Doing everything God does is heavy lifting
When Jesus said we can only come to the Father if He, God, draws us, Jesus lost a lot of followers. This means that the idea everyone should be treated the same was just as firmly held among many in that day as it is in this day.
It is not recorded that Jesus ever regretted His comment concerning this issue. The early Christians, the ones termed primitive Christians, formed a last day stand based on rather group-like attributes. But the only justification for it was born in the group convinced God would return any moment after Jesus's ascension.
Decision for Christ
Christianity is based on decision making by each individual. So, we can by-pass this consideration and go to our goal of why Jesus said that one healed should go and sin no more. The parable of the ninety and nine underscores individuality right there.
But extending it to babies born joined together stretches me to explain why such responsibility is assigned to a time long forgotten by participants.
Does the fact we are all born in sin explain anything here? Well, based on this world our world of time, where change is illusory, I am not yet solid on this point. If one emphasizes collectively, that is rather than to individually, they could have trouble it seems to me. But it is even worse to think of it in the reverse. What a can of fish!
I am forced back into the position that if I do not understand it, I just have to accept that I've exhausted of my own chance for understanding and just hit the commentaries to see if there is anything there.
Smarty Pants
Then more likely, I am not any smarter now than I was all those times in the past when time and the flesh were wasting away at a truly fancy clip. This may be when the flashing green light of faith comes into play. What am I doing here anyway? Am I masquerading as smart as God, like one left totally alone, with just himself to be God? Maybe even smarter? Since it was tried before, would it have any different outcome this time?
The tree of knowledge bears' strange fruit. First edited version.