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Anything said once can be said again in a better fashion. Everything said today can be better clarified tomorrow All entries are under constant editing and can be changed or expanded anytime. All views are dated, and are works in progress reflective during the expressed time frame only. This blog emphasizes issues ..., not personalities. Except for the On Line Bible, included for convenience, this site is portal to other Sunset Stroller sites linked below....

God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Wednesday 29 November 2023

Together as One

I Choose My Spirit or I Could Lose My Spirit

 There are many spirits, good spirits and evil. They are always contending with each other. I do not trust any spirit unless it is Jesus. Together, in John 17, the Trinity is described as One: that is God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus, as One. 

Thursday 23 November 2023

Translations from faith to feeling

Devotional: Jesus Calling

The reason I read and reread the scriptures is to gain and build my faith. In point of fact, it is the only reason I have reliably discovered so far.

In that effort I've been recently reading the devotional Jesus Calling by Sarah Young because it squares so closely right on Jesus. It rustled up critics I guess, and in the ensuing flap I have a new insight on translations. I suppose I could say she could be translating English into English. Basically, not much different from an ancient language into a younger language. 

I, at one time in my idle college days, discovered the mystery type stories of Georges Simenon. I could read and write French at the time. But the thing of it was I eventually discovered not all translations were as exciting or intriguing as others. 

I saw clearly that the Bible translations, even if English to English, were similar from one language to another. Certainly, words like conviction and assurance are weaker than ones like substance or evidence that we see in Hebrews 11:1.

Monday 20 November 2023

2nd Corinthians 4:18

 Most follow the "seen" very closely, but it is the "unseen" which is the greater, indicating an anticipation of the spiritual. 

I admit I do myself, but, to me, the seen world seems, stretching so far ahead of us, closer to an embryonic entrance to the eternal unseen. This is where time looks very short and fools us all every time.

Sunday 19 November 2023

Be it done to you according to?


Jesus asked many times; do you believe I can do this? When the answer was Yes, then He said, "Be it done to you according to your faith."

Thursday 16 November 2023

My Answer to evil

The Question of Evil

God does not have to answer to, or for, evil, I do. I entered a store, in my cycling days, which said God spelled backwards is dog. Backwards is the key here. The devil spells everything backwards. That is his trademark.

Original Sin Required Knowledge

Reciting the Lord's prayer backwards is his boast. Far as I am concerned the devil answers for himself. I have to answer for the knowledge business. Knowledge seems bold and beautiful, but it is never ending in that it also includes knowledge that expands to include knowledge that I am not, or was not, ever aware of previously. 

To say God is responsible for evil is to negate any definition of God, an impossible event logically and I would think, is in itself an obvious fallacy. But, as noted, it is not only never ending, but is also, growing to increase my ignorance of knowledge I do know.  

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Do not rely on various proofs

Everything Lives from Faith

 I've had some tell me God is not Existence. There are those who say Jesus was murdered. This points to a lack of awareness of the spirit. This puts understanding directly in the path of the flesh without any provision for the spirit. The flesh cannot help us Jesus has said.

I believe people accept proof based on their own particular satisfactions, and if it satisfies them, then they are happy. If they have no God, they may also necessarily be their own God. But the flesh keeps changing. First to the good and then to the dust. My hope is not in my flesh, but in my faith. 

There are many unanswered questions. That is where faith comes from. God places things in our hearts. Where or how else could we know it?  We are then responsible for our choices. My view as I speak.

Monday 13 November 2023

Believing is more than Agreement

When Believing Becomes Faith

The seen world is all some only know. What is of ourselves seen, changes before us growing until it seems to regress. Finally, it passes away altogether never to be seen again.

There is a jumping off station, for those who can address it. Despite the changes we each have endured; it disappears as if into a detailed dream quite believable until awakened. Eventually, seeming enough, it then, almost is totally unbelievable. Finally, I am entering out of my changing flesh, into an embryonic spirit. This is what I believe. I will find myself emerged into what I truly believe

Sunday 12 November 2023

Psalm 103

Every Tree Known by its Fruit

For a powerful spiritual l pick me up I find the 103rd Psalm a very readable psalm among many bright stars glimmering in my faith building intent to strengthen my spirit.  

Thursday 19 October 2023

Tuesday 17 October 2023

yanked my post

Working Out My Own Salvation 

The opening definition of this blog says I am interested only in issues and not personalities. So, I finally woke up and yanked it all back. How easy it was to unintentionally slip off track. No names were actually mentioned but I felt one could figure things out if they tried, right or wrong. 

I hope not to intend getting mis-directed into controversies. People are politics, and politics is bare bones largely gossip. Therefore, no matter what the subject, even those not named would provide the slippery opportunity to take things entirely off the subject into an emotional sidebar. 

Blogs are arranged in reverse of their timelines. If one has not read the previous positions, then the writer is forced to repeat things. Even if no personalities are involved, even then it tends to cause the writer to write heavily with a legal slant since subjects were part of a long list to be explained.

It is certain that personalities gather greater interest, but I am not interested in persuasions. Everyone is responsible for their own ideas, and they alone deserve the credit for them. I am working things out for myself.

Sunday 15 October 2023

Lawyers and my Paraclete

Here are my bare bones. I do not know what will happen to me when I die, but I tend to think that I, like everyone else, will get what I believe.

First, God will not, even cannot, allow before Him any sin. He is not the author of it, and He will not allow any sin to even appear before Him.

However, He will permit me to appear before Him because of my Paraclete. My Paraclete is of the Holy Spirit. He will vouch that I have faith in God and that I accept Jesus. Therefore, my sins are forgotten by God as if they never happened. 

This is because of Jesus, who took them away, as the last sacrifice, on the Cross. From thence forth, for the first time, there was no one any longer between God and man. No one any longer...the curtain was rent from top to bottom.

Friday 13 October 2023

Proof and faith do not mix

 There are quite a few book titles that claim to prove the existence of God. If that is so, then there is that much less room left to please God. 

God is pleased with faith, not proof. Sometimes one proof takes center stage, then some other kinds of "proof" make their entrance.

I proved God existed to my satisfaction via logic. It all worked out nicely, but I found the trip self-absorbed to a fault. Physical proof to one's satisfaction is sandy ground that left a hollow spot. 


Power was needed, as if like electric emotion. Enter my Paraclete to represent me before God.