......we are complex.
Jesus and the idle world in a word?
I understood Milton Berle rejected a lot of good jokes from his writers simply because they, altho very funny, were too complex.
Comedy depends on the short and the sudden combined with the unexpected. One line comedians, in my mind for instance, from HennyYoungman to Rodney Dangerfield.Jesus seemed to have been opposed to nonsense, all the way from the back forth film scenes of the banana and the whistling stroller. One remembers Laurel and Hardy. Guess it depends on the definition of nonsense?
Then there is the attraction of being frightened. The victim running at tremendous speed to escape the pursuing mummy, one arm taped harmlessly to his chest, and dragging his useless leg laboriously behind him. But he manages to keep up. Only in a nightmare. Why are we so attracted?For Jesus things seemed to be very serious. Can we have mountain moving faith and exist with nonsense?