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Monday 6 February 2023

Red Letter Bible

Being Like Jesus

My faith has to run ahead of my proof. That is what makes it my faith. Once anything is proved, if it could ever be proved at all, there would be no need for faith that could influence the future. 

All things seen came from the unseen.

Did the Red Sea really part so the Israelites could escape the Egyptians? Unbelievable event? Not particularly, not if at one time the Red Sea was not only a tidal river from the south but also another fast-shifting tidal river from the north, from to the Mediterranean. Weather experts have suggested this event.

The map of the earth is always changing. We can see that ourselves, just as even today the US map if the coasts are shifting. The west slowly toward the Pacific and the east away from the Atlantic. 

 In 1798 Thomas Robert Malthus correctly predicted the world would run out of food. That is, he was correct judging the food production of his day. Today living physical scientists are predicting we will run out of food 27 years from now.

The accuracy is amusing...

All predictions are treated similarly by the future today even as Malthus' prediction was. True from all the facts of today but not from the future. They do not have all the facts that make an accurate prediction. So, how can one predict the existence of God from an incomplete knowledge of all the unproveable facts in the future? 

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