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God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Saturday, 2 April 2022

Yearning for more

 Jesus is the Source

Why do Christian's worship and praise Jesus? For my part I am thankful. I just cannot overcome the gratitude in my spirit. It is reflexive, automatic, in a way. I like life, I want to live, but not diminishingly so. I expect0 good things. 

At one time, and way too many times as well, I have spent much of my existence experiencing the world like someone watching a boob tube. The reason I believe that it becomes a boob tube instead of an excellent human communication device, is because it is instinctual for us to watch anything that moves. 

It is when it becomes habitual that "boob" becomes the operative word. I stop thinking and eventually will fall asleep, especially if an advert comes on for, as they inevitably do, so incredibly long. Maybe that is why sleep overcomes me. There used to be only a few sponsors, but eventually they have slivered them up, to squeeze more money in I would expect. 

But even when I participate, by contemplating the importance of Jesus historically in total, it transforms one. But to engender so much praise, gratitude, and worship I have to make everything Jesus did across all time more and more real as it is absorbed continually into my psyche. 

Time slipping away
The little time in this world requires a strong focus on all things positive one possibly can embrace as it says in Philippians. Passion builds up power, and faith is stronger for it. I also yearn for even more worship and praise as it lifts me higher. One could say it is addictive.

Friday, 1 April 2022

Resurrection Redux

When Jesus became as a Man, Like Us

I fear reincarnation will not be an easy way to keep the physical life going in a pleasant manner as many anticipate. To do something over and over (even so as a human or as an animal yet) seems dangerously similar to a definition of hell once one is in it. 

However, to contemplate Jesus as God incarnate is much more attractive to me, even accurate I feel, than the current excessive Christmas emphasis placed on Jesus as a baby, rather than as God incarnate where it is somewhat overlooked.

Root of the word incarnate, or many times as reincarnate is carnal or physical, which is the opposite of spiritual. When Jesus died on the Cross that was no reincarnation, it was resurrection. He conquered death, elevating our focus to the vital importance of spirit. 

Thursday, 31 March 2022

Go and sin no more

Belief in Jesus' Belief He Could Heal 

What did Jesus mean when He told those He healed that they should go and sin no more? This is something I have not yet worked out my full understanding. Does it mean that anyone who is sick is sick because they have sinned? 

I am ahead of myself here. This question seems to fall into the same category that caused many of His believers to fall away when Jesus said we can only approach God if He draws us to Him. There are many who are sheep not of Jesus' pasture. This is where I break with logic and resort to belief. This is, of course, is the only thing that pleases Him, belief not logic. Then also, how can we leap ahead if we do not surpass the idea that today's magic is tomorrow's logic?

There are many answers to which I do not even know the questions yet. This category seems to fall into that same type where Jesus said anyone can have whatever they want if they have enough belief for it. I have been holding this question in my mind's pocket for some time and have not yet made any satisfactory headway to my understanding. Time for the last resort? Hit the commentary's? 

Wednesday, 30 March 2022


How could ancients know about batteries?

I understand the physical scientists say the brain produces enough electricity to power a flashlight, or some such event. All along I had once thought it was a just another myth because the early Christian artists painted haloes in, often stylistically. 

When Moses came down from the mountain after God speaking to him, his face shone. All these types of thoughts are nudging me toward believing there is something to it all where we are are not fully appreciative. Psychic thinking makes something about haloes also, so I watch my spirit traffic carefully. I trust only Jesus, all others lead somewhere else.   

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

No eye has seen, nor ear heard, and no mind imagined

 what God has prepared for those who love Him

All things good about God

 Appreciation of Jesus

Why do Christians appreciate Jesus so excessively? I would say it depends how much value they place on God's existence. Specifically, all God's existence and everyone else's existence. It would be of no value if one lived alone, with an unshared existence.  

Everything about God is positive, so positive it is holy, leading us in rejoicing and appreciation of God. Everything He tells us to do benefits us from beginning to end, if there is such. It is written no one has envisioned or looked forward to all He has prepared for our future. All things desirable in proper measure; everything spiritual in unending expansion. 

Monday, 28 March 2022

This changing world

In this world everything is changing

Everything is evolving, and much of it in this world, very dramatically so, even if I close my mind one second. One only has to look at photographs of famous people. Some of them are not recognizable. In my own high school year book us sguys have come to look like little "cromagnons" with our hair lines an inch above our eyebrows. Time to work out my salvation. 

Sunday, 27 March 2022

Words are wonderful

Words are for This World

Those in the various disciplines usually develop a lingo to keep other people out. Also, I find it quite amusing that everyone believes their own salvations, if only in a slightly different manner. They often get upset, even if only internally, if they think someone has a slightly different view than theirs. In fact, the pressure is so great that they just as often seem to differ with another's views even when both views agree.

This is because, I think, they are basically deep down trying to persuade themselves. There is no accounting for all the different views people have and another reason could be our variety in the means of communication. Everyone are inside themselves thinking everyone else is understanding. 

Vocabulary is the culprit. Words are powerful but are just not the most accurate way to communicate. Spiritually, is the best, the quickest way to communicate. I think is easily seen that, Wait, wait, oh oh, oh no. Many people are not fully aware of spirit, even if they say they are. 

Jesus spoke often spiritually, although not metaphorically. Words require the hearer to interject much of themselves into their reading.  What we hear tells more about ourselves than those whom we are talking about. Forgiveness is for the benefit of the forgiver. 

Saturday, 26 March 2022

Benefactors coming & going

Edge of time.
Something for Extra-Terrestrials

We do not really own anything. We only control it for a time, a very short time. It might be handed down from time to time until it is destroyed, perhaps forgotten, maybe lost altogether. All that until finally, if it does survive, no one will have any idea of how it was built, what it is or what it was used for, especially in the case of impressively erected edifices. Just like today, they will wonder all over again how the ancients became the benefactors of whomever from outer space. Otherwise, they certainly could not have done anything so great themselves. How could they accomplish anything so extraordinary? 

In all future generations, the original owners or creators, will be thought of as myth makers "less than knowledgeable." This is natural for them to think that because they are also without all the facts and therefore themselves less than knowledgeable. 

Friday, 25 March 2022

Life at the carnival

Knowing there is & Knowing there isn't

If I contend the atheist view cannot maintain whether there is a God or not with their incomplete knowledge, how can I contend whether there is a God with my own lack of knowledge? 

If anyone conceives of many Gods, like some ancients did, then they are indicating they only conceive of Gods being not much different than themselves.

I notice that there has long been the view deep in our instincts that God places ideas in our hearts. We did not create ourselves. Correct? Not only that, but we did not even fathom one thing about existence in any form. So how can we envision, with any luck, very much from physical science?

One such scientific fellow however did figure out that there was a 67% chance there was a God. Like any carnival it appears that in some quarters "you pays your money and you takes your chances." 

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Moving Over

All things seen came from the unseen
All Our Speaking 
Is Before God

It is easy for me to develop a taste for almost anything. I just do it often enough. Guess it would be the same for many things, such as posting my blog. So, I figure if I want to gain more faith then there is nothing for it but to develop a daily posting habit. It would certainly keep my mind on track. Ideas wandering randomly around in my head go nowhere. And I might not like anywhere it takes me it when I got there. 

Therefore, in my case posting here is like talking in the presence of God. How different that is from privately praying is "off topic" and difficult for me to say at the moment.  But at this very moment it strikes me I do not prefer using the word create when I want to say speak. God creates, right enough, but it seems like a somewhat weak word to describe the doings of God. I would say even doctrinaire.

I am conscious God is in the mix. So, for me, posting is like praying privately, not corporately, before the world. I am not writing in cement. I am reflecting a time locked view of my spirit.  

Instead of the word creation, I most like to use the word speak, God speaks, and it is created, in my mind, already. But speaking is important for everyone, it would not be noticed if it were not in the Bible, when God created. 

I am speaking right now myself, and I am creating, speaking, the reflective words of my spirit. If God creates that way, I think it good advice for me to think the same. Just like if God is your copilot, the better idea is to move over.

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

One can only believe oneself....

 Demonstrations of the Spirit

Events often occur which totally convince many people there are spiritual events, like today's UFOs, occurring in their lives from time to time. Unfortunately to retell them is to cast oneself into a deep realm of unbelievability that downgrades the reliability of the teller. So, it is better to leave them alone I always thought. Still, there are so many of them accumulating in recent events that I came to suspect there may very well be something unexplainedly quite real to them. But it is apparent it all depends upon to whom it happens.