Everything of interest is divided in two before one can define and/or begin understand it. If we can't understand it we at least can define it no matter how inadequately. Politics and other group efforts, such as capitalist endeavors, economics in other words, can be divided in two by the labels of either process or result. If it all confuses or provides negative connotones, then they can call it PR, and if in a sacred setting then participants are inspired toward witnessing and conversion.
Process involves a lot of gossip, particularly in politics and churches. Although politics turn a lot of people off, churches can often provide a highway to atheism.
Virtually every single person who represents himself as an atheist quoted church attendees as the bedrock for their lack of faith in God.
Virtually every single person who represents himself as an atheist quoted church attendees as the bedrock for their lack of faith in God.
This belief channel is a fallacy in logic I generally call misplaced authority.
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