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Thursday, 26 December 2024

Continuing previous

How We Are All Guilty of Original Sin

Remember the ancient writers who knew when God looked down that God knew man could do anything he set his mind to? That was before man became moon walkers. 

And I wondered sometimes, some years ago now, how an ignorant person... any smart individual can be ignorant at any one time... thus be penalized for not accepting eternal life as against an endless forever dark sleep? I mean, what kind of better odds would anyone want?

Now, again then, we are all saddled with the love of knowledge. We are all compelled with the desire for knowledge. And that was Satan's mistake. He wanted the knowledge of God, since God as God is knowledge itself. 

This would make Satan God. He would be God. And along with ourselves, this means we too are all both guilty of original sin as well, even born into it. Just the same as being born a drug addict, from a mother who is a drug addict. So for myself, I say hello to original sin. Then I say goodbye to original sin since Jesus forgave me on the Cross. That is my story on original sin.

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

All born in sin?

There was a time I could not begin to understand my last entry on love. Did God expect me to love the devil?

Well now that I think on it, maybe it would drive the devil to distraction if he understood that. Then again, this may be just the main part of original sin that us climbing the tree of knowledge, thus getting into some sticky kind of web, enmeshes us. And that perhaps is, why Jesus died on the Cross so that thereby Jesus forgave our sins?

Our wanting knowledge we cannot handle is maybe just how original born in sin, works.  No telling what all the AI jazz is leading us into, as many question.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Protection of Love

Our flesh will not help us....

.....according to Jesus. My take on this is that when evil spirits get ahold of a person they become a slave to that evil spirit, or even those many spirits, that have gained ahold of him.

There is nothing going to help us by hating him, but to reject his evil spirit instead. The vital thing I believe, as Jesus showed the way, is for us to love everyone, especially I would think, those who are taken over by unholy spirits.

This also protects us and isolates us from the evil spirits that actually want us to hate him instead of the spirits, so we can be damaged by becoming provoked into hating him.

We are warring against evil spirits, not the people who have become enslaved to unholy spirits. Our loving everyone protects us from evil. Everything that Jesus commands us to do is designed to protect us and help us become more Christ like. 

This is why I have said previously that anger is to our annoyance and therefore a sign of being hurt and further conformation of one's weakness.

Friday, 20 December 2024

Drawing Closer

Jesus' Love Greater Than Many Realize

Daily reading in the devotional, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young has given me a greater realization of His love that not only has deepened my faith but, I believe, increased my faith.

My instinct has been always one of gratitude and praise, toward Jesus, no matter what. Not only does it feel good to priase and rejoice but my answered prayers have increased since meditating on the devotionals. 

Faith is the power source I believe. And faith taps into love and the ability to truly forgive without any reservations. I think the idea, it seems to me, is to make sure there are no resentments which in turn bogs one down helpless.

All Jesus' commandments are to help and benefit us in my view. And that in the long run, even forever into eternity for all existence and beyond our understanding.

Truly God's ways are not our ways even into all futures of any of our possible conceptions. No one has ever explained such thoughts before. Through it all I do not claim myself to prove anything whatever because God knows that all proofs, were they to exist, would make faith totally unnecessary.

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Short is Best

The Quote Blokes Strike Again

I often remind myself it is easier to write a novel than a short story. And it is easier to write a short story than poem, and it is easier to write a poem like a good quote.

In my lifetime however, the best comedy of all is the one liner of comedy, invented in my life's experience by Henny Youngman.

But I love the wisdom of a good quote. Anyone can see that in all things seen come from the unseen. I don't know how that one got a hold on me, St. Paul?

Far as I know only quote I own is the question, which person is worse off? The one who lies or the one who believes it? 

In the Bible there are a host of great verses, but the best of all is found in my favorite gospel, the Gospel of John, 3:16. 

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Predictions can be correct but....

Predicting is Not Proving

Proof is only true if it meets my personal degree of satisfaction. This is true for everyone, and everyone does not agree with any set one the others. Like planets everyone is in a slightly different orbit or view. Proof is only true proof for those that can accept it from their perspective. Just because something is widely accepted does not mean anything more than a likelihood. You pays your money and you takes your chances. 

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

God loves to be loved....

Why God Loves Praise & Worship

Why God forgives me and all of my sins is because He first loved me on the cross and I believe He wants me to return my love for Him. Remembering He first loved me, I am thankful and full of over flowing gratitude for His existence and the existence He has given me.

I enjoy this for my part and never tire of experiencing Him. Even tho when deep in my former ignorance I always felt that I wanted to be wherever Jesus was in my definition of the future.

The reason for my lack of desire for any in the psychic world is simply because I do not, and never did, trust any spirit in the psychic world. Jesus I knew and I only trusted Him. It is growing everyday I believe.

And I believe more everyday that altho I may not now have enough faith to move a mountain it certainly is my desire to be eventually true. It may not be probable today but it is possible with enough faith.

Monday, 16 December 2024

Awareness of.....

...the Spirit within

I have a mind supported by my body. And I have a spirit which was waiting when I was born, for it to be, in a manner of speaking, to be born again. 

My life is spent from tabla rosa to developing this spirit via my belief and strengthened faith. Jesus, the Christ, sent as a messenger from God as His first and only Son, explained this spirit to the world. 

In ancient times, God placed things, convictions of ideas, in the hearts of the prophets. Jesus was given power for us to become sons, or daughters, of God. This, for me, is my capsulized way I am looking at my embryonic life.

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Tomorrow is another day

Why does God love worship?

....because only the true creator can love, forgive and forget anything not being loved. There are many things that create a sense of love, but then later turns out to be the opposite.

For instance, I do not believe there ever are any accidental overdoses. In many, if not most, pleasure seekers situations turns the final struggle to achieve, not pleasure, but the abs cense of pain.

God not only forgives but ancient writers tell us He forgets altogether. He forgives because He loves, which is why He creates. On the other hand, for believers, worshiping God is ecstatic.

It is an obvious law that to lift anybody up, one has to in the process lift oneself up, as Booker Washington is accordingly quoted.

Love is most powerfully observed when loving the unloved seems impossible. This is so because it is not just beneficial to the one is loved. This is why Jesus, most holy, died for unholy sinners. Tonight this is my hastily offered take, at any rate. God wants us to follow all His commandments about the unloved for our own sake.  

Friday, 13 December 2024

Harder in the nut

I sometimes wonder how small things can get before they disappear. Disappear that is for me. I saw a dust mite once that would clean my clock if I were to meet its' size larger than myself in a dark downstairs staircase.

We think we know the universe is expanding, but it may be it is merely our perception that is expanding. How could I be sure? 

Another thing, how did the earth's crust get so beautiful with the core so molten hot? The know there are theories but the truth of the matter might surprise us all.

My mother used to say from time to time, He made the world out of nothing and hung it in an empty space. Oh well, she probably read it somewhere, what does she know?

How some ever, sometimes the most unbelievable nonsense can make a person wonder after the sun has gone down.

Thursday, 12 December 2024

Time enough for the seen world

This Way to the Egress

There were so many uncountable days already passed before I was born. There will be even more days flicker by in all their darkness and dawn days to come. And all for my wearying wasting flesh of this seen world I cling to so desperately. 

The truth cannot be told by those who know, so said

the a most famous successful stock trader earlier in the century, after he shot himself in a fancy downtown hotel. 

He was talking about pools, but I can see clearly now that it has something to do with my strange perception of time when I framed a summer as forever when I was young and at blink speed now that I am old. 

How can I own anything at this rate? In that blink I can maybe control something, but I owned nothing at my coming out party, and nothing when I am eventually, too soon, am directed to the egress.

My inner instinct, placed there as well in others, cannot help but believe anything once started is not going somewhere yet unseen.