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God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Sunday 24 March 2024

Faith Cannot Exist Alongside Proof

Proof Only Exists to Our Own Satisfaction

If anyone could actually prove God existed, then it would remove God from all consideration regarding Faith. The ancient writers recorded that God is not impressed with anyone's proof, only Faith.

Therefore, anyone impressed with proofs would know that proofs are new and improved by less than viral facts more often than generationally. Nothing can actually be proved without fail except to one's own satisfaction or the betting odds

The next day's rising of the sun maybe a good bet but all chips are off the table if it explodes inexplicably. Write me if that happens, or just send the even money. Don't worry I won't be counting the zeros.    

People, similar to planets, carry weight according to their mass, attracting the lessers like the moon to the earth. Every individual is a witness, and like planets, are in different orbits adopting views influenced by their own orbits.

Time Changes Everything

Then, we have to rewind the time thingie. There are more of these theories than seconds in just one of those "billions of years" predictions. How accurate can one of those billions of trillions of years predictions be? If the world was in ice millions of years ago, how meaningful can anyone be in such a wide and local time frame?  

Meanwhile God is aware of our predictions all the way from the present tense. That is how God knows the future while the reckless among us think He cheats. From my perspective, for me, I catch up to the future as soon it falls into the past pretty much all of the time.

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