Malthus was correct in his prediction of starvation, at the time. He did not anticipate any new country could, nor would, produce more food than ever thought possible. It would be all through technical advances he could not foresee under this newly incentivized country across the pond.
Rules of the Portal, for latest elaborations check both columns.
Anything said once can be said again in a better fashion. Everything said today can be better clarified tomorrow All entries are under constant editing and can be changed or expanded anytime. All views are dated, and are works in progress reflective during the expressed time frame only. This blog emphasizes issues ..., not personalities. Except for the On Line Bible, included for convenience, this site is portal to other Sunset Stroller sites linked below....
God is the Spiritual Personification of Exisstence
Thursday, 11 November 2021
Wednesday, 10 November 2021
Role of the individual in the group
Sane, for the time being
Ever notice a hedge, or any unpruned tree-shrub with a shoot sticking way up beyond the rest of the shrub? People are like that too. This story has been recounted more than once in more than one country.
In Hungry, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis, after studying the matter of childbirth fever, suggested washing hands would be advantageous.
The reason for doing this was his undoing. Purpose for washing hands was because there was something dangerous on everyone's hands that was too small to be seen. In France, I think it was, a doctor proposing there was something too small to be seen was dropped from the staff as a weirdo. Sounded sensible at the time. Do the names Pasteur or Lister of Listerine strike any bells here?
Semmelweis however was famous for saving lives. But he was committed to an insane "asylum" with maybe the early onset of Alzheimer's where he was "beaten by the staff and died from his injuries, it has been reported.
Time being
In their defense my memory reminds me of the coiner of the most important moral principle of the individual, self preservation, Herbert Spencer, who maintained that the majority is not always wrong. Only an individual can shoot beyond the group. Only the group establishes the view of sanity in the group. So if the individual shoot gets ahead of the group too far, they are seen as insane. The group thinks he is insane because they, the group are sane, at least for the time being considered so.
In the this our country, the total wording of the God based Constitution completely defends the individual from the group. This may explain why this country was the first, and to my knowledge the only, government to abolish slavery as well as avoid the "unavoidable" 1800's Malthus view of impending starvation. Correct at the time, but incorrect in time. As for slavery, unfortunately human trafficking today seems to suggest completely abolishing slavery "unavoidable".
Tuesday, 9 November 2021
Poor prediction records
Myth and Motive
Our elders as helpless myth believers,
vs many of today's scholars as full of themselves
Economists are always notoriously getting their predictions wrong, and so are too many historian scholars as well, it seems to me. Whenever someone proves an extraordinary Bible account as quite possibly true, one that no one could prove convincingly before, I am in an unfortunate conundrum. And it suggests to me a motive is in the mix.
The problem vs the premise
If a story can be proved (to one's satisfaction) then this is a blow to belief, since if something is considered proved, then the need for belief is mute.
The prospect of the Red Sea being at one time in the position of a tidal river from both ends is an example. The tendency of scholars to disbelieve the ancients as not being as smart as themselves is not only embarrassing at the outset, with talk of interfering extra terrestrials, but with time, is repeatedly being debunked.
I suggest questioning motives as significant in the outcome. Always check the premise is the usual motto.
Monday, 8 November 2021
Giving no tongue to the devil
I have little patience for the reactionary view. I do not oppose for the sake of opposition either, as that also is giving tongue to whatever I do not speak to, of, or about. That is, I do not repeat or give space to views that are other than mine. For instance, I have next to nothing to say about the devil, so I do not react and by that act give recognition, acknowledgement, or space to his doings. This blog is primarily about God's own definition of Himself, not mine or anyone else's definition. I do not listen to what those who say what others are saying, rather than what they are saying, because it is a just an entanglement of hearsay.
Sunday, 7 November 2021
Still editing
Even months at a time
Lot of heavy editing all day into this evening, for the Stroller El Speedo. It often goes on for days at a time, until things finally settle into the sunset. Speed isn't the quickest avenue to any destination.
The strong man is also
Taking heaven by force
If there is any doubt in anyone's heart, even those of a different pasture who are not drawn by God, then they if they want God, like Jesus says in the scriptures, can take heaven by force.
Faith is forever persistent
This was also alluded to by Jesus in the strong man parable. We know He taught in parables and for my part, I consider them His commandments. So it is the same for the strong man who can also take heaven by force. He is demonstrating his faith, his persistent faith. Everything is based on faith. God is not impressed by our transitory proofs, God wants faith. Faith is the unseen power of the spirit within to believe, most especially the unbelievable. Parables have interpretations, this is why Jesus said understanding them was withheld from those who did not believe. This is merely my view.
Other interpretations: In the non-canonical Gospel of Thomas, which does not have the context of the Beelzebul controversy, the parable has been interpreted as merely suggesting that "shrewd planning and careful strategy" are necessary in order to accomplish one's goals.
Saturday, 6 November 2021
Definition of an act of God
Everything is blamed on the Boss, that is how it is known who the boss is, as I forever fruitlessly explained to my wife. All the insurance companies also know what God has done. Certainly not them.
Formerly, as an atheist, I fondly noticed that while God tells us not to kill, He wipes out entire generations of people with a flood. I was just piling on, as it were, since I was already snared in unbelief by the fallacy of misplaced authority.
Wrong again boohoo boy.
Everyone picks up on this, even last night I heard it on a radio call in talk show. Some excuse God for murdering anyone He takes a shine to by saying, He has a divine right to do everything.
First of all God is Existence, Existence exists and God cannot not negate Himself. God tells us what must be done to avoid dangers in life. If we fail to do it, then it is our decision, not His, for us to suffer the consequences, since we took on free will under the apple tree.
God knows everything that we are going to decide to do before we even do it. But even though He knows everything before hand, He does not force us to make those decisions.
God places before us both life and death. He urges us, it says in the Bible, to chose life. God does not choose, we choose, He however knows our choices before hand.
So God knows everything. But we, every time we learn something, we learn about new unanswered questions we did not know before, thereby learning we were more ignorant than we realized previously.
Jesus said that no one can come to God unless God draws them to Him. He lost many disciples by that saying. Jesus also said there are sheep not of His pasture. What does all this mean? Who am I to judge God? I just know what He tells me.
Predicting the future is a scale evaluating intelligence. God knows the future already while I do not know all. Therefore I cannot judge anything, even justify answers, about any matters concerning God. My only conclusion can be, knowing He gave and wants existence for me, even so as with Job, though he slay me, yet will I trust Him.
Friday, 5 November 2021
definitional logic
Charisma and Argumentum
ad hominin
The decline of logic in public discourse powers the current rise of invective name calling as a substitute for the reasoning of issues, and along with shrinking the numbers of words in language, all brings about the easing control of individuals who have locked themselves as fading individuals into rising power groups.
The time is coming in the, as yet, totally inconceivable future when a person will be able to charismatically attract those of lesser "mass" just as objects seen in space orbiting each other do.
Instead of the mind controlling the body, the spirit will control mind and bring about whatever it desires, including the power to control the intellect of others of lesser orbital mass. The primary point of their success will reside in the passion of their spirit to believe.
Thursday, 4 November 2021
Is God our Constitution?
I think we may have lost something in time. The speech writers for David were a fantastic lot and were in a strong position to influence the leadership of the day. All because they were writing for David, speaking with God rather than temporal men, and making a very real presence for God in public affairs as the law itself. Just my view, after all, nobody's speech is free unless somebody else can disagree with it.
Wednesday, 3 November 2021
Tuesday, 2 November 2021
Monday, 1 November 2021
There are those with little belief...
and those with greater belief
Remember when Jesus asked the man seeking relief for his stricken child whether he believed, and the man answered I believe, help my unbelief?
Recall also when Jesus said if one had enough belief he could move a mountain into the sea? And then He spoke of the centurion with greater belief than in all Israel and still again, when He asked the woman seeking healing whether she believed He could do it? She said yes she believed He could do it and He responded, then it will be done according to her belief?
All these things suggest there are those with belief, greater belief and little belief, which He also spoke of as well. So there are different intensive degrees of faith. Therefore I constantly seek to increase my belief even though I have already made my prodigal decision to believe. A decision I remade losing several years to the atheism view before regaining my initial decision finally again.
Mountain moving faith
When Jesus said we could move mountains and, now think about this, do greater things than even He had done. There are many believers who think He was speaking metaphorically. Whether yes or no I believe every thing He said was and is true for today.
Otherwise when does one stop? Before or after the Cross? Or was the Cross fiction also? I believe in a future when it will be common for strong believers to move mountains of the inanimate world of the seen about at will justifiability.
Reminder: As I continue, everything I write here is dated and reflects my view at those specific times. However I am also unannounced editing my prior views for clarity and common typos as well as increased validity at various other times.