated, and are works in progress reflective during the expressed time frame only. This blog emphasizes issues ..., not personalities. Except for the On Line Bible, included for convenience, this site is portal to other Sunset Stroller sites linked below....

God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
For updates in sites linked above,
see links in left column below.

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Obeying God

 Everything God says is said for our own benefit. We forgive others for our benefit. We praise God for our benefit. 

We lift up God in praise because in lifting up God we lift ourselves up to do it, rejoicing. When we forgive others we are ridding ourselves of resentments as well.

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Laws of Logic.....

....include recognizing fallacies

Generalities speak to generalities and specifics to specifics.

always know the premise
To intertwine the two is jumping categories, and a fallacy in logic.

Further, an example of what a man says is an illustration of his argument for the sole sake of clarification, but it is not proof.

From the rumblings rising in the Naked Eye it sounds like emotions are running high, as was predicted. Emotions follow the strength of the intellect. This is how power executes the intellect or perhaps weakens it. Nevertheless I do not want to find myself imputing wickedness to opposing views for fear of taking any offensives into my heart. I strive to be knowledgeable on that which is right, not having any predictive future pumping my life's blood into anything off center.

Monday, 19 April 2021

Rule of the Road

always check the premise first
Whenever I witness frustration, or any form of annoyance, while discussing an issue with someone, I understand this to be hard evidence of a weakness in their position. They are, in my view, thinking of persuasion for a reason. It is definitely persuasion, but persuasion wholly
 to persuade themselves since we all operate according to our own benefit as we each see it. I witness for my own benefit. Whatever anyone else gets out of it is up to their own spirit and/or whatever spirits they entertain. From my view, only the Holy Spirit convicts, and I am not privy to anyone else. I was never told anything relating to anyone else concerning what to say to instruct them. I was told however that I was to witness for myself, for my own benefit.  You can see I would not be big on mediums. There are many masquerading spirits, I only trust one spirit, Jesus. I am convinced it is hard to persuade otherwise someone with an epiphany.

Saturday, 17 April 2021

John 17 the high priestly prayer


One in the Holy Spirit.

Born in the flesh and reborn as spirits, our eyes will be opened and we will see in the unseen without time clouding our vision.  The Trinity is One as we are all one. My view. 

This concept of one is repeated in  John 17 more than once, specifically in verses 10, 11 and 22. While all Christians make their own decisions, my outlook is I think they all would agree with the Trinity. This is how I believe we will enter the unseen. When I read about the "all in one" I notice also the all as well as the one, just as the one is in the all.

Continuing Tomorrow: updated in 

God is Existence. 

The Spiritual Struggle to Define Words.

Friday, 16 April 2021

The Jesus boat

Conventional Wisdom

How many times do so many scholars have to wake up with egg on their face before they see they are so regularly off center

The first incidence quite far back in my experience now was something about an entire city sinking into the sea.  There are more incidents of this sort of thing than I ever imagined, like the sinking of Atlantis into the sea.  

Sailing all over town.
All I recall now is that it was all a myth. This was a myth, that was a myth. Never happened. The ancients thought the earth was flat, yada yada. We have looneys today, excuse my wearied language, who are convinced we never went to the moon.

Now I read in a $15 dollar super market book, for the first time I was aware, about Jesus that the fishing boat he was in could never have held Him and all those disciples except.... ah well, they found one. So another myth about myths, just another one of those myths. Those stupid old people. They needed help from extra terrestrials. They could not do it by themselves. Only thing is they are the myth makers not the ancients.

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Building into the sky

 Remember again those ancient days, when God looked down and saw we could do anything we set our mind to do

How far will we yet go?
As long ago as those days of foggy memory, men had it in their minds to go into the sky. God broke it up then, likely because it was too soon and a multitude of languages slowed the day. Nevertheless eventually we walked on the moon and even to this day plan to go to Mars. 

And Jesus Christ said we would speak to all nations and do greater things than even He ever did. Things unbelievably impossible then are today not only believable, but part of the routine of the commonplace.

Friday, 9 April 2021

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Utopian fantasy


Roughing Up Education

Children should and generally do, educate themselves inform-ationally according to their own curiosities. 

All schooling should be conducted for the benefit of the students rather then their guides. LCD* should be held to the sidelines. Rather than entertaining students, they can start well before age seven. Generally speaking, a majority can read well before kindergarten,. Just follow the finger of someone who reads something interesting, like Peter Rabbit adventures. No need whatever for a paid teacher to teach how to read see spot run

The only thing they need to teach, or host, in high school are three major categories. 

Teach them to play chess and engage in tournaments so they can learn to anticipate.  

Teach them a practical course in logic with emphasis on the fallacies so they cannot be misdirected by confused common sense.

Familiarize them with debating club competition so they can improve their articulation and reasoning. 

Provide very little information, thus avoiding indoctrination. Students shown how to look up anything on a computer can teach themselves any fading-interest curiosities.

Only cover technicalities, like mathematics for those pursuing studies in technical areas. Emphasis on algebra for non-technical subjects to provide a basis for general conceptual mathematics. Students should be stretched not shrunk!

*LCD lowest common denominator.

Monday, 5 April 2021

See Verse of the Day in Manna

 "Faith means believing in realities that go beyond sense and sight. It is the awareness of unseen divine realities all around you."                                                  Joni Eareckson Tada, evangelical author

Saturday, 3 April 2021

A Good Time for it...

 Out in the crowd

Seeking a good time to refresh my view, and this would be a great weekend for it

Do not like the rather complicated issues format that has developed and am wondering about another vision. 

Embracing the unseen.
Something less complicated and more quantum? (From the big to the small.) I noticed I've had to go back and do a lot of editing lately, too much it seems to me, to correct unintended misdirections slipping in. More legal it seems, and forget the links!

There is a trend for me to get somewhat too cute with an increasing slide toward ragsheet controversy. With growing traffic, an audience presence is creeping in. What with all the bells and whistle work taking up time, it is all kind of crowding me out. 

Saturday, 27 March 2021

Religion & science in a perception gap..

History as I was taught in public schools was quite illogical, in my mind, since they taught it, as it were, in a mix list of small still photos instead of sweeping "moving pictures". 

This was, again in my view, largely responsible for the out of context view of reality. Continued in Specific History link, in side column. Coming at the Corner Table: The Ideal Form of Government.

Monday, 22 March 2021

Of all the servants of God.....

 Moses is the only servant of God with whom God spoke face to face. When Moses asked God who He was that he may say who sent him, God answered I am that I am. If God says who He is then that is the definition I go by. God is existence.