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God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Saturday, 31 July 2021

Seeing things as they really are

If it is indeed true that we will see things as they really are in the unseen spiritual world, according I think to Paul, then no one should want to be a judge of themselves. There will never be anyone more harsh than ourselves in judging ourselves.

Friday, 30 July 2021

Time in the seen worlds

Time for Reminiscing?

I am sensitive to time in the seen world because the passage of time is sad. So I am wondering why this was true no matter even if the time passage is happy, like time passing in full view similar to a saga. Why is  it so sad? Does this mean that in the unseen world where eternity time is not passing, where time is the opposite, that the absence of time will be rather an enjoyable constant? Looks like there may be only one way to settle this subject.

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Towers of telepathy silhouetted in the horizon

How many different languages are there in the world?

I appreciate all the feedback. It is amazing to see word of mouth, reflected all over the world. It is fascinating to consider all the languages there are, all spoken out of necessity. Each language suited for different purposes, as Ingrid Bergman described them. One for secrecy etc. It is told that the German is very exact, somewhat scientific, whereas the Hebrew is emotional and therefore, I might say, better remembered. Maybe there is more power for remembrances in emotion than in the exactitude of science.  

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Words and telepathy

Apollos and Paul

I am trying to objectify what I believe so I can be comfortable with what I have chosen to exercise my faith in. Words are powerful, both in speaking and writing. We encourage what we say. and think. We think in words and yet they are still limited symbols we manipulate. Some are more charismatic in the spoken word and others in the written word. 

What will it be like when we each pass into the spirit? Will we communicate similarly via telepathy? I am not settled on this subject but hope to muddle into an understanding at some point. 

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Question without an answer

What is the connection between Jesus comment that someone healed should go and "sin no more?" Jesus said this and I am wondering what He meant. No pastor has ever explained this in my experience. What did He mean? I wonder? Perhaps I can check the commentaries.

Sunday, 25 July 2021

God means well

but He is to blame for everything?

God is often talked about as sort of a king Santa Claus. God does not actually exist himself but while he is not true as an actual god he is true as a meaning is true as if he were god. I am not talking about any atheist views but views coming from the seminaries themselves. 

All my life many have been teaching budding pastors that the stories in the bible are not true. Only the stories' meaning is true. By all my life I am talking specifically about the time I was learning that Santa Claus was not true. I figured from that that the stories in the bible are not true any more than Santa Claus was true. But the meaning was true.

I deal with this subject where people believe in Christ but not His power in Church & Faith at Pulpit Rock. I can remember adults talking about Pulpit Talk as all things believed in pretense for the good of the children. I tell the story behind the title there.  

Friday, 23 July 2021

The most feared judge

Now we see things thru a glass darkly but then face to face.  Who says this? Was it Paul? Very likely. What does this imply? It seems to me that if true, as we have it on good report, it means that in the spirit we will understand in the spirit things only hinted while in the flesh.

The harshest judge

Time fading away

Then we will be able to see things about ourselves and others, what we really are, face to face as it is said. This means we will be able to fully judge ourselves. Who do you think will be the harshest judge of all? Not God, it will be, ourselves of course. I don't know what happens then.

But I believe that in the spirit we will harvest what we planted in the seen. Then, in the spirit, it will come upon us, as believers, according to our belief, a strong sense of well being, an urging of celebration, and an instant clarification along with who knows what favors God has in store for us.

Thursday, 22 July 2021

Going directly to the best fruit

Manna is becoming a favorite because it is drawing me closer to the best passages in the Bible that singularly appeal to me. Some are good candidates for easy memorizing. Many have wide appeal. I put bookmarks for them so I can find them quickly. Sometimes I use colored dots to make them stand out in order to be easily found. I shy away from underlying. If one reads long enough everything will end up underlined. 

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Tremendous battle going on every day

Time only exists n
When I get discouraged I have to fight those negative spirits and I remind myself, as Paul observed, that there is a spiritual battle going on every second between unseen, principalities as he put it in translation, and between the good words of God focused on life, while the devil narrows down to doubt and destruction. The struggle makes me stronger is my hope, which I suppose is the purpose of war, like molecules, atoms and such swarming in a petri dish. 

Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Jonah living in limbo?

If Jonah spent three days and nights in the belly of the whale does that mean he lived in the whale as a reasonable view could never suppose and did not die as Jesus died? Why even compare it to Jesus then, as Jesus Himself did? Maybe I am wrong here but as yet do not see it as logical that Jonah just sat around, without breathable air, not being digested.

Sunday, 18 July 2021

Setting the mind or the spirit

Hearing and saying

 The Bible maintains anyone can gain faith by hearing the word of God. I am not aware of any other method recommended. I believe the purpose behind this is that proof does not please God, only faith. 

In the Bible, one must choose individually that they will believe God, even the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. This is often referred to as making a decision for Christ. If a person has proof, I believe they are deceived logically ot otherwise, because if one has proof God does not want it. If one has mere proof then they do not need all important faith. 

So we believe by hearing but I also suggest we follow up believe by saying. I say this because God in Genesis puts everything into existence by saying. This is often credited, as far as we know for first time, to Moses. All what was formerly memorized was now to be written down on his direction. 

Jesus asks what we say

We might also notice that Jesus often asked on occasion those He healed whether they believed He could heal them. When they responded yes then He said, then let it be done onto you according to your belief. Was this His faith healing them on their confirmed belief? 

So by this I suggest we must say we accept the healing by saying so, healing which was offered and accomplished on the cross. There is no need to persuade God to heal us, it was given on the cross and we must accept it from our faith.. 

So if God speaks then we should speak. And like minded, we should follow Jesus question and answer yes also, since faith is required. 

So then also the atheist view might say, anything is believed when one sets their mind to it. I say set our spirit to it. 

Friday, 16 July 2021

Struggles stretch the spirit stronger

 All my struggles are similar to exercise for my heart. It improves my faith in the struggle. And if I were to chase all my struggles it would include everything right up to, or better perhaps better to say, down to massive war. Our time on this seen world is as brief as a single twinkle in any star in the night, no matter what, when or whatever. 

I believe that if some, better said many, do not believe that, then they will soon find in their own time that time is shorter than ever any one of us can conceive. My greater point is that all the struggles we tangle with are fires attacking our faith emboldening us toward the finish line. My hope is I will be emboldened rather than chased. 

Meanwhile we live on hope, our only reason to continue, in my view. I've found as the older one gets the more easily fear slips into the mix when not expecting it. There is no future in following the flesh into the downside.