is spirit becoming
physical only once
Reincarnation is to incarnate more than once because only once is needed. Incarnate, it has been said, can incarnate, in some views, more than once. Such is a definition folding in on itself. The root is carnate meaning physical. There used to be, years ago, a multitude of magazine writers repeatedly using the root in the context carnally, to know someone carnally.
It says in the Bible, there is always a spiritual war going on involving the redefining of words as a short cut to changing minds of the masses. Whenever I confront a word like reincarnation, I ask myself, what is the purpose of reincarnation? Is it to repeat something over and over until one gets it right? Some Christians think they can earn their salvation or deserve their salvation.
Even in reincarnating forever, one will ever get it right. The real purpose of reincarnation at the core of our perception is to live forever many exciting lives as possible. That is not good enough to carry reincarnation any further.
Think of doing something over and over and over. It sounds like a prison personality to me. One never even goes anywhere. It appears attractive to some, but repetition is boring because one never gets anywhere. Life has been seen as a prison for many. These ideas come to attention in SpecificTheory or I Am.
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