Ingrid Bergman is given credit for two good quotes which puts her on my great quotes list. Quotes are notoriously misattributed, and Dale Carnegie is also credited. However, I go by the first time I heard it, and I think this is a greatest quote. I believe it goes like this:
Success is getting what you want, and happiness is wanting what you get.
I wish good success to everyone and hope it turns out all right for them, even though I for the life of me, cannot figure out why anyone would want it. I only hope they will be happy with it. It is only that I do not see how.
The atheist view seems, ground down sure, to be a tough spot to be in, that is if they are correct about there being no existence for God. What if God does not exist? What a pickle I am in! In order to experience no existence, there has to be an existence to experience it.
That means being my being aware there is no existence of God. But to be outside existence and being simultaneous aware of it, indicates a void that does not change. Anything repetitive is prison like boring and guaranteed to drive one crazy, as we presently observe prisoners eventually do in solitary confinement.
Over and over? Reminds me of virtual reincarnation. My spirit will want something new, like an expanding universe I imagine. No one has any hint of all the good things the Spirit of God has waiting for those who are, reborn, in the spirit. There is now, and always will be, something new and that is more Existence. Yes, the universe she is expanding. alright.