God in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never find God through human brilliance.
As I alluded last post, I can only please God through faith.
Anything said once can be said again in a better fashion. Everything said today can be better clarified tomorrow All entries are under constant editing and can be changed or expanded anytime. All views are dated, and are works in progress reflective during the expressed time frame only. This blog emphasizes issues ..., not personalities. Except for the On Line Bible, included for convenience, this site is portal to other Sunset Stroller sites linked below....
God in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never find God through human brilliance.
As I alluded last post, I can only please God through faith.
It is better to love than to hate. But the difficulty I've had in the past, as many people have, is Jesus loves and is willing to forgive all. This was formerly to me a problem when it came to the devil and anything evil, most especially to the utmost evil.
Yet Jesus actually loves all, and top of things is forgiving all in the bargain. He is love but He knows the laws of love and the laws of His Father, God. He will not and does not hate.
Those who do evil are due payment in kind. Since God is in charge of vengeance, and not me, evil doers reap their own reward themselves unless they repent and ask forgiveness. Forgiveness unless it is against the Holy Ghost.
Hate by itself, does not do good things to our flesh. And this is only a side issue. Even so, hate seems justified against many criminals in their crimes. They are completely consumed by spirits of Satan.
Their acts of choice have been completely taken over by demons. So while they must be contained in that state, I would say, there are some who unwisely actually want to release them to do further damage while still in that state.
To be like Christ, I must do like Him to be like Him. This, however, is a picture of how I deal with this question right now. It is as far as my understanding takes me. Still, my faith carries me where my understanding falters.
God is not existence itself. He fundamentally simply exists. He exists from beyond existence itself, like a verb. A verb generating vibration, and is not anything like an inert subject, such as or similar to, an idol. If I knew the extent of the knowledge required to understand the desire to exist I would be speaking beyond myself like a "rushing wind".
If anyone disbelieved anything about anyone else it would have be to only to the extent of their own belief, or the lack thereof. So even if something entirely unbelievable did happened to anyone else it would have to be very convincing.
Beholding Eye |
I think the entire story turned out too perfectly believable for it to be anything than exactly what it all turned out to be, that is to say, to my view it is, and continues to be so.
Every so often I have the urge to remind myself that I, like everyone else, speak for my own benefit. But I think it is helpful to express my thinking in a more objective form than merely musing or thinking inside my head. The Way to Go
No one can persuade anyone else of anything. Everyone makes their own decision to believe something themselves and they deserve either the credit or discredit themselves alone.
I consider myself as a witness, likely many do. But I still reserve the right to change my mind. As someone said, or given the credit for, in one of those quotes where many different ones are credited with saying, I only explain, it is up to others to understand.
As far as I can see, both literally and spiritually, since in every situation everything is done in the unseen before it appears in the seen, there would be no limit in space and time whatever.
Time can only exist as a duplicative entity. By that I mean time depends on a another outside unrelated orbital reference, which gives time it's singular meaning. So that takes care of everything known to my mind.
As for space it only exists as a perceptive entity. Measurement is the unifying force in the affair of time. In other words, space may only exist as far we can deduce a fence.
As our deductions elaborate further we are faced with the likely illusion that space only expands because we can imagine it as far out as our deductions establish themselves.
The Falcon |
we were listening to another source,
another source, who wanted to be God. It is in my blood, generationally passed on to me to this very day. The diagnosis was evident, starting as early as an investigation of the toes.
The cure is when I trusted the incarnated Jesus and accepted God as the only single way forward, believing all things seen came from the unseen.
This understanding of the existence and power of spirit is born within by the grace of an eternally forgiving God who recognizes the Helper.
Deep in the Foxhole
Failure to trust or even distinguish the spirit waiting to be born within seems to me the major shortcoming of many, from my understanding.
Yet the power motivating everyone is that very spirit. We even resist it, clinging to the flesh even as it withers and trembling, continues to decay into the future until eventually we are, as it is said all dead out of mind.
Many in the flesh remain quite long, until they are alone, surrounded by those who do not remember what they themselves remember. It could be very lonely living too long until we are surrounded, as in a chamber where all familiar sounds echo into a background of hollow silence.
That is, for whatever reason, is what it seems to me. I trust God, who spoke all into existence. I trust Jesus, who explained God, and I trust the Holy Spirit as the Holy Ghost, but what about when I am isolated in the foxhole, what then?
When Jesus spoke to the woman who wanted to be healed, He asked her, do you believe I can do this? She said yes, and notice that Jesus said, then let it be done to you according to your belief. Then too, He often said go and sin no more.
I have questions where, so far, the only answer is trust.
How We Are All Guilty of Original Sin
Remember the ancient writers who knew when God looked down that God knew man could do anything he set his mind to? That was before man became moon walkers.
And I wondered sometimes, some years ago now, how an ignorant person... any smart individual can be ignorant at any one time... thus be penalized for not accepting eternal life as against an endless forever dark sleep? I mean, what kind of better odds would anyone want?
Now, again then, we are all saddled with the love of knowledge. We are all compelled with the desire for knowledge. And that was Satan's mistake. He wanted the knowledge of God, since God as God is knowledge itself.
This would make Satan God. He would be God. And along with ourselves, this means we too are all both guilty of original sin as well, even born into it. Just the same as being born a drug addict, from a mother who is a drug addict. So for myself, I say hello to original sin. Then I say goodbye to original sin since Jesus forgave me on the Cross. That is my story on original sin.
There was a time I could not begin to understand my last entry on love. Did God expect me to love the devil?
Well now that I think on it, maybe it would drive the devil to distraction if he understood that. Then again, this may be just the main part of original sin that us climbing the tree of knowledge, thus getting into some sticky kind of web, enmeshes us. And that perhaps is, why Jesus died on the Cross so that thereby Jesus forgave our sins?
Our wanting knowledge we cannot handle is maybe just how original born in sin, works. No telling what all the AI jazz is leading us into, as many question.
Our flesh will not help us....
.....according to Jesus. My take on this is that when evil spirits get ahold of a person they become a slave to that evil spirit, or even those many spirits, that have gained ahold of him.
There is nothing going to help us by hating him, but to reject his evil spirit instead. The vital thing I believe, as Jesus showed the way, is for us to love everyone, especially I would think, those who are taken over by unholy spirits.
This also protects us and isolates us from the evil spirits that actually want us to hate him instead of the spirits, so we can be damaged by becoming provoked into hating him.
We are warring against evil spirits, not the people who have become enslaved to unholy spirits. Our loving everyone protects us from evil. Everything that Jesus commands us to do is designed to protect us and help us become more Christ like.
This is why I have said previously that anger is to our annoyance and therefore a sign of being hurt and further conformation of one's weakness.