
Rules of the Portal, for latest elaborations check both columns.

Anything said once can be said again in a better fashion. Everything said today can be better clarified tomorrow All entries are under constant editing and can be changed or expanded anytime. All views are dated, and are works in progress reflective during the expressed time frame only. This blog emphasizes issues ..., not personalities. Except for the On Line Bible, included for convenience, this site is portal to other Sunset Stroller sites linked below....

God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
For updates in sites linked above,
see links in left column below.

Wednesday, 28 December 2022

No One has seen God

 So What Does God Look Like?

The hearts of the ancients have been told that no one has seen God. We've even been told God is plural and is referred to as more than one. This explains the Trinity as in John 17.

 Jesus said even He does not know when the end time will come. Despite this many have pushed themselves forward predicting the exact arrival of the end.

Every one of these others were all wrong so far, and thus, being wrong, revealed themselves as false prophets.

What we do know, despite never seeing God, is that we actually know what He looks like. 

He looks like us. 

Wednesday, 21 December 2022

The Making of Decisions

I am Me and Everyone else is Them

I can still hear the words as if they were said yesterday. Just the words, where I heard them along the road from my first grade school. Don't you realize I am calling your mother a dog?

"So what?" I said within a blink. Whatever you say has no control over me or my mother. I took it somewhat curious he should think so. 

Later I figured he must be thinking his disrespect carried some weight beyond himself. What can I do with someone's respect? What can I do if he goes off and speaks to someone when I am not around? I cannot constantly control whatever everyone says even if I wanted. 

Then I would become responsible for them 24/7? Not me! I am my own self, not anyone else. I wonder if we are born individually or collectively, or perhaps we make that decision as children and subsequently forget it? 

Anyway, I am stuck with my decision. And I love my existence and the source of that existence no matter what.

Friday, 9 December 2022

Monday, 5 December 2022

The readable Bible

Underlining the Bible

Many people, I judge, carry Bibles, dog-eared, underlined, circled and commented about in the margins, for whatever reason I will not judge, to possibly make it appear they are devoted re-readers of the Word. 

I could never do it.   I used sticking, colored transparent bookmarks of various colors. Green tipped for strong verses for remembrance, gold to highlight the very most vital verses of all. I also used colored round dots to catch my eye for my favorite verses, etc. 

Once a pastor asked to see my Bible, that I had with me. He studied it, I thought, obviously looking to see how dog-eared it was.

If you read it all, often marking it up, it is not long before everything is underlined and nothing is highlighted, or even recalled, in my view. 

In any event, I respect my Bible, most especially my reading Bibles, and said nothing. Neither did he.

Thursday, 1 December 2022

true love

 Chap sez to me, good chap, sez God loves me, and he (himself) loves me, but there is nothing I can do about it. 

When I will rest easy is when he can't do anything about it!

Monday, 21 November 2022

Why there has to be God

One With God

God has to exist whether one believes in any God or not. If someone does not believe there is a God, then they will have to be their own God.

The mind directs the body and grows old with the body. But if there is no spirit born in the body then without any spirit there is only an eternally uncomfortable sense of life stuck in a body without fruit. Knowledge of existence is not a spirit of existence. 

Being Like Jesus

Everyone already believes God is a Spirit. Believers distinguish God as the Holy Spirit. Since we were created, and that not by ourselves, we take on the personages of the creator. Jesus explains this in John 17. Elsewhere Jesus asks, do we not call ourselves all Gods? Baptist friends call it "little Gods" since they do not see Jesus' view the same way. Jesus, it is remembered, said we would do greater things than He. Those, that is, those of "great faith."

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

God's Laws Are for Our Own Benefit

Every single one of God's laws cannot be broken without eventual dire results. And Jesus' commandants, if not obeyed He said, means a person does not love Him. It is best to go with God. God and Existence is the place to be. 

Monday, 14 November 2022

Revenge Comes from God

God Cannot 
Negate Himself 

Revenge coming from myself is a sign of weakness. From God it is a sign of strength. It is from God that the rules of existence come. Outside of existence is a negative experience. I cannot accept any offense without becoming offensive, as a recipient myself.

Revenge does not come from God, it is rather the absence of God, who is Existence. Without existence, as a positive force, one does not exist. It consumes itself within any agreements with the negative. God is not an arbiter of justice. He is Justice itself. There is no injustice within Him for Him to experience.

Therefore, it is debilitating to absorb any injustices. Today, this is the way I see it. As for any change,it is difficult to see any change, primarily because God not only does not change, He cannot change.

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Pushing Words to their limit

Communicating Ideas Not Yet Heard

Words are powerful and can inspire the mind that manipulates just as well as another that hears them. But they are crude and slow compared to   

communicating spirits.

Nevertheless, words think for us and can suggest concepts I have not yet been aware, much less understood. After the words of the mind, the spirit can conceivably avoid misunderstandings of the mind as mere tinkling symbols. I can only imagine what lies ahead.

Monday, 7 November 2022

My Future Stands on Great Belief

The Road Less Travelled 
That Critical Moment
When the Foxhole Comes

Blogs are written forward and read backward. There is some handicap there, but it is certainly not for the blogger unless he too listens to the present as the reader is forced to do. I make quite an issue of the time of reflection misleading the time of prediction because of it. 

I seem to be made aware many things I've carved into this memory which have been runover by the change in my thinking. That is why I point out that this what I believe in this moment of conception only. Who knows what will transpire, since?  

Monday, 31 October 2022

Struggles in Time

Time passes, and no matter how wonderful it was in remembrance or how sad once past, time is intensely sad upon reflection.

It gives me pause to wonder about my spirit embedded within eternity. How would I know any time passed in eternity?

To face the truth, I have changed over and over already. Within the different stages of my life so far, I have changed my appearance to such an extent many would come to not recognize me, much like others as well. One thing is certain, it may not be enough time for my satisfaction, to work out my present-day salvation, my greatest belief.

Saturday, 29 October 2022

Is there a God?

All Things Seen Come from the Unseen

No one knows anywhere nearly enough to make a rational negative decision on any question. The more answers to questions we work out contain even more questions. Knowledge of our ignorance grows. If one makes a decision there is no God anyway then they are forced into the unnatural position of having faith in themselves, as being their own God.

Friday, 28 October 2022

The Old are Not Always Old

One Never Knows When the Blow May Fall

The flesh will not help us Jesus said. Everyone was born with no concept of time. From then on time has fooled us all, even to this very moment. 

From birth time will get shorter and shorter. Soon we won't trust anyone over thirty and as we enter our power years, from 40 to 60, we will know for sure time in our plateau years entitled us to instruct the young and the humor the old. We will agree with the old and then do what we want, the only correct choice, for them to make whether they like it or not. 😇

Thursday, 27 October 2022

The Halo Effect

The Light Behind a Mystery

Electricity is something else no one fully understands. It is there functioning even in our bodies, and it works alright, but beyond any of that there is a bit of a mystery lurking in the shadows.  

I am stalled today as I speak, wondering how come ancient artists knew to paint haloes around people's heads as a signal of spirituality? The light from the sun behind the moon creates a halo, so there is the appearance connection. One cannot do much with only that alone however.

Everything is tangled in a mystery when it comes right down to it.

Friday, 21 October 2022

Trinity Realizing God is Existence

Understanding Imagination 

Grasping the concept of the Trinity in Christianity is not easy for many because they can only think in terms of the seen. If they cannot see it, then is does not exist because the spirit is not real to them.

Failure to see the unseen singularly clouds the spirit for some, until the concept of black holes came on the scene. There was a time when some allied with physical science ridiculed the unseen as a science fiction fairy tale. Then, visualizing the seen effect of the unseen wind could have just as easily accomplished the same concept as projecting the unseen orbital cause of a seen heavenly object nearby. 

Now they were using the unseen to justify the previously unexplained seen. So, the fairy tale was true, as the truth emerged from the unseen. I suppose one could say, as ships disappeared into the horizon, that they fell off the edge of world onto another flat plane. Since, of course, many flat places can be connected spherically.

One must use the imagination to understand the unimagined. Intelligence comes from the imagination as I think they quote Einstein.

Thursday, 20 October 2022

Trillions Here Trillions There

All Things Physical Not Yet Understood 

Everything physical is seen and must appear, I should think, so that it can be examined, because it is our nature to explain how it got there, for example. Why is it our nature to explain everything? How did that get in the mix? Explaining concepts we do not yet completely understand, since we do not yet have all the facts we do have settled among us, to enable us to draw such vast conclusions so soon.  

It is amazing to comprehend how far we can extend time in our consciousness based simply on the time it takes our little planet to orbit a not that large, sun. People juggle trillions of light years as if it were the national debt. It is hard to see how much is yet to be figured out since so many speak as if they know it already, and can make perceptions without the most primitive time machine to aid them. 

If size constraints are nowhere near known, what can entities who are conscious so short a time by comparison, draw reasonable facts from so tiny a time zone as the speed of light.  Overhearing talk of the big bing makes me feel older than their myths of their ancient of days. 

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Faces Multiply Thru Life

In Life We Continually Change

Only to Yearn for Eternity

Time is very liquid and is filtered entirely through perception were it not for the flesh which rises and then fades into extinction. Everything built, within seen world time, changes constantly and finally disappear, even to representations frozen in still pictures moving. Everyone is different it seems and is almost incognizable from one time to another.  This is a logical fact giving rise to the confirmation of God, even as change eventually disappears. Everything seen comes from the unseen. 

Monday, 17 October 2022

The End Began in the Beginning

 Future of the Flesh Rests in Faith

It is hard for the flesh to forecast the spirit within. I am afraid of change requiring faith for the future. So, if I am afraid, of what faith is that? Flesh wants comfort, desires no change and gets nothing but change. Time may be our window to faith, and it may be there to build so as to gain faith, even as time fools us all.

Thursday, 6 October 2022

Future and the Flesh

Victory Symbol over the Flesh

In one tangential manner I might say that I view the Cross as a spiritual of victory over fleeting flesh. Jesus said the flesh will not help us. I can easily guess what He means by that for our future. 

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

The Speed of Light

How Many Lights Can Shine

Down from the Father of Lights?

How can so many lights fill one sky be itself alone.  What is the purpose of such a display, what does it say about the future, my future? 

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

What Does Size Mean? 

See Specific Theory for a sense of size, that is, if one can make sense out of it. Question is not how large is large, maybe it is how small is small. What then? 

Thursday, 29 September 2022

The Spirit of God

There Has to Be a Spirit if only to Function

In my own experience, some atheist thought has centered on the doubtful lack of proof for Jesus' existence, and then more recently on Jonah as, it was claimed, would be the killer myth account in the no proof struggle.

My reaction to that was, collusion, the other side of that coin, destroys the error of inconsistencies in the gospels. But my more recent conclusion, in seeking stronger faith, is to remind myself I will understand it all better bye and bye, as the hymn lyrics say. In like manner, for that as well I had to go to Job for, tho He slay me, yet will I trust Him. 

And that is where I arrived recently in acknowledging that if there is no God then I will believe anyway, since proof destroys faith by eliminating the necessity for faith altogether.

I cap this entire mini debate with the claim that if there is no God, then one would have to be their own god themselves, for themselves. 

Everybody with no god, has to be their own god because without God they have no judgement in the matter.   

Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Definition of Mystic

Dark Night of the Soul

A Spanish poet who came to be known as St John of the Cross is thought to be the first person to coin the term, Dark Night of the Soul. It most generalizes, symbolically, the doubts that assail the believer in God. The word mystic however, I always sensed, had root in the mysterious or interest in the unknown, something science really failed to tolerate.

At one time earlier in this effort was singled out those who could read and write. There was only one occupation that suited this view and that was that of a priest. Before that I always assumed, the status originated in the days of the early scribes, which I feel were the earliest lawyers. Scribes, priests, and lawyers are all "go betweens".

Regardless, both the physical scientists and the mystics are engaged in the hopelessly unknown and unproven beginnings of things. The first were dealing with the seen and the other, mystics, the unseen. 

The fact that they became separated is unfortunate since they each belong together instead of in a kind of pompous dark night hostility to each other. This is another consequence, see Koestler, in the striving for power I suppose. (Unedited....)

Monday, 26 September 2022

How belief is defined

Belief Determined in the Foxhole

When I want to be close to correct in any issue, logic is necessary. But it is only marginally correct. The unseen can at any time override the seen. This is how belief overrides logic, limited only by conception. Next.... 

Sunday, 25 September 2022

Oh yee of little belief & great

Greater Belief Required 

for the Unbelievable

 There is a tendency for those physical scientists who know provably more than anyone else, to give themselves the glow that they know more than they do in fact. Only to know so completely so much of what is only known so far. Everyone in the deep past is viewed as myth-ignorant largely because they could not prove much being old.

Embarrassment sets in when they accidently, I suppose, discover that the ancients were right all along. Great belief and little belief enter the picture when it is harder is to believe something, when greater belief is required to sustain the faith required. (Edited....)

Thursday, 22 September 2022

Believing Without the Power

Bible Stories are Not True, 

Only the Meaning is True?

Where does the devil of doubt go to reap the most souls? Of course, he sends all his followers to infiltrate churches. He certainly does not send them to the barrooms and the pool halls. Those friendly folks are asleep as it is. No, the devil of doubt sends them to churches.

Everyone in church believes in Jesus and they will not let go of the idea. The devil will settle for whatever he can get however and set about convincing the Christians in church to believe in Christ is OK, but not the power thereof.

To top that piece of cake off, he will instill the idea that God has to be convinced to heal anyone. This is spite of the fact God gave His incarnated Son to heal all those who will accept healing already, on the Cross.

Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Everyone Speaks for Their Own Benefit

This is my spirit. I witness from the Spirit within me what I am told. I am told this for my own benefit. I am not an instructor, or a teacher. I do not persuade or convince. That is between another person's spirit and whatever spirit is within them. 

Only the Holy Spirit convicts, and 

He convicts whom He will. 

Friday, 16 September 2022

Watering Down the Cross?

Does Becoming Like Jesus

Make Us Jesus or Like Jesus?

Although I worked out the answers to many of my questions, there is still one that bothers me. Jesus said in the concluding verses of the Gospels that we were to pick up our cross and follow Him. I rather think these verses tend to give rise to unbelief in some by giving pause to doubt Jesus is directly the source author. 

This is where Jesus said to pick up our cross and follow Him. The only compelling verses that might support this are those that indicate we should be like Jesus and that Jesus said we would do greater things than Himself. 

My problem comes in when I wonder why after Jesus died on the Cross for us that we should then have a cross if our sins are forgiven. All this seems to cloud Jesus' supreme role on the Cross if we then can in any way duplicate His sacrifice with our own.    

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

After Such a Big Introduction

So That is All There Is? 

When everything in the universe is considered; how extensively beautiful it is; how intricate all the elements evolving within it are; one is up against it coming to any conclusion that everyone faces nothing after death, one dies and that is it.

Rather, it surely is a wonderous expectant prediction, all within itself, to expect even more startling events to unfold for believers after their seen days are gone. 

It suggests I have yet to experience everything the seen world can show me.

Monday, 12 September 2022

Now We See in a Glass Darkly....

But Then, Face to Face 

All things that exist forever in time can be seen in the spirit; but in the flesh it only lasts as long as a dream. The dream believes until its' brief time is unpredictably unfolded. 

But who will we look like as one inside eternity? We will appear as one in the same to various views of people in their spirit. Each spirit sees, as one, what they believe. 

Sunday, 11 September 2022

Definition of meaning


If the Bible stories  

All Things Seen Come From the Unseen
Are not true, & only

The meanings true?

The definition of meanings is the intention to explain the truth, Therefore the truth has yet to be explained if only the meaning is true.

So, if the meanings are true, then they would be true in fact, as soon as they were exercised. Such an individual is saying they do not yet believe the truth. That is what becomes of being too educated.

Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Time Enters the Picture in the End

Did Not Realize I would not Agree with Myself

Why am I surprised to discover mistakes I've made, when I at the same time declared, I have made no mistakes! Neither now nor originally! I've been right and I've been wrong. So? Why does the wrong threaten to survive, clinging to me like thousands of tiny regrets? 

Monday, 5 September 2022

Odds are Against Us

Knowledge Brings Awareness 

of Our Greater Ignorance

Every time I wonder why God does this or that, I allow for my position holding incomplete facts on any matter. Since we did not create ourselves, nor did we create the universe, we are in a predicament thinking we can sit across the table from God knowing we are holding cards from an incomplete deck.

Every time we learn something we did not know before; we are aware of questions not known previously. This means that while we know more than before, we also know we are more unaware than we realized formerly.

Sunday, 4 September 2022

No Matter What

I Believe! 

Even If Not True...Yet!

If the Devil of Doubt were to say to me, what if it is all not true? That is OK, I believe it all is true no matter what. And what do I base this on? It is written, the ancients knew that God looked down and realized that man could do anything he set his mind to and wanted.

So as it is also written, we can do it since if we have enough faith, we can move mountains which is to say all we need is faith. So, if we have enough faith, we can do anything within God's will, while at the same time the flesh, as Jesus observed, can do nothing to help us. 

Therefore, I can believe in anything, even if it not true. Jesus said we would do things in the future even beyond what Jesus himself did. 

As an aside, a rich person would have trouble entering heaven simply because he is convinced he is in heaven-like already. By the same token and educated person is more prone to doubts primarily because he knows too many doubtful driven questions that a simple man would easily ignore.

Saturday, 3 September 2022

Unconecting Continuums

How Logic Got Out

With the Bathwater

Until recently I was unknowingly convinced that continuums were on each side of any focus. Now, however, I am of the idea that duality was the reason for this, so that idea came under scrutiny.

Good, that is good for me intrinsically, not apparently good is on its' own continuum. The justifications for this came from contrasting dualities and continuums. This allows for dualities to continue in their manner, twos, and continuums to operate beside each other as exclusive units.

Only element now is that the continuum of good (for us) is not rooted in "not good" rather it is connected to "less" good and "greater good". At the center of this reasoning is God is good. He is good because if He were not good there would be nothing to consider. But because He is good, in order for anything to exist it has to be completely creative and connecting evil via continuums not only intertwines dualities it renders them the loss of their original function.

I must confess also, that it came from the knowledge that God did not create evil, that it was completely foreign to Him. Evil came after Him via the free will He created. This is also true because continuums are connecting only, whereas dualities are multifunctioning. This does not upset the ideas of good, it insulates them against their opposites.

I will halt here for ideas to settle and remind myself it is not my duty to convince anyone. When very young I finally understood that my understanding's came from myself, just as others came from themselves. There is no one way to think about any matter. God gives us the chance to consider everything, to allow, I guess, allow for everything. Meanwhile, I finally realized it was not my responsibility to convince others, it was to understand myself. 

Funny, how I get into Venus fly trap thinking. Apparently, it works however, according to its function. (Future edited in Specific Theory)

Friday, 2 September 2022

Faith is all we have

Exact Recording of Every Detail 

Can Clutter the Truth of the Matter

The Book of Job is one of the more fascinating books in the Bible since, for openers, it is the oldest. The central verses surround Job's observation that tho He slay me yet will I trust Him.

Smart people know a lot but the most important to know is what they do not know. Tracing down what actually happened when no witnesses were involved is the usual strange shuffle in the deck. Another is to think the ancients were dummy mythmakers. 

Actually, My horse! My kingdom for a horse may indeed never have been said on the battlefield. But the phrase capsules the spiritual truth of the matter better than the actual dialogue could likely have been.

There are some things we cannot know. Looks like we cannot know what we cannot know. This is another reason why I said we cannot actually prove anything. We can only prove anything to our own satisfaction. The rest is dependent on faith, including the belief there is no God, or the "Sun also rises." 

Gad has to be our God is Existence, or else we have to be our own God of no existence. 

Thursday, 1 September 2022

Life & Death at Pulpit Rock

Church Adventure 

Attending church, as in former times, is a very private affair for me. I usually seem to strike up a conversation with the most honest straight forward people one could ever meet.

On one occasion I asked a man who wanted to start a photo club in the church. I asked him, to break the ice, what his definition of God was. 

He said, "I don't know."

Tuesday, 30 August 2022

All spiritual gifts are true today....

True Forever

As anyone should expect, my view is speaking in tongues is one of the spiritual gifts. We do not all have the same gifts. I was never given it, nor do I find any fault with anyone else's spiritual gift. My call is to witness, I reason this, since I was given an epiphany. A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with a theory.

I respect my epiphany as if it were a gift. But I do not give myself instructions, the Holy Spirit does. If any man has a spirit, that is where his power is since, without emotion, there is no motion.  

Monday, 29 August 2022

Purpose of this Blog to define God the way God defined Himself

God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."


Speaking in the Spirit 

Christianity is very deep, and very complicated and at the same time very simple and direct. The latter does not preclude the former. Because of this, it is very controversial. That is, the speaking in tongues. 

I do not speak in tongues because the church I was born into did not teach it. Indeed, most Protestant churches of my acquaintance taught very little, preferring to, off topic, entertain the young with coloring books and such, such being cowboy movies. 

The practical reason involves different views, and opinions that will split a Protestant church, as Protestant churches often do, merely on an increase in membership neighboring five hundred.  (Later....)

Sunday, 28 August 2022

Sunstroller style book

Living individuals names are not mentioned if at all possible. Current events are never rehashed. Issues are the  primary focus. Comments are assumed accurate for the date expressed only,

Saturday, 27 August 2022

Purpose of this Blog.... to define God the way God defined Himself

God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."

Friday, 26 August 2022

Thursday, 25 August 2022

No one knows.....

when the blow may fall

I have a strong sense that it is a big loss to waste time. One is lucky if they still have time they can waste so that they can turn things around and they fortify the hedges God has placed around us all who trust in Him. 

Wednesday, 24 August 2022

It is a dual world

Rules of the Road, Defined

 I may be off target when I normally never start with specifics. Always it is concepts. The time to fill in the specifies will catch up later, that is, if I can follow the trail of generalities to specifics. The next step is to define terms correctly. 

The most non-defined term often debated is the non-definition of God. God is I am that I am, which is to say Existence. If He is God then He should be well equipped to define Himself. Atheists are left out in the cold here, since if there is no god, then the atheist is left to be his own god.

The greatest ill-defined term is art in my experience. Art is a verb, not a subject. Art is not what you do, it is how you do it. We can trust Benny Goodman for his jazz recording on that. 

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Peace of non proximity

The seen world is full of so many people. And there are even more passed away already, all of them fading unremembered into the anguish of the past. Those that are remembered were very likely quite different in the passing future than they were in the actual past. We no longer even look like we used to when alive. There are coming times of healing peace that accumulate for purposeful war. Meanwhile we advance technically into a potential world of decreasing humanity until we disappear.

Monday, 22 August 2022

Trusting God for everything

Farming Out Believing God

 The mere expression of believing in God does not satisfy me. I am not so sure it is the greatest way to do it. Neither is agreeing with whatever a pastor says make me think believing in God is all there is too it.  

I heard a woman say they she had someone for everything that could come up.  A plumber for the toilet headed the list, an electrician for the appliances, a mechanic for the car, and a pastor for God. It was he who would keep everything ship shape when something went awry. Oh, then there was the funeral director to handle his duties. He took his place alongside the landscaper for the grass. Somebody for everything. 

I did not trust it. (Unedited)

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Building Faith and....

Great Belief

I cannot say the methods and the formats I use are interesting or otherwise attractive to anyone else except myself, I am not so sure of it, but I may be trailing along the lines of the sons of thunder. This is what makes me think I may be motivated by building faith out of weakness.

I rush headlong into conclusions. I am perhaps too easily satisfied. Satisfied too easily with explanations lodged in words falling by the wayside. I observe that I too often leave out entire words with the fewer letters. I am wondering if one can talk of strong hope more while the chin trembles than not.

After building my salvation out of logic I accuse it of proving faith redundant. Am I climbing up another way? Maybe it is if I want too strongly, I, exhausted, get too weakly. 

It has not happened for a long time now, but I have spent the entire night wrestling with the Holy Spirit. God is simple, I guess it is we who are complex. Therefore, this is how I can say God makes simple the complex.

Saturday, 20 August 2022

No matter what...

Jesus is the Way


The world is full of fears, and terrors flash suddenly on every side like a fire storm of lightnings. There are those who attack without direction at any time for no reason beyond any purpose. Were skeptics and their unbelief to attract all doubts, the story of Jesus would still by itself   alone, prevail.  Truth would bring out of this swirling, and the true meaning would be true in the flesh. Nothing matters, nothing is shaken by this manifestation of the truth. Jesus is truth Himself in all beginnings of understandings. Belief in the truth, not being subject to time, is the final and first truth for believers. There are no doubts hovering over the shoulder for the believer. 

Friday, 19 August 2022

Change is Evidence of Growth

We keep learning more and more. Lately we are newly aware the universe is larger than we thought previously. I wager there is no end to the universe. And it is not growing either. We know what we know and as our knowledge expands, we think it is the universe that is expanding.

Thursday, 18 August 2022

Jesus is the Source

I would see Jesus

There is only one subject that I prefer should be the focus of any and every church and its minister, that is to be always and constantly all about Jesus. 

Jesus is the Way

I only knew of one minister who mentioned Jesus in every sermon. I recorded quite a few of them. He not only focused on Jesus, but he told of his own experiences and personal views of Jesus. There are many ministers who talk about the   congregation's relationship to Christ. Their faults and failures, but nothing about themselves and Jesus, just the congregation and Jesus. That is, when they got around to Jesus at all.

I remember well that verse that tells in the Bible about several, from Greece I think, who knocked on the disciple's door and said, "Sir, we would see Jesus."

Wednesday, 17 August 2022

When Time is Gone

Time in Time out


As time speeds up and the mind slows down one would think that they are approaching the time where the flesh falters, that the spirit beckons. Jesus on the Cross said He felt that God had forsaken Him during that moment. 

Perhaps the incarnate body was passing the bar before the body was to die, and the Spirit would stand alone in the flesh. When the sense of existence is slipping from me, as regards myself, it is faith in my spirit following Jesus that fuels my hope. 

Unbelieving faith senses the end of their speculations is near. But even nothing is something or how could one conceive of it otherwise? So, when the sense of existence forsakes the flesh, I am afraid those that believe it will know they no longer exist. That would be an unspeakable state, to not exist and simultaneously to know it. 

My faith is in my spiritual awareness of God, I have such a short time in the flesh to understand and accept the eternal life offer from Jesus. (Edited)

Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Back to Basics

Pretending Knowing Too Much

Rather futuristic topics like yesterday's do not appeal to many. but it is a chance to play God like any parlor game. It is also interesting to ask my handheld computer the justifications for God. It surprised me to see how much detail came up with chapter and verse showing answers to like why did Jesus have to die on the Cross.

Skim thru a few of those can make one give their believability a good refreshing stretch. But it can be dangerous for some. 

Monday, 15 August 2022

Expanding Horizons

Simulated Universes Inside the Matrix?

"Scripture is clear that it’s possible for your spirit to be out of the body," according to views by the Institute of Critical Research. As an example, mention of Elton Musk and simulated reality inside a computer are the subject of one of these links. 

These are interesting speculations edited by the ICR which believes in the origins outlined in the Bible, as opposed to natural evolution theories that give science the basis of creation rather than God. 

I like to know the views of various, what I call the physical sciences, that are being offered to young scholars today in place of Jesus as the master designer. Science largely ignores the spirit, implying that our origins are based in scientifically biased evolution. 

In the coming age believers will need to be on an intellectual par with atheists. It is vital that believers are able to make a case for their faith. That is if they want to avoid being entrapped (phased out) in this current developing technological setting where humans are reduced to brains alone. 

Sunday, 14 August 2022

Surfing the Net

Interesting Links

I Discovered Some "Expanding Horizons" 

In the left column ofthis page is a group of links labeled Expanding Horizons. I found theses links some time ago but never pursued enough time to learn a great deal about them. I stumbled upon them recently and was amazed how much is out there that I did find worthy of investigation. 

Whenever a Christian needs some boosting in a troubled time , they should get some Spirit in a church. Personally, I never knew that to be the case. Rather I found I lost a little more of my faith in churches. 

I do know churches are losing attendance for a long time now. A long time is measured here according to my experiences. That fact is not a good testimony. To encourage me I have discovered interesting websites in the internet that slipped under the rug. 

Saturday, 13 August 2022

Under His Wings

Whenever I sense my spirit struggling it helps to praise God. For that task Psalm 139 is a good place go and shout from the fortress. Manna

Friday, 12 August 2022

Lion and the Lamb

The Law was Given thru Moses

Grace and Love was thru Jesus

I can often tell how oriented a person is by casual disconnected viewpoints they express. Whether I am often correct or not is not all that clearly determined. 

A political pundit was waxing true about whether a little boy's dog would be in heaven with him. He weighted in heavily upon his fact that dog's do not have a sou. 

I was reminded by the sharper wit of Mark Twain. He commented that there was very likely more dog's deserving of heaven than people. Dogs are well known to be very loving and forgiving by nature.

 Our pundit however, being of the doctrinaire stripe, would seal off the joys of heaven. Heaven is apparently a very antiseptic place for him, since he has surely never experienced the devotion of a dog. 

My view is that the little boy's dog will be in heaven with him if the little boy wanted his dog to be with him. As for heaven, a tree is known by its' fruit.  

Thursday, 11 August 2022

Churches as Groups

Problems in Groups

I believe there will come a time when evidence from the unseen world will be more seen in the seen world. It seems inevitable this would happen. Nothing stays the same. Utopian political entities zero in on the concept word, same, as an example of their attempt to strengthen the group but which weakens creativity.

The difference between the political and the religious are not that dissimilar. The religious parties have not done a bangup job of teaching their members, young or old, anything much at all. Even in the time of Jesus, Jesus could suggest in the parable of the unjust servant, that the children of the light were not as smart as the children of the world.

When people gather together in groups, they seem to me to hesitate to engage each other as individuals, preferring to form even smaller cliques. Individuals enjoy agreement by in large, this is their 'never quite fatal' flaw. 

Nevertheless groups, no matter their size, never approach the creativity of the individual. Rather the creative individual can be expelled if they seem too far afield. Some churches emphasize singular differences, like baptism while never engendering an interest in any other focus that might naturally follow. This then becomes their distinction.

It is a point to remember; that Jesus ran against a church clique of His day. Reading the history of the early primitive church is less than awesome as when opposition brought martyrdoms. 

Wednesday, 10 August 2022

War of Words

If God Does Not Exist;

Then Where Did We Come From?

If God shared with us existence, then where did all the evil contentions come from? My hasty guess this morning is that it came from us, driven by debilitating spirits that took over quite a few others of us.

Some like to play God. I heard a well-known person say as such on the television. Those of us who innocently do not believe in God find themselves thrust in this drama directly in the place of God. There has to be a God. Otherwise, did we create ourselves?

It has been recognized that there is a great divide in this world of duality. It seems too easy to blame everything on God's responsibility, for which we ourselves are responsible. 

Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Faith in a Fallacy

Pulpit Talk at Pulpit Rock

 I was continually amazed at the many debates I witnessed about whether God existed or not, all without anyone ever defining what each debater argued who God was that they were advocating.

I was an atheist in those pompous days. My arguments were largely based on the people I witnessed attending churches, and not on God at all. Eventually I realized my position was wallowing in a logical fallacy. The fallacy of the misplaced authority.

I incorrectly assumed the pastor and elders of my church were authorities and that God was in on it with them. This was from my idea as a child that God was in with the "other" adults. 

Today I constantly am meeting atheists who maintain their atheism on their position as an atheist solely because of church people. My view is that the devil of doubt fosters these attacks on the churches. 

This is the reason for the Pulpit Rock blog. Churches spin off atheists from the age of fourteen, only for them to be eaten alive by the time they get to college, where they become educated. (See for the sake of the children at Pulpit Rock)

Monday, 8 August 2022

Definition of God

How God Wants to be Known

Throughout All Generations

Previous entry told of my purpose in writing this blog. However, the purpose of the blog itself is to define God the way He said He wanted to be defined. This is I am that I am which literally means God is Existence. This was delivered to me in an epiphany as a very young man before I knew what it really meant. Today I am not at the mercy of a man with a theory since I am myself am a man with an experience.

We know God is a Spirit. We know God is a person. We ourselves were created, spoken into Existence, since Jesus was given the power to declare us to be sons and daughters of God. From Genesis, God referred to Himself as more than One. Also, see John 17 where the Trinity is well explained.

Therefore, God is the Personified Spirit of Existence.

Sunday, 7 August 2022

Issues not people

How I Objectify My Beliefs

 From time to time, I should review my style sheet for this blog. 

I write this blog for my own benefit in order to objectify and work out my own salvation. If I can objectify my beliefs by writing them down publicly to work out my own salvation, then my beliefs are more clear and stronger. I am thinking rather than engaging in reverie. I want my beliefs to be stronger.

I also review old entries to make susre they are up to date as well as randomly sweep for typos. I try very hard to make sure I do not mention any names of individuals. Individuals are more than one view, and any mention of any person opens up the discussion to many of their other views not engaged. I want to examine issues, not people. 

Saturday, 6 August 2022

Great Faith and Little Faith

Much Faith and Fasting 

John 17

All good things come down from the Father of Lights. It does not matter what is true or not, or whatever is bad is bad. I keep instructing myself to think what is good or whatever good I want to see happen in place of bad. I must think it, I must believe it, to have any hope of it happening. This is not the power of mind or vague positivity. It is the power of faith and believing. It does not matter what proof appears to believe. Some only believe what is easy to believe. The hard to believe requires greater belief. This was as Jesus told His disciples about the demon that would not come out of a man's child they could not cast out. Nothing can resist great belief. This according to Jesus rising from the dead. This belief is the central core of Christianity. Manna.

Friday, 5 August 2022

Confessing Christ

 I confess Christ before all no matter whatever. I believe He died on the Cross for everyone, preached to all those lost in the Great Flood, rose alive in the flesh and was seen before few and many, prior to ascending to heaven

I believe when He said that if we have enough faith, we could cause a mountain to be thrown up and hurled into the sea. I believe He is the incarnate Son of God, and one with God and the Holy Spirit. 

I believe the words of Jesus in Chapter 17 in the Book of John.  I believe in the Gospels and all the views contained therein quoting Jesus who wrote down nothing and spoke everything.  All He said was placed in the hearts of believers, survived in many writings guided by those moved by the Holy spirit. 

There is no other story that is so intricately woven, so complete and so unrivaled as the story lived by Jesus. Never has so much evidence been compiled, read written about by so many. I thank God for His Existence, and the existence He has spoken into me. 

Thursday, 4 August 2022

Time Enters the Picture in the End

 Hard Giving Up the Flesh

It is easy to be born in my spirit, but it is not easy to separate myself from the flesh. The mind is supposed to control the flesh, but mine often permits excess. Living in change the flesh resists change. With some their flesh controls their mind totally, right into their unexpected destruction.

Few want to withstand the terrors of change. It is not the change itself but the getting there that is the real fear. Then, of course, when facing fear, we are weakening our flesh and endangering even possibly our spirit.

The flesh is short term, very short term. Everyone knows they will eventually die, but not today. Right there is the best definition of forever I think one will ever find. I wonder how time can fool us all so completely, like dreams in the night. 

There was a time when summer was forever only to change when school traitorously reopened. Soon we will all be lost as we cross the Sea of Lethe. All will be forgotten, and everyone will soon forget everyone else. That is the way of the flesh. What will be remembered in the future will very likely be different from the past. 

But if I have enough faith, anything can happen, so long as it does not negate faith and existence. Therein is my hope and my faith. I sense it is soon time for me to once again confess Christ before men, so that Jesus will confess me before God.

Wednesday, 3 August 2022

Random notes

Beware Leaning on the Arm of Flesh

I must be careful what I believe. I think it certain I believe what I think about the most. I believe what I say about others. It is there that I am revealing more about myself than I am anyone else.  When I talk I am taking the energy from somewhere, for instance, basically talking rather than writing.

So, I must be careful what I think or in particular, say, about others. It does not matter whatever happens or even actually happens. The most important reason we must forgive is for our own benefit. Whatever I hold against another, I am holding it against myself. The hardest judge one could ever face, is not God, it is oneself.

Steve McQueen was the first actor to receive five million dollars to act in one film. I am convinced also that actors deserve every red cent they may get. By acting out movie scripts, and so intensely as they do, puts them in whatever state the movie requires. 

George Sanders acted in many parts 0where he was bored and above it all, that in his suicide note he gave is reason for doing so, that it was because he was bored.

So I believe, by saying, we are believing. How much and how strong? As much and as strong as I do. Jesus said whatever I see the Father do, I do. 

When Jesus was on the Cross, He was acting out the value He placed on the seen world. It will not help you, He said.

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Like a Cloud of Atoms

Bound Together by Spirit

If we believe strongly enough the idea has been presented by Jesus that we could do anything. When God looked down, He saw that man could do anything he had a mind to do, even walk on the moon.

What I am thinking is that it does not matter whether something ever really happens or not, has or will happen or not, it is in the believing that will make it so, if not already then, then eventually. When Jesus had risen from the dead after three days, He appeared to the disciples gathered in a room together. He just appeared. 

He could have passed through the walls, atom, or whatever, atom by atom. And like in a dream, He could appear or disappear. All because He was a Spirit in the inanimate seen world. The same way, during His ministry, when the people set upon Him, He passed through the crowd unseen and escaped capture. 

Monday, 1 August 2022

Lifetime in each day

Someone Watching Over Me 

I've always been fascinated by the drama that takes place every 24 hours or so when I work during the day, eating quite often it seemed, and then passing out in sleep. This is when I am closest to death as my systems slow down. I dream and it seems all so real. But when I awaken, from dreams I wonder how I could take it all in so real and believable. Looking back, in the seen world, it was not so. 

This drama is played out every day, every night, and I wonder what it all meant. Is it like a lifetime story giving me a hint of the future over and over for a reason? It seems to me to suggest my afterlife that will appear more real and unlimited.

There is a sense of power while believing in various scenarios. Many have these same devices appear in their dreams also, like flying, and like being invisible to closely passing danger. 

I argued in a dream with a fox as a child. 

His teeth were cutting into my ankle, and I told him while he was doing this that he was only a dream and not real. He said he was too real even as he was clamping down on my ankle. I thought then as I do now, that he was the devil. 

Among other later events I was convinced, I was drowning, and I accepted this, calmly thinking everyone would say I was so young. As I, exhausted while taking in water, was drifting helplessly to the surface, a voice came over my right shoulder telling me to try one more time. 

I answered "ok" as if this encounter was quite natural. My hand gripped the inner edge of a lip just under the top rim of the pool. It is hard to avoid the sense that someone watching over me.

Sunday, 31 July 2022

Everyone Takes Their Own Responsibility

Reactionaries Have No Plan of Their Own 

The reason why I witness is not because I want to persuade someone or lead someone to Christ, it is to lead myself for my own benefit entirely. I am intent on existing and existing well. 

Anyone else who thinks I have a hand in their matter with Christ is mistaken. I am no way even an influence. When they observe some artist who was influenced by someone else it was really that they liked that artist They may have agreed or respected their work, but not due to their influence. 

Everyone has to take responsibility for their own decisions, they cannot compliment anyone else, other than themselves. Nor does it do any good to disagree with someone else. The only thing one is doing there is to give tongue to something they do not agree with, they are reactionaries. Reactionaries compliment and publicize work they do not agree with, but nevertheless are supporting it by doing so.

I myself tread in those waters from tine to tune, but I am relieved to get out of those puddles because, as it has been observed, the best way to clear the water is let it settle down by itself. 

Saturday, 30 July 2022

Getting too inside the mind of God

In Over My Head

The Lord is merciful, and may His mercy endure forever, as it says in the Psalms. I wonder how it is that the Lord has mercy, but we, we make mistakes, such as I, and many, many others do as well. 

How is it then that we should be blamed and take the any fault for our being stupid. This is why I reason things out logically, logically to my satisfaction, trying to make sure my beliefs are well founded.

This is why I questioned the sick being sinners by virtue of being sick. I suppose they are technically. Some critics, I would call them, think that God has the divine right to do what He wants. We however should do as He says, but not as He does?

I see it as the Laws of Existence, these laws of God, and they cannot be violated without something being wrong. This would be self-negation. I am reminded, for whatever reason, of why the rich should be so pilloried by being faced with the difficulty of entering heaven.

If someone believes he, by his standards, is already in heaven why is it that he has so much difficulty? What about those who are so rich in education that they are treated the same as any other rich person? An educated person is saddled with many doubts, same as those with plenty of money. So the doubts make up the difficulty.

But now I am wandering, rather like a politician who cannot answer one question, slips over to another he thinks he can.

Friday, 29 July 2022

Living for existence

As Dead Men Out of Mind

When someone approaches death, they gradualaly realize they never owned anything. They controlled it but they never owned it. It comes to me from the Bible that we become as the dead out of mind. It is then perhaps that we get a glimpse of the unseen world.

I notice many speak with new knowledge and understanding. They have been drawn by the experience of losing the presence of their wives with new eyesight, and similarly for instance, they were completely fooled by time as well.

The seen world was alive for us, for such a short time. 

Thursday, 28 July 2022

Theories still in the teacup

Teacups and Fairytales

Evolution is a very simplified view of the world. Nothing much has been done to it since it came about. I am somewhat amused at the species that have become un-extinct over recent years. 

It is a theory that explains itself by just happening. If something flies, then it is related to something else that flies by the virtual of the power of similarity. They just did it? Talk about closing gaps.

However, all species have to deal with the air, water or land. So, what is the link? The air, water, or land? And that is it?  I believe all things exist by way of the unseen spirit of existence. That is all we really know at this point. Nothing just happens. It does not happen just because it happens out of our unexplained necessity.

Ever notice how many species have two eyes, two ears, two legs, two arms, one nose with two nostrils? My view is that living things change, we can see that in ourselves, but I can hardly see how any view could justify jumping tracks from the ocean to the air on such short unimaginative reasoning. 

We instinctually have an intense desire to explain everything. It sometime causes us to leap start over the concept of God and sit in His chair pretending we know something, whatever it is.

We change alright but there is no evidence to link us to animals who have to deal with the elements the same way we do. I have always felt it was a debate that never got out of the teacup. 

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

God is Magnified

Power of the Holy Spirit

We come to God only if He draws us. This is the verse that cost Jesus many followers. It always fascinated me that this was so. With many everyone is alike, because everyone is the same to them. But everyone has even the hairs on their head counted, and that phrase tells me the many are all different. Anyway, what would the point be to count everyone's hairs when they are all the same number?

God's power is like magnetism. It is free and unlimited and expands to meet the situation needed wherever it is found. 

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

One with Jesus, one with the Holy Spirit

All One In God

When you see flooding the sky uncountable stars blinking everywhere, and at the same time know there are vastly more lights not yet reaching us, I wonder how were placed there, since it was not by many of us.

Still, there is much that we did not anticipate until recently, so there likely is much more yet to be known. We had nothing to do with their presence and nothing to do with the unseen suggesting more than we can ever conceive.

Many do not have answers for it all but have not only no answers, not even any questions. Yet some of us still elect to prance quickly upon life's brief stage confident there are no answers since we don't know the questions. 

Jesus brought knowledge of a Spirit. A Spirit not yet born within. It was the Trinity, one with the Holy Spirit, and one with God. John 17 

Monday, 25 July 2022

How I convince myself

Everyone writes 

For their own benefit

Putting my writing down is, I believe, is a good way to understand myself and work out new slants on ideas. I am certain when those who talk or write to convince someone else of anything, are really trying to convince themselves. 

I am trying to convince myself only, and I am not worried I might make a fool of myself. I never know what I might stumble upon.

I only write what I believe. If I ever think I may be wrong, then I will change my mind instantly. I believe it is important to write what I believe down, so I can see it objectively, outside my mind, and better see whether it is acceptable to me or not. It helps to un-muddle my mind and clear my roving eye.

The strengths and weaknesses of my views stand out more smartly when they are highlighted by me writing it all down. 

Sunday, 24 July 2022

Born within

Asking & Believing

When I pray, for instance in the morning, I always start out thanking God and sometimes that is as far as I get. But when I get wordy, I become more elaborative and thank God for His Existence. And then I thank Him for the existence He has given me. 

In John 1:17 it says the law was given through Moses. But through Jesus came grace and truth. I like to name one particular part of what the truth is and thank Jesus for giving us the knowledge of the unseen spirit within.

So that is the way it is for me now, but I would like to get beyond that into what Jesus, means when He says you receive not because you ask not. Am I asking right? All things are possible through belief.

Saturday, 23 July 2022

Never Give Tongue to the Devil

Purpose of God 

John 10:10 God gives life, He creates by speaking everything into existence, and it is good. It is those who elect to do otherwise because of their joy in destruction and death, which was brought unguarded into them by a consuming spirit that took them over. 

Friday, 22 July 2022

If I have sstrong enough belief

The Bettter Risk Reward Ratio

This is why I think it is good to believe in paradise, in particular specificly when we are one spirit with Jesus' Spirit. It is because we have hope. If we have hope and it is strongly sincere enough, that by itself could make it true because we believe. If one does not believe they will at least have a pleasant surface hope and benefit while they are yet alive. 

However, no matter what, I wonder that if they do not believe whether they will still have the knowledge awareness that they exist outside Christ, which is outside existence. To not exist and know it at the same time sounds like an extremely uncomfortable place to be in, too similar to hell, and in it forever yet as well.

Thursday, 21 July 2022

Ancients more aware than some think

From Fiction Comes Fact?

Many so-called intellectuals who worship anything new today, of those I was aware, believe almost anything the ancients said was myth material and came out of myths. 

Old is Dumb because the UpToDate is nothing but fine. That is, until they adopt a new paradigm. Despite this, many occasions have discovered the opposite to be true. 

The ancients were correct. The best example I think, is the occasion, found in the Bible, that they wrote that God looked down and saw that man could do anything he took a mind to. 

This was written when mankind tried to build a building to the sky. What wisdom they expressed! How did they know such a deep idea as that? One answer I ascribe to is that God placed it in their hearts. At the dawn of written time the ancients wrote that man would walk on the moon!!

Think of it! In the time when such concept was near insanity, they knew man would walk on the moon! I remember when highly educated science types, sometime in the fifties, were amused by the science fiction idea of black holes, because... they were invisible, like gravity?

Now the unseen is seen?

Thursday, 14 July 2022

Never enough time....

This Is Where I Came In

Now the time had come. The reason time comes is that it just goes. It was like an insurance company that is front end loaded. Time starts out slowly and drops you, in the end, into a donut hole. Obscene, but there it is in all its' glory, when the insurance company drops you in your own special little donut hole with your name on it. 

When I was fifteen, I yearned for the day when I would be eighteen. This was because eighteen was the perfect age. All my troubles would be over when I would become eighteen. It happened because I jumped out of being fourteen, never with time to figure out what happened there. 

But there was no doubt about it, when I would be eighteen I would have it made, that was an established fact. I knew this because I had a faraway cousin who was eighteen and suddenly attractive. I did not know it then, girls would not look at a boy the same age. She was only interested in older boys. 

Older the better, so she could blame them for everything and anything that happened. I did not know at the time that the boss is identified by being blamed for everything. That is how women go through life, as innocent as doves.

Turned out to be when I was eighteen, I had to be twenty-one. When I was finally, agonizingly, twenty-one, not one single solitary bartender on the entire planet asked me for my ID. Everything has been downhill or over the hill, depending on one's vision.

Next no one trusts anyone over thirty. Things temporarily improve when you reach forty. From forty to sixty everyone is in their power years with the right to advise young and the old what to do. It is called humoring the young and the old, doing what you want. Then comes the seventies and for those still healthy enough, this is their last decade. When the eighties arrive, time to live off the fat. The mind goes to sleep until you finally fall and break a hip. 

Point of all of this is everyone changes their mind. But eventually everyone ends up living off their fat, Yes indeed, time fools us all, even as I write. All the time I wasted, and all the preparation time lost building my faith, and the lost enjoyment of it. Time lost working out my salvation.

Too late, many find themselves, so quickly, in the donut hole, like myself.