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Anything said once can be said again in a better fashion. Everything said today can be better clarified tomorrow All entries are under constant editing and can be changed or expanded anytime. All views are dated, and are works in progress reflective during the expressed time frame only. This blog emphasizes issues ..., not personalities. Except for the On Line Bible, included for convenience, this site is portal to other Sunset Stroller sites linked below....

God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Thursday, 7 November 2024

The unseen war from my foxhole.....

.....that is going on in my thought as to a longing, a  yearning, for a stronger belief,  a stronger faith. Peter walked on water as Jesus was doing. He believed in his passion of the moment, but when he realized what he was really and actually doing, lost the strength of that belief. 

And that caused him to begin to sink. Jesus then said, with respect to any of the many translations, why did you lose faith? Then Jesus kept Peter from sinking.

Whether the story is true or not, it's very existence proves it is a known projection of the human spirit and therefore a future possibility. As God observed centuries previous, man could do anything he set is mind to. Who knew then that men would walk on the moon!

Was it not reported that God said when He looked down knew that we would do anything we set our mind to? Now it does seem to be true that the planets and other bodies held up suspended in space, generate something we perhaps call  mass. This stronger mass attracts other bodies into the orbit of anything with a lesser mass.

It happens because it is a principle if there is no interference to change it. So I am projecting that there will someday eventually be those whose charisma will attract others into their orbit. 

There will be cultural tensions going on in a more clearly defined struggle then, perhaps of forces being born in what is said to be now as artificial intelligence. The ancients saw lights in the sky. Galileo was not the first to see them thru a glass all going somewhere.

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

God forgave David because.....

....David was honest with God. I received some measure of relief when I realized that. I certainly was ignorantly honest with God. I even told God that I did not care if He existed or not, I did not want anything to do with Him if He was in with those deacons and the minister.

I was a child deciding at the time whether Santa Claus existed or not and when I heard the minister explain that the stories in the Bible were not true and that only the meaning was true, it set me off against pulpit-talk churches. I would hear it all over again when a teacher and other religious leaders, many who often mentioned for the sake of the children.

Even after I studied, with great interest, logic in college, and still was a college educated unbeliever. It never struck me for several years that I had been hooked on the fallacy of the misplaced authority.

I was starting an embarrassing process, feeling I had been a jackass. I was then, am now,  glad that Jesus was a forgiver. 

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Reasons I love everyone....

...even those who differ with me, strengthen me and force me to firmly establish my reasons for everything I am thinking. I wish them the same.    

Saturday, 2 November 2024

In the Foxhole

Dying is as big a mess as being born into this world. I do not like going into something, from where I am familiar, into something else where I have never actually been before.

Time Fools Us All.  I also feel somewhat betrayed by events that transpired so quickly, when I expected they were not only far off, but a long way off.

Things gradually get more unbearably difficult, and even decorated with pain. I know. But many of us still hold on until the organic mind becomes confused, continually remembering and forgetting. I call this being in the foxhole. We cannot tell when it will happen, but it is close. 

Now I will know if what I believed is true and whether I believed it.

Friday, 1 November 2024

There will come a time when we know what happens......

.....but then it may be too late to change matters. I personally think I will get what I truly believe. But nothing of these affairs was I aware at the time they happened to me. I was as well too young to arrive at such understandings.

I was walking home from our church's summer school, which was largely constructed to entertain us. We made ear rings out of fancy buttons. We watched western movies as the stage coach ran entirely over a cliff. But not so entirely the week following. 

It was boring and I was awarded perfect attendance novelties. I can still see it all now perfect in every dimension. Without any prior warning the words came into my awareness, God is Existence.

Existence however was not yet a word I was at all that familiar in any way. I can see still the details of the empty intersection and the names I knew went with the houses. God is Existence? 

Even so, I was not startled or impressed whatever. I forgot about it, but years later I, older,  came across the words in Exodus by random accident. I am that I am. Then, for the first time I realized what existence meant.

God spoke all that existed, that ever existed, or that ever will exist. Just as it is explained in the opening words in the Gospel John. All in unequaled dramatic fashion it reflects power. I love reading it every time.

Thursday, 31 October 2024

Epipanies OR the Transcendal

Any individual's sudden revelation from out of the previously unknown, is generally described as an epiphany. I personally always assumed God would place compelling ideas in peoples hearts. These I would term prophetic or possibly transcendal. 
They could be an experience, but can also be a textual record of that experience. All my sudden revelations were unexpected and spoken, as unheard words known within thoughts. I can give no judgement over what these experiences that overcame me, gave me, particularly at the time of their occurrences. I think, however, they are more common than many would admit. 
       Since often only one person is the source of each one experience, they are ranked I believe, in the category of unidentified flying objects. This would explain the way such occurrences are reflected upon the public. That would be a small risk for me in view of the fact many think I am already a mysterious flying object.😒

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Creation Indicates Prior Considerations

Things, entities, whatever, as a hard and fast rule, cannot up and create without there being a prior thought out consideration process. This means decisions had to have been made with a prior value construction behind it. There is a prominent view that God created the universe to reflect His glory and presence. 

I think He did it for me. He wanted my attention for a reason that would foster within me "attentions" for my good. I further strongly surmise it came from the unseen in order to be seen... again by me. 

It is hard for me to be anything but a sheer individually reflective fountainhead of gratitude in the presence of our universe as I perceive it. And all hung on nothing yet! No real estate whatever? 

God spoke, & there was light

Well, while I am impressed, there are quite a few individuals who ignore the complete presentation as far as they can appreciate it. That was probably their uninvolved decision at any rate. So anyway, that may be their decision but, hand it all, this is mine.

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Word as Symbol

The Bible is a Book

I am of the impression that there are not a few folks who study the Bible with such exactitude they appear to be worshiping the Book as if it itself were a God. I do not worship a book I worship the Trinity itself not as merely a word.

And it is not just a meaning either, it is described repeatedly so repetitiously in John chapter 17 one does not have to go after that one word Trinity, it is described quite well by Jesus in His high priestly prayer as his disciples slept when the hour had come.

Trinity is a Word

How many times and ways did Jesus say over and over about  others believing that God did send Him. I often think about counting the sending verses and the ones who believe in Him are one in Him and He in them. If we are one in Him and He in us Jesus is talking about those already born again into the Spirit. If some one does not relate to one in the Spirit then they must be, it seems to me, worshiping a word. A word that is there in the Spirit is differently understood only by those reborn in the Spirit. 

Monday, 28 October 2024

Anger is a weakness


Anger indicates an irritation which is simply a loss of control, indicating a physical hostility, as well as more importantly, a like wise spiritual psychologic future attack on all the body's decaying functions. 

Space Not Sized

This is why Jesus spoke in favor of loving one's enemies, and those who hates me. This is why grace and forgiveness is the truth. This why Jesus was the first to truly explain God and the power of the unseen.

This is why I am eagerly grateful to Jesus, why I love Him, and why I praise and worship Him. If anyone loves they have access to God. God is all that is Holy. He cannot tolerate any thing other because that is why He exists. 

Saturday, 26 October 2024

Working next week.....

The one entire chapter in the Bible devoted exclusively to the Trinity, and separately, I finally tackle my trials & tribulations in the Epiphanies.

Friday, 25 October 2024

Why does God need praise?

Does God have a low self esteem, that He desires praise and even worship from others? Why the devil would God need praise? 

It would think it may seem that way to anyone who sets themselves on an equal bar with God. For those who think that God does not exist, who better to stand in God shoes?

If anyone does not believe God does not exist I suggest in the mix could easily be that they themselves may not exist in that day as well.

Since they believe one  side of the equation they may find they get the other side locked in for themselves also. To not exist, and know it, sounds to me that one is dipping into a Dante Inferno double hell with no acceptable unseen escape.  Somebody is playing with fire. So what then, I wonder, is the story? Just a tiny tip of a warning, this is simply my story. I don't know anything about any other stories.

Thursday, 17 October 2024

God of the Fantasies or of Faith

I have reasoned previously that if one does not believe in God then they must of a necessity be their own God. Somebody has to be God, there is no way out without evidential information, but at least there is hope. And perhaps, hope could lead to faith?

Therefore, however, if being ones own God is anything other than being only a God of ones own fantasies, what can anyone otherwise say? Where could any kind of hope exist? Did we invent ourselves out of whole cloth? Did we create anything before we even existed? We are without information of any relevance.

It seems to me that without hope we can only fall back on our fantasies. There is no information to support anything but hope starved fantasies. Myself, I could not even make them up. In fact this all comes to us all totally as either fantasies or faith. One can, at the very least, have hope. This is my hope, that I have a God of faith with love and grace, such as the fruits of the Spirit of existence. Otherwise, I wonder what kind of fantasy as being ones own God would be? Originally rather strenuous editing continues, particularly for several days from initial appearance.