Written to Objectify my Understandings
I reveal or witness only to what I am told. Even prophets do not predict of themselves but that which they are told by God. God also places ideas in many. I call mine epiphanies only to convey my meaning as the materialistic seen world better understands.
Fallacy of the Mis-Appropriated Authority
I have observed previously that I am not a fan of churches. Atheism makes happy hay over the historical fact that organized Christian churches commit hellish acts. This is an example of the logical fallacy of mis-appropriated authority. It is blaming God for the Devil's sins in Christian sinners.
But Christianity is an individually based membership because each individual must make their own decision. A decision specifically for Christ. Right there, is our salvation, worked by each individual person. There are perhaps churches based on group salvation, or so I've heard it said.
I have not been told anything about the future that was applicable to anyone else. I have however, been told who God is. I was told that God was Existence. Since we know God is a Spirit, I sometimes mention this as well. This is universally believed whether one is a believer or not.
So, I have concluded that God is a Spiritual Person. This, "God is a Person," is like us. it is agreed in the Bible. Even so no one has ever seen God, except Jesus. Therefore, I have said that God is the Spiritual personification of existence.
The two conditions I have mentioned are both precise and not subject to interpretation. So, I have said those who do not agree with me, or my definition of God, would instead understand I had an epiphany which is, of course, a revelation.
"Create" is a good word and well chosen. But God did not precisely only create existence, I observe as a personal aside. He "spoke" it into existence. This suggest to me, there is no beginning nor end, since God is Himself Existence.
God is Existence. The Bible affirms this. Those who cannot agree should perhaps read the "God said " text in Genesis. Next, the nitty gritty...
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