The Law was Given thru Moses
Grace and Love was thru Jesus
I can often tell how oriented a person is by casual disconnected viewpoints they express. Whether I am often correct or not is not all that clearly determined.
A political pundit was waxing true about whether a little boy's dog would be in heaven with him. He weighted in heavily upon his fact that dog's do not have a sou.
I was reminded by the sharper wit of Mark Twain. He commented that there was very likely more dog's deserving of heaven than people. Dogs are well known to be very loving and forgiving by nature.
Our pundit however, being of the doctrinaire stripe, would seal off the joys of heaven. Heaven is apparently a very antiseptic place for him, since he has surely never experienced the devotion of a dog.
My view is that the little boy's dog will be in heaven with him if the little boy wanted his dog to be with him. As for heaven, a tree is known by its' fruit.