I marked in my Bible a favorite verse with a color sticker in my NKJV. It is a great Bible verse, I mean really great verse to me, because it spotlights the conundrum to my faith of praying for healing of my flesh that by itself stalls off going to be with Jesus, which is supreme.
It is 2nd Corinthians 4:16 & 17. It goes like this, Paul is saying for me to not lose heart because altho my body is decaying daily even so my inner man is being revived day by day.
That's right! And time is right smart speeding along too, making all the vital things of today of eventual minuscule remembrance, if even that, I would say.
Paul goes on to say momentary light infliction is today building for, this is building for me too, an eternal weight of glory far ahead of all comparison.
I believe it!