The progress of science is strewn, like an ancient desert trail, with the bleached skeleton of discarded theories which once seemed to possess eternal life. Arthur Koestler
When I view the history of learning and knowledge for all mankind so far, it is hard for me to conceive all that is known so far can in any way match up to the knowledge needed to decide whether there is a God or not.
The mere fact we are starting out thinking everything can change by themselves is not the most solid position worthy of envy. I read of more scientists forced to conclude there has to be a designer. To me this in turn means we have a lot to learn about unseen forces that we are in no way close to learning about so far.
Even ouur general history indicates we have a long way to go. If this is true then we are in for a long history of discovering there is more for us to learn than before we learned anything much at all. Our knowledge of our ignorance is growing even greater than we gain in knowledge. What this means is we taking our new knowledge purely on faith. Even scientific laws can change all by themselves as conditions change beyond our knowledge.
We got a lot of work to do to catch up.
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