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Saturday 15 June 2024

talk outside the hat

 I've always been amused by many physical scientists when they make predictions so far out even Betty White could not make head nor tail of it. I mean now, listen hey, why make predictions so far out they embrace billions of years? 

So much can happen in zillions of years, let alone 3.19 bullions. I'd trust a weather report in the middle of a wind tunnel first. People who know a lot can, and indeedy doo have, become so enamored of knowing everything that can be known at the time, that they forget, sliding into locking themselves into the position where they talk as tho they know all the info that can ever be known as if they know it already.

New information never stops

Meanwhile there is not even any great agreement on a definition of what time itself is among the cogzegentlzee. You can look it up.

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