
Rules of the Portal, for latest elaborations check both columns.

Anything said once can be said again in a better fashion. Everything said today can be better clarified tomorrow All entries are under constant editing and can be changed or expanded anytime. All views are dated, and are works in progress reflective during the expressed time frame only. This blog emphasizes issues ..., not personalities. Except for the On Line Bible, included for convenience, this site is portal to other Sunset Stroller sites linked below....

God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
For updates in sites linked above,
see links in left column below.

Thursday, 31 December 2020

Unbelievable but believable anyway....

 Many find ancient accounts unbelievable yet while they may be, they could have easily happened anyway. Upcoming, the Red Sea parting will be explored to discover possible causal scenarios. 

Monday, 28 December 2020

Our future is becoming aware.... 

As it was in the womb it will be in this womb also until we are released into the unseen mystery of our future faith. 

The future changes our appearance until we complete the circle and finish out the course perfected by our chosen faith. Each day begins with the light slowly growing dark. 

Then we dream. Each day is a life that is lived and exhausted as we enter the next dark to dream what we constructed unbeknownst in the light. Each decision we make in the present faces us with new series of narrower decisions in the future we can only hope will be favorable in any future finality.

Sunday, 27 December 2020

Going to college is like 
being in your Mother's ðŸ˜Šarms

From out of the heart the mouth speaks....

Whatever I say and speak, especially with passion, comes from within my spirit and that then is what I am becoming. My spirit speaks for me even I project either positive or negative predictions. In speaking of others I am speaking from myself,

ultimately speaking of myself. We all speak for our own benefit and take on the spiritual blessings or destructions we all project upon others. All words come from and grow from within our "hearts". Just my view. 

Why I believed it from the third or fourth grade I can't say, but on reflection as I speak, maybe it is because I thought I am going to be judged the same way I judge others? That just came to me which is why objectifying something by writing it down can give one ideas, even if they are obvious. 

The way it came to me originally was just that what someone else says about me has no direction over me, so why should I think anything about it? Now I am starting to become far afield because would I not have to give them permission to do it? Oh well, another tangled web I am weaving?. 

God is Existence


Monday, 21 December 2020

 “Smart people learn from everything and everyone. Average people from their experiences. Stupid people already have all the answers.”  Socrates

The utopian dreaming....

 “Life is full of questions. Idiots are full of answers.” – Socrates

Friday, 11 December 2020

Pulpit Rock in the making

 See this date's, November 15, 2020 entry in Church and Faith at Pulpit Rock for the origin of that blog. The ancient writers urged us to worship together, and they did in small separate groups in their homes. Much later they built incredibly elaborate, large, actually astounding buildings that are a marvel to this day. As many

did not read, the churches were full of the most beautiful stained glass windows, life sized carvings and, all breath takingly domed, depicted in vast churches which served to communicate the story of worship to the non-reading public. 

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Oldest Book among oldest books.....

All in 

Bible books are the oldest books, and one book among them is the oldest book among the oldest books in the Bible. In the book of Job, he says of his troubles though He slay me yet will I hope in Him (Job 13:15).I call this one of my "no matter what" verses. This is one of those verses where I draw my fullest faith, where I am all in.

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Definition of art

Now it is timely to mention the definition of art.  Art is not what is happening, it is the way it is happening.  

One could write a bandstand of stuff about this but what I have written is all there is to it. Anything more is pure pontification, which I can be just as good at as anyone else. But it is still just simply like it is on my Benny Goodman 78 entitled,  It's not whatcha do, it's the way thatcha do it. 

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

The Trinity is One Spirit

We are all as One Spirit

There are three in the Trinity but they are as one, just as we as believers are one with God. In John 17 Jesus stressed the fact that He and God were as One and that we were as One with Him and God together as One. As One is stressed as several points are repeated more than once several times throughout John 17, known as the Holy Prayer. Read it again and notice how often points, apparently

important points, are repeated, like "One". This is all about the Spirit, One Spirit. 
There are psychedelic, and mushrooms etc., that may provide the hallucinations of oneness, but they are originated and drug induced within the body, rather than within the spirit.  

Monday, 30 November 2020

God cannot act against His nature

The Holy Spirit of God is a person

All principles are personable as they enter the seen world from the unseen. Any principle, such as even those affecting the weather for instance,  exists by itself ultimately coming from a source. The weather also has an origin conceived of by a person, probably to clean and renew the planet. All principles therefore begin in the spirit, overall in the Holy Spirit of God.

Blue Sun Bursting
(see far below)

Just as God speaks existence, by choice, that is all good, we have the choice to turn anything into evil. God cannot create or allow evil, or even have evil in His presence, because He is not only on the same plane, it would be against His nature. On the other hand, if God did not give us choices along with our existence, we could not exist as persons. It is through men that evil enters the world, egged along and further empowered by the evil spirits.

 I am tempted to say, forgive me, as far as evil and suffering is concerned, the bell tolls for us.

Sunday, 29 November 2020

Ultimate proof of God?

Proof weakens faith

Nothing is ultimately proved in this world of the seen primarily because it is based on change. There are a host of books written specifically to prove the existence of God. They say this in their titles. They say this even though it says in the Bible we can only please God through belief. Why does it say that? I would say it is because if we can prove God exists then there is no purpose or power in faith. 

The Power is in Belief
If you accept actual proof then you wipe out completely any need to believe. Firstly, we ultimately can not prove anything with certainty, we can only prove to our own personal satisfaction. Secondly, the single presence of constant change in the seen world precludes all proof accompanied by certainty. Proof then is merely a stumbling block to faith, which is the purpose of proof. It is stumbling block to our belief principally, one might say. by doubt brought into the personal picture by the devil. All thought, even in the physical sciences, depends on faith, on the personal power to believe. 

Saturday, 28 November 2020

An Epiphany face to face

God Places Ideas in Our Hearts

Once one experiences an epiphany it is hard to in anyway debate or over rule it any respect. It was not a logical process on my part but was something simply put within my heart as a natural established fact. 

I have no way of knowing this, but I strongly suspect others have had similar revelatory experiences. I am thinking now of Moses speaking with God, asking Him who shall he say sent him? That is to say, who gives him, Moses, the authority to tell all this present experience with God to the people?  Why should they take his word for it? 

This is when God defined Himself, saying I am that I am. I can't help suspect Moses, my view anyway, experienced an epiphany. This is why I trust Moses' account of who God is and accept it as the earliest definition, which makes it the first definition of God, given by God Himself. 

But when I Googled a definition of God the answer returned to me was that He was a Supreme Being. No mention of God indicating that He exists. Also, such questions were presented as who invented God and other similar perspectives. I noticed they all relied on the conscious definitions of men rather than speaking of God's own definition as reported by Moses. Later.....

Friday, 27 November 2020

Persistent prayers

Faith Forever Never Ending

Healing, one of the central benefits of the Cross along with the forgiveness of sins, is pressing into my thoughts now amid current wide spread concerns. Since Jesus has already

Beware Uncertainty
healed us by His stripes on the Cross, it remains only for us to believe it and believe that He can do it. This seems correct to me but if there is any doubt in it then, of course it likely would  not happen. There is a healing prayer in Manna permanently located in that first page's left hand column. I approach healing attempting to follow the way Jesus instructed by example.  Acceptance of a healing and permanent belief are the persistent bedrock in healing prayers.(See also Monday, 23 November 2020 in Manna.)

Friday, 20 November 2020

God is Existence

"Basically, when God told Moses “I AM WHO I AM,” he was giving the translation of what Yahweh means (Exodus 3:13-14). “I AM WHO I AM” is Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh in Hebrew. He was saying in effect, 

My name is the fact that I exist.

Now, isn’t that a perfectly fitting name for the Almighty?"


Sunday, 15 November 2020

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

What a conception!

Try this link to see our Milky Way and the location of our sun as  Our Star in the Milky Way  Run your cursor over image to see where  the earth fits into the galaxy, which is only one of an infinite number of uncountable other galaxies. The unimaginable number of delicate conditions that support us are too far unfathomable for me to conceive. Hard to avoid, I can only certainly conclude, the acknowledgement of a greater conceiver than myself is in the mix.  Left double click to even further "increase" the size of the image.

Monday, 9 November 2020

Vibration question

What is the story with vibration, or waves, that appear to be so central to theories of physical science.?  

From Google: Everything in the  universe is constantly in motion, vibrating. Even objects that appear to be stationary are in fact vibrating, oscillating, resonating, at various frequencies. 

So it seems similar to the heart, and its' in-voluntary beating. Now where did those rhythms come from?

Saturday, 31 October 2020

Fiction is Future

More than a few science fiction stories, considered outlandish when written, are where future physical science ideas were born. The first science fiction story, the very first science fiction story, told about going to the moon appeared from the unseen in the mid 1600s. 
It was written as an amusement by Cyrano de Bergerac and he was credited by Arthur C. Clarke for using the first idea for a ramjet engine. This is how the unknown unseen morphs into the recognizable seen. 
     Once  existing still everything keeps changing. The jet into, very possibly in  my view, into unlimited electro magnetic energy drawn from the mass of the planet itself.  After that? Do not under estimate Scotty. Everyone's imagination is as wild as anyone else's. (See Today's Photo)

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Perception and Permanence

Time may be entirely perception. Watched pots do not boil. Hold your hand over the fire. Waking up after falling into a deep sleep. We are all going to die, but not right now. Time is distant

between fifteen and 15 1/2. Don't trust anyone over thirty. What happened to forty? Time only exists in a comparative state which means it cannot exist in a individual relationship. 

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Cheaper and safer....

 Why should we go to Mars? We can send automatic machines to report back via videos and make tests while sending the results back to earth. Here we sit in relative safety, no threats to our health, no complications relating to bodily functions. Cheaper and safer, and even quicker,
like I said.

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Arthur Koestler

    "True creativity often starts where language ends." 

Sunday Photo for Today leads us into "dark holes".

Saturday, 24 October 2020

A great mystery lies ahead.....

Further from Far

Many writing their headstones, I have seen more often of late, is their amazement life is over so quickly. A doctor told me a long time ago that if I did not lower my blood pressure, I would have a stroke or a heart   attack within four years. I asked, "What if I control it?" He told me in that event, I could live ten years before I had a stroke or heart attack. He was 40, but  a short ten years to me was merely one little decade. I have to labor to remember any of them. He, on the other hand, obviously thought ten years was a long time. 

At least fifteen years now, and no strokes or heart attacks yet. My advice to all doctors is to not make any predictions, because everyone only remembers the ones that are wrong. I, on the other hand, perhaps should not have even mentioned this at all. One never can tell when a superstition will rear its ugly head.

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Power of Optimism in the Future Mystery

Click the photo Enlarge
It is better to be as optimistic as  one can over the long haul. This applies, in my view, to virtually every human endeavor we can think  of, especially in the stock market as well as the  general pursuit of happiness in this life. The   future beyond us holds great promise if we think about it. Think how the universe is opening up to our understanding, and even just technically, to our view. There is more to everything than those behind us ever could imagine unless they trusted existence, the fountainhead spirit of existence, God.

Friday, 16 October 2020

If one takes it then they've got it!

 It is good to remind myself occasionally that if I understood all  it would be easy to forgive all. It is good to forgive. It benefits the forgiver rather than the forgiven. I try to be geared up for the

See farthest below for credit.
positive. Any benefit to the forgiven is entirely up to the forgiven. It is their acceptance. Only the forgiven can be in charge of acceptance. In any case, it is never profitable to take an offense. Only offensive people take offenses, who else would accept offenses except an offensive person?

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

One Plus One Equals One

 I have a respectful attitude when looking back at the ancients. It is doubtful extra terrestrials are so much smarter and I also find it very iffy that even if they are, they would be benevolent. I say this because groups see each other as anything other than suspiciously competitive, even if benevolent. If the present day intellectuals cannot figure out how the Romans could build the Coliseum without electricity they should assume the more likely course and ignore the pop concept of extra terrestrials.

"Electricity" by the way no one today knows that much about it except what they can see in front of them. After a time, by accident, it was discovered how the Romans did do it after all. The builder left behind a picture relief in a book, found in a Londinium library abandoned in the 5th century.  So they did it by themselves? And the ancients did it without pyramids in the background. Even the Red Sea parting has an very logical explanation. And cities did suddenly disappear into the sea. Even myself, I suspected my own grandfather was wrong about our family history when he was in fact right, and I could go on, only extreme embarrassment slows me to a pause. So where am I going?

Before writing was established the thinking today is that knowledge was past down by word of mouth, memorized. God looked down and observed that man could do anything he had a mind to do. Since there were no rockets to the sky, "we" were building buildings to the sky instead, no so different than today.. They were intricate even then and a marvel having to do with, I believe, water dispensed by gravity, altho I don't see how. But who would believe this story? This justified the different languages. Is that all it did? Not so wild an idea, this business of building into the sky. How about a man walking on the moon? Some today do not believe such a stunt. So this contrasted idea came to me and I find it fascinating and leading to possible further reliable revelations from the Great Predictor.  (More coming in the Specific Theory.)

Saturday, 3 October 2020

Pay less attention to what is said....*

....and greater attention to the motive. Everyone speaks for their own benefit.  One more thing we should all know already. In my case it is true and said so I don't forget it. (It's an age thing.)

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

We become what we believe.....

We are going to get whatever much we put our faith in. If someone insults us or offends, I would try not to accept it or I would become an offensive person myself. I mean if I get offended then I got offended. So I am offended which makes me therefore offensive. I try to not let anything like that stick it to me.

Friday, 18 September 2020

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Definition of knowledge....

 Knowledge is information known and not yet known. There is no way to know how much knowledge is yet to be known except to laboriously discover new previously unknown knowledge. A problem arises when we do answer a question only to find in the answer several previously unknown questions. The result of this gaining of knowledge is to repeatedly realize we are more ignorant than we had earlier realized.  

Without all the information of relevant knowledge we are all unable to reach a conclusion whether or not there is a God simply because one would be making a decision without all the knowledge necessary to do so. 

Secondarily, and separately, it is impossible to prove a negative which is to say there is no God. The only avenue left is to plead ignorance. The chilling problem for the agnostic is that he has unknown, as well as seriously limited time available to make a definitive decision.  In my experience anyone leaning toward agnosticism always finds eventually the hammer comes down on atheism. 

We are then subsequently all forced to realize we can only decide using faith. 

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

The seen world changes but....

 ...the unseen world does not since the spirit provides the power that directs the change in the seen.  My understanding  is that some physical scientists are wondering why the objects in the outer galaxy rings are not circling in the expected ways. Their understandings are that there is "something" invisible (unseen) effecting this change. Enter the unseen world of dark holes, dark energy, and dark matter.  Later...see Specific Theory of Existence link in side column. 

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Definition of intelligence....... when one gets the results they predicted. If this is true then what happens if one predicts there is nothing after this life? It may instead be true a person gets whatever they predict if they really believe it. For oblivion to exist the spirit will recognize it as outside existence. This, I predict, is a definition of hell. 

What then about solitary confinement? We already know what that does to anyone.

Sunday, 16 August 2020

All things seen came from the unseen

 As we look not to the things that are seen, but to the things that are unseen, for  the things that are seen are transient, the things that are unseen are eternal. 2 Cor: 4:18 Manna

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

No need for proof...

I've been guilty much of the time of proving  difficult passages possible and true to my satisfaction. This, I now tend to conclude, undercuts the need for faith, at least to some degree. 

I  can only please God thru faith. So how can I build faith proving it is easy to believe?  Back to the drawing board?  Proof takes place in physical time , the power of belief originates in the unseen as opposed to the seen.   

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Sunday, 9 August 2020


 I cannot win unless I buy a ticket. No mather what happens I have to keep the percentages with me. Since my definition  of intelligence is the aability to predict the future and since I know so little of what is yet to be known compared to what I know., therefore I am forced to employ faith to make any decision in predicting my future. 

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Sin slips in where egos fear to tread

 When I was a Christian, the first time as a child, well before my seven year descent into aethism,   I used to ask questions often. But this roused so much hostility and frowns, I soon learned to stifle the urge, concluding eventually not to bother. They did not know the answer  either. 

There rose up a lot of questions I am dealing to this day.  The first one was upon learning they did not want Jesus to heal on "Sunday" not to believe it whatsoever. But I soon emerged myself into their point of view and saw how they could lock themselves in by letting a simple rule rise above  itself to overtake a greater function.  Later.....

Monday, 3 August 2020

Never take offense..

Those who take offense are offensive, by reason of having taking it, because only offensive people take offense. 

Sunday, 2 August 2020

Sin slips in where egos fear ro tread

Struggling with all the new great changes going on in the bsckground.  Excuses sound so defensive!  And then to humiliate us all, time fools everyone of us even as we speak. ......later... 

Saturday, 1 August 2020

The Trinity talked in the beginning....

Many readers favor the book of John, I as well. "In the beginning was the Word..." Now right away I have a question about this "beginning" issue.  We know the Word refers to Jesus. So He, Jesus the Son,  is the beginning with God. But God, I am convinced, "is" is without beginning or end. As is eternity, without time, or outside time. It is just as awkward  describing no time as it is time itself. These first five verses are deep and pure poetry.  It sounds good even to the ear alone. God created "us" like Himself , the Holy Spirit, and Jesus. There , we have the Trinity. 

Friday, 31 July 2020

I do not lean on the arm of flesh

Our bodies waste away according to what is seen . The seen changes and is temporal but the unseen is eternal. So I set my course on the eternal. See Manna today.

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Favorite quotes.....

HAve not run across any good quotes lately but like to recall favorites. B. Shaw  sent Churchill two tickets  to the opening night oft  his new play saying, bring a friend, if you hsve one. To which Churchill ssid,  Can't  be at the opening night,  but will be there the second night, if there is one. 

Monday, 27 July 2020

Physicists w,ho see only the physical...

I am starting to wonder, now we've decided space is not all that empty, but is rather full, if not there is any expanding universe at all. In other words space is infinite to the extent it does not exist except in the physical mind of the physicalists. We are living in the mind of God who gave us the freedom to conceptualize our own existence. If one does not have the faith nor the presence for it then the lighter weights will fall into the orbit of charismatics with greater mass.

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Which one is worse off?

Which man is worse off? The one who tells a lie or the one who believes it? I know my answer. But your answer wold tell me a lot about you. This my favorite quote because it is mine. It is not because I don't know the answer. I don't know your answer. Your answer is not correct anymore than mine is. Short answers are hard. Long answers are easier to hide our ignorance in.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Foremost reason to define.... to arrive to a totally clear conclusion of what I can believe in full faith in my own reason. It surprises me how understanding God makes me appreciate and love existing so much. From one idea comes many, which hints of many more. I believe God places the central ideas reflecting Himself in our hearts. We are drawn, or we are not. Jesus said not all sheep are of His pasture.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Reason to define terms....

If we do not define our terms how does anyone know what we are talking about, not that many pay much attention. The way I start is by dividing the observable facts surrounding the definition against two extremes. As an example everyone can be placed somewhere along a continuum  from one side to the other with one extreme being "the" group and the other being "the" individual. In this way........

Monday, 20 July 2020

Everyone is exclusively on faith....

......because no one has anywhere near enough information or knowledge to make any where near a serious decision. So we are all dealing with faith. Only, some have more than others. The more one knows, the more respect they have for what they do not know. Everything said here is exclusively said for the benefit of the poster and persuasion only of the poster. It is assumed here that everyone speaks for their own benefit in order to persuade themselves.

Sunday, 19 July 2020

Finding atheism undefinably boring....

I finally became an avowed atheist as result of falling for a fallacy in logic as so many continue to do today as well. Every single person, it seems to me, base their unbelief on their experience in churches and their lack of a definition of God in the second place. Eventually I found atheism boring, predictable, and  constantly reactionary. After all how does one satisfy a negative? I found atheism fundamentally illogical. I always check the premise as well as the definition.

Saturday, 18 July 2020

Issues more important than physics......... my view are those abstract questions we have unseen hints of but no clear physical inert forces that are easily explained by  the unseen in physics and the seen of the physical.

Since emotion generates evidence we do have, I myself steer away from mentioning personalities since reference to one single person could embrace several different issues without any reference to the effort at hand.

It is tempting to bring an individual into discussion as an example illustrating a specific topic but very interesting participants can easily make the error assuming an example is somewhat of a proof. So there are pitfalls sliding us away from the abstractions at hand.

Friday, 17 July 2020

Best time to read....

....the Bible can be a problem for those interested in the transcendant. The morning is often mentioned, but I've not found myself very alert too early. But things lend themselves better when a regular schedule can be found. Time always enters the the picture in the end. Hopefully it will not be when I am out of the picture. I'll be stuck with myself then.

Thursday, 16 July 2020

Will quotable quotes change?

I've noticed recently that many quotes all from the perspective of the past reflecting the importance of the individual. Maybe that is why I like them so much. 

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Churches can really try your faith....

I cannot think of a more important reason to attend churches other than to increase our faith. In my experience atheists stream out of churches from the age of fourteen.

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Monday, 13 July 2020

Life like a dream.....

Long stories are sad, like a saga where time shows you changes that lose the "present" where true happiness has the only chance to survive.

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Faith comes thru saying......

I take this cue from God who spake the world into existence. He said it and it was so. We have to believe things that are not as though they were. If one can relate to the existence of spirit they can understand the physical that is seen as coming from the unseen. All things seen came from the unseen. This places the physical world under time and it is subject to change, on it's appointed course. There are many spirits but only one Holy Spirit. More in God is Existence. 

Saturday, 11 July 2020

How you get faith...........

And, how do we get enough faith? Enough faith comes with success. This brings Billie Holiday into the mix as she is quoted as recalling someone's comment that we'll never know how much is enough until we have too much.

The ancient writers only indicate one way as far as I can determine.. Read and reread until  faith is within us.  Faith is unlimited and persists forever but not always believers..

A preacher once told me that if we pray for two men and only one is healed that God changed His mind. First the preacher quit believing under his own time restrictions and then blamed his own decision on God.  He changed his mind, God didn't. As always, more later.....

Friday, 10 July 2020


I am writing for understanding and clarification. I am figuring ideas out to see what I can come up with on the fly. It would not be the first time discoveries came from mistskes. This would be possible because God spoke through design.

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Definiton of definimg, why?

I define everything for myself, tthat is my procedure. Let any others define for everyone but I'll do it for myself. Many haven't even defined God for themselves and that even in a debate.  I think it unprofitable to think too much about what is wrong. It can get tangled up too easily with what's right.  I think for myself.  Tkinking for anyone else would make me a reactionary. I think that , we might say.

Saturday, 4 July 2020

Thursday, 2 July 2020

We'll never have all the facts so we must rely on faith.....

Based solely on the knowledge we had in the womb before being born who would want to trade the perfect environment, water, where everything is automatically taken care of for us? What will happen if we are kicked out of the garden of Eden? We will be hung upside down by our heels, wacked on our ass unexpectedly, get periodically cold, hungry, and pay taxes. Not a good deal based solely on the knowledge we had to go on at the time. So it was good to be born and I believe even better when the "arm of flesh" fails us, as it surely will.

Definition of faith....

Faith is believing those things that are not as though they were.

Monday, 29 June 2020

Looking back is true sadness...

The past is pure sadness no matter whether it is happy or not. Any story that covers too much time will gradually cover itself with some sense of loss when you realize it all over especially when it was a bad event. Our spirit longs for eternity.

Sunday, 28 June 2020

When health was treasured.....

When I was young money was for fun and health was not treasured.  When I was old,  money was too late for fun or health.