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God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Sunday, 12 January 2025

God hung all the worlds on nothing

Is Time True?

Time is always different. As measured, to us time can only exist in a comparative state. Time cannot stand alone unless it is eternity. Then there is no time except the present tension. 

Time is soon gone...

The point of my interest in time is that when my flesh is in final decay will my belief in the unseen world be  great enough to carry me out of the seen world and into the unseen. One that is, with Jesus, the Trinity, including the Holy Spirit. God knows my spirit and I am counting on the other Helper we were promised, my Paraclete, to speak for me before God. No one has ever seen God. This is my understanding and my belief. That is, that Jesus was given the power to make me a son of God. 

I just want to be where Jesus is. 

Saturday, 11 January 2025

When a Day is a Thousand Years

Time to Die

Ever notice a day can seem like a thousand years? It makes me think of it that way. Isn't that like God's way? When the day ends we lie down and go to sleep. This is when we are as close to death, during the night, when our bodies close way down from the exhaustion of the day.

Then when the final day comes it seems like life was over way too quickly. I think I would feel that way even if I really did live a thousand years.

When it comes time for me to die I am certain it will come too soon. Like Rutger Hauer in Bladerunner, I would think of all those days lost, like tears in the rain. 

Thursday, 9 January 2025

No Matter What

After figuring it all out to my own satisfaction my conclusion is I do not care what argument is presented. I am confident the Christian story, right into the core of every detail, is true. no matter what.

I used to study a great deal in the Chinese tradition which was and are very impressive, but all I am left with today in my memory of it all is that while carrying a pail of water at night the moon is reflected in the water. Get it? The moon is in the pail.

Oh well, then I turned to a somewhat scientific approach and got quite deep into that but abruptly lost interest when a spokesman, was quoted in print about interest in mind over matter. It had to do with a carnival trick of diving into a pail of water, while riding a horse I think it was. 

There was a west coast idea of this view. The current thinking among the youth at the time was anything goes. They joined one of these churches and until they could vote the sedate elders out, taking over the entire shell of the church for themselves.

So it goes, as someone forgotten famous out of mind liked to say. I say the Christian story is in my very certain mind to be very complex and very true. There are no lose ends. What catches my mind is that Jesus died and rose again. But no other religion has ever even tried to duplicate this twist! 

For Sale

Meanwhile Christianity is the most successful religion we have in the crowd. But there are dimming shadows on the red sails in the sunset. Christianity is not the fastest growing. There is another growing faster. I have to say it, reap for the night is growing. 

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

My Favorite Bible Chapter

Caught Up in the Reading

My favorite chapter is in John. I like to read it often and last night it was with electrical emotion. Reading is the only official way I understand to gain faith ... is to read the Bible, and keep reading. 

My favorite verses are in Chapter 17 of John, also my favored Gospel. I read it more often than any other. This is the High Priestly Prayer by Jesus. John 17 is engraved on our family cenotaph.

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

More Action in my Foxhole

All Things Seen 

Came from the Unseen

There is a war going on, without let up in intensity, between this world and the spirit. It is mentioned in Galatians, 2 Chronicles, and elsewhere. These verses are on my favorites list. I have them bookmarked in my print Bibles and in my Kindle.

This world is temporal and the spirit world is eternal. These are the seen worlds and the unseen. If I am on the right track my flesh is decaying day by day while my spirit is growing. Jesus said the flesh would not help me. 

When I was in the womb being born I had no attraction whatever with the information I had at the time. Who needed hunger and cold with the perfect situation I had then? 

Now it is as if I am once again pressing up against a similar series of events taking place. I made my decision. My Granzeemother often reminded everyone, I am told, that everyone should work out their own salvation decisions.

Monday, 6 January 2025

1 Corinthians 1:21

God in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never find God through human brilliance. 

As I alluded  last post, I can only please God through faith. 

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Love and Hate

It is better to love than to hate. But the difficulty I've had in the past, as many people have, is Jesus loves and is willing to forgive all. This was formerly to me a problem when it came to the devil and anything evil, most especially to the utmost evil.

Yet Jesus actually loves all, and top of things is forgiving all in the bargain. He is love but He knows the laws of love and the laws of His Father, God. He will not and does not hate. 

Those who do evil are due payment in kind. Since God is in charge of vengeance, and not me, evil doers reap their own reward themselves unless they repent and ask forgiveness. Forgiveness unless it is against the Holy Ghost. 

Hate by itself, does not do good things to our flesh. And this is only a side issue. Even so, hate seems justified against many criminals in their crimes. They are completely consumed by spirits of Satan.  

Their acts of choice have been completely taken over by demons. So while they must be contained in that state,  I would say, there are some who unwisely actually want to release them to do further damage while still in that state.

To be like Christ, I must do like Him to be like Him. This, however, is a picture of how I deal with this question right now. It is as far as my understanding takes me. Still, my faith carries me where my understanding falters.

Friday, 3 January 2025

The verb vibrates

God is not existence itself. He fundamentally simply exists. He exists from beyond existence itself, like a verb. A verb generating vibration, and is not anything like an inert subject, such as or similar to, an idol. If I knew the extent of the knowledge required to understand the desire to exist I would be speaking beyond myself like a "rushing wind".   

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Questioning belief and faith

If anyone disbelieved anything about anyone else it would have be to only to the extent of their own belief, or the lack thereof. So even if something entirely unbelievable did happened to anyone else it would have to be very convincing. 

Beholding Eye
Indeed quite a bit more convincing than I could ever imagine, that is for Jesus to do what He did if it were not true and instead just the mere meaning were true.

I think the entire story turned out too perfectly believable for it to be anything than exactly what it all turned out to be, that is to say, to my view it is, and continues to be so.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

The rear end of things by the fact itself

I always advise it is not a good policy to at any time take an offense, because if I do I will therefore become ipso facto  an offensive person myself.

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Everyone speaks for their own benefit

Good to Objectify Thoughts

Every so often I have the urge to remind myself that I, like everyone else, speak for my own benefit. But I think it is helpful to express my thinking in a more objective form than merely musing or thinking inside my head. 

The Way to Go 

No one can persuade anyone else of anything. Everyone makes their own decision to believe something themselves and they deserve either the credit or discredit themselves alone.

I consider myself as a witness, likely many do. But I still reserve the right to change my mind. As someone said, or given the credit for, in one of those quotes where many different ones are credited with saying, I only explain, it is up to others to understand.

Monday, 30 December 2024

Oh ye of little & great faith

As far as I can see, both literally and spiritually, since in every situation everything is done in the unseen before it appears in the seen, there would be no limit in space and time whatever.

Time can only exist as a duplicative entity. By that I mean time depends on a another outside unrelated orbital reference, which gives time it's singular meaning. So that takes care of everything known to my mind. 

As for space it only exists as a perceptive entity. Measurement is the unifying force in the affair of time. In other words, space may only exist as far we can deduce a fence. 

As our deductions elaborate further we are faced with the likely illusion that space only expands because we can imagine it as far out as our deductions establish themselves.

The Falcon
Remember too, my proof exists only until my satisfaction restricts itself by my personal faith and belief. This in turn means I cannot escape the requirement of generating either a little or great faith.