The flesh, according to the future, is always fading and cannot help us... this according to Jesus.
Rules of the Portal, for latest elaborations check both columns.
Anything said once can be said again in a better fashion. Everything said today can be better clarified tomorrow All entries are under constant editing and can be changed or expanded anytime. All views are dated, and are works in progress reflective during the expressed time frame only. This blog emphasizes issues ..., not personalities. Except for the On Line Bible, included for convenience, this site is portal to other Sunset Stroller sites linked below....
God is the Spiritual Personification of Exisstence
Monday, 31 July 2023
Thursday, 27 July 2023
Both giving and taking
Everything is taken in faith, including proof, according each to our own perceptions. In short, I will get what I am giving.
Greater knowledge reveals greater ignorance.
Nothing can be proved, except ultimately....that is, to our own satisfaction. New answers reveal new questions, themselves revealing our even greater ignorance, not previously known.
Wednesday, 26 July 2023
Wednesday, 24 May 2023
Finding our destiny
I believe everyone is going to get one day what we really believe we are going to get.
When we find out what that really is, there is an actual undebatable question whether or not we will be happy with our understanding of it.
Tuesday, 16 May 2023
Born Again, Into What?
I am more and more completely convinced we are all going to get what "we believe." And again, I also believe the atheist view is not comfortable believing in "someone" else.If one believes in Jesus, for instance, one has to believe in the Spiritual Existence of God. Then the more we believe in that existence, spiritually, then that is why we would naturally be deeply grateful.
Worshipful even.
Tuesday, 18 April 2023
Friday, 24 March 2023
Too Many Possessions Warps Desire For Heaven
Wednesday, 15 March 2023
Purpose of this Blog
The More to Find, the Longer to Find It
Dealing With Only What We Can See
cuts off an entire category that we cannot see. If we work with the unknown in order to know it, how would we know when we knew everything? Is it even possible to know it all and still contend with it?
Even if we did see it all how would we know when we could see everything clearly? If I knew everything all at once would I be smart, or crazy?
Computers are exactly constructed similar to the human brain to avoid this condition.
Tuesday, 14 March 2023
Those Who Would Be God
Clarence ? Spurgeon(sp) Eighteenth Century writer-preacher is credited with saying, "those who do not believe in God, wish there were no God."
Sunday, 12 March 2023
A Law of God... Reaping What We Sow
The Accuser and the Forgiver
Accusers seek their own destruction, just as forgivers seek and gain, in addition, forgiveness for themselves.