I Guard my faith in church
In case I lose it there
So, as I suggested earlier, there is no telling what one could encounter in the Protestant lineup. Now the Catholic experience is the complete opposite. Anytime someone comes on the scene with a different emphasis, there was no allowance to go off and start a new church. They simply tell offshoots to stick around, and they will give them their own "order."
Therefore, today it is not uncommon for there to be in a single community, one very large Catholic church and a good dozen or more smaller Protestant churches. When a Protestant church accumulates 500 or more members, they will very often just as likely spin off another totally independent church.
Not to say there aren't any, but I have never myself found a terribly harmonious Protestant church. It is certainly not easy. There is a lot of rule or ruin thinking under the surface in my experience, if anyone wants to admit it. This is where I think many of the 'hypocritical' complaints come, from many of the disaffected.
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