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Anything said once can be said again in a better fashion. Everything said today can be better clarified tomorrow All entries are under constant editing and can be changed or expanded anytime. All views are dated, and are works in progress reflective during the expressed time frame only. This blog emphasizes issues ..., not personalities. Except for the On Line Bible, included for convenience, this site is portal to other Sunset Stroller sites linked below....

God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Foxhole Belief

Believing Afterward As If

I am Already Dead Beforehand

 When I can believe something under extreme pressure with the same intensity as if I were conversing in the comfort of a drawing room, then can I guess what I really believe. 

While it is true that I am not required to answer anyone truthfully unless they are entitled to any particular truth, the truth in this case is what my confession is. And it is written that if I confess Jesus before men, then Jesus will confess me before God.

I will receive what I actually believe. I cannot avoid myself, any more than God can negate Himself. Edited

Thursday, 12 January 2023

Definition of a spirit....

Those not drawn to God are drawn

With lonely hope to themselves

The spirit, once existing, never dies. A spirit is whatever the spirit believes. Some have many differing spirits within them, all contending against each other in a complexity beyond any conceived burdens.

The strongest spirit is simple. The greater complexity the greater chance for destructive forces to be further multiplied, all of whom cannot even reliably understand themselves.

Anything that can be seen can change or be changed. The seen is the fruit of the unseen. This difference cannot negate itself. 

Therefore, there has to be a God to produce the positive, the existence we reflect upon. God places certain evidentiary truths within us which produce the benefits necessary to function within. Therefore, we have to take celebration from our existence. 

If we do not, then we act against ourselves in the role of being our own god. Others will have to accept it or threaten one's existence. Each would struggle for dominance, the goal being destruction as their only tools to produce their existence. This is an impossible task.

The more we learn, the more we know that there is so much more that we do not know. Since we did not create ourselves, nor even the world itself with all its' unfathomable limits, do we learn anything that would change even any concept of God.

Thursday, 5 January 2023

Over the Shoulder Redux

I've Not Always Been Right 


When I was a youngster I was a communist. If our house burns down, I reasoned, the firemen would build us a new one.

Wednesday, 28 December 2022

No One has seen God

 So What Does God Look Like?

The hearts of the ancients have been told that no one has seen God. We've even been told God is plural and is referred to as more than one. This explains the Trinity as in John 17.

 Jesus said even He does not know when the end time will come. Despite this many have pushed themselves forward predicting the exact arrival of the end.

Every one of these others were all wrong so far, and thus, being wrong, revealed themselves as false prophets.

What we do know, despite never seeing God, is that we actually know what He looks like. 

He looks like us. 

Wednesday, 21 December 2022

The Making of Decisions

I am Me and Everyone else is Them

I can still hear the words as if they were said yesterday. Just the words, where I heard them along the road from my first grade school. Don't you realize I am calling your mother a dog?

"So what?" I said within a blink. Whatever you say has no control over me or my mother. I took it somewhat curious he should think so. 

Later I figured he must be thinking his disrespect carried some weight beyond himself. What can I do with someone's respect? What can I do if he goes off and speaks to someone when I am not around? I cannot constantly control whatever everyone says even if I wanted. 

Then I would become responsible for them 24/7? Not me! I am my own self, not anyone else. I wonder if we are born individually or collectively, or perhaps we make that decision as children and subsequently forget it? 

Anyway, I am stuck with my decision. And I love my existence and the source of that existence no matter what.

Friday, 9 December 2022

Monday, 5 December 2022

The readable Bible

Underlining the Bible

Many people, I judge, carry Bibles, dog-eared, underlined, circled and commented about in the margins, for whatever reason I will not judge, to possibly make it appear they are devoted re-readers of the Word. 

I could never do it.   I used sticking, colored transparent bookmarks of various colors. Green tipped for strong verses for remembrance, gold to highlight the very most vital verses of all. I also used colored round dots to catch my eye for my favorite verses, etc. 

Once a pastor asked to see my Bible, that I had with me. He studied it, I thought, obviously looking to see how dog-eared it was.

If you read it all, often marking it up, it is not long before everything is underlined and nothing is highlighted, or even recalled, in my view. 

In any event, I respect my Bible, most especially my reading Bibles, and said nothing. Neither did he.

Thursday, 1 December 2022

true love

 Chap sez to me, good chap, sez God loves me, and he (himself) loves me, but there is nothing I can do about it. 

When I will rest easy is when he can't do anything about it!

Monday, 21 November 2022

Why there has to be God

One With God

God has to exist whether one believes in any God or not. If someone does not believe there is a God, then they will have to be their own God.

The mind directs the body and grows old with the body. But if there is no spirit born in the body then without any spirit there is only an eternally uncomfortable sense of life stuck in a body without fruit. Knowledge of existence is not a spirit of existence. 

Being Like Jesus

Everyone already believes God is a Spirit. Believers distinguish God as the Holy Spirit. Since we were created, and that not by ourselves, we take on the personages of the creator. Jesus explains this in John 17. Elsewhere Jesus asks, do we not call ourselves all Gods? Baptist friends call it "little Gods" since they do not see Jesus' view the same way. Jesus, it is remembered, said we would do greater things than He. Those, that is, those of "great faith."

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

God's Laws Are for Our Own Benefit

Every single one of God's laws cannot be broken without eventual dire results. And Jesus' commandants, if not obeyed He said, means a person does not love Him. It is best to go with God. God and Existence is the place to be. 

Monday, 14 November 2022

Revenge Comes from God

God Cannot 
Negate Himself 

Revenge coming from myself is a sign of weakness. From God it is a sign of strength. It is from God that the rules of existence come. Outside of existence is a negative experience. I cannot accept any offense without becoming offensive, as a recipient myself.

Revenge does not come from God, it is rather the absence of God, who is Existence. Without existence, as a positive force, one does not exist. It consumes itself within any agreements with the negative. God is not an arbiter of justice. He is Justice itself. There is no injustice within Him for Him to experience.

Therefore, it is debilitating to absorb any injustices. Today, this is the way I see it. As for any change,it is difficult to see any change, primarily because God not only does not change, He cannot change.

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Pushing Words to their limit

Communicating Ideas Not Yet Heard

Words are powerful and can inspire the mind that manipulates just as well as another that hears them. But they are crude and slow compared to   

communicating spirits.

Nevertheless, words think for us and can suggest concepts I have not yet been aware, much less understood. After the words of the mind, the spirit can conceivably avoid misunderstandings of the mind as mere tinkling symbols. I can only imagine what lies ahead.