Roughing Up Education
Children should and generally do, educate themselves inform-ationally according to their own curiosities.
All schooling should be conducted for the benefit of the students rather then their guides. LCD* should be held to the sidelines. Rather than entertaining students, they can start well before age seven. Generally speaking, a majority can read well before kindergarten,. Just follow the finger of someone who reads something interesting, like Peter Rabbit adventures. No need whatever for a paid teacher to teach how to read see spot run.
The only thing they need to teach, or host, in high school are three major categories.
Teach them to play chess and engage in tournaments so they can learn to anticipate.
Teach them a practical course in logic with emphasis on the fallacies so they cannot be misdirected by confused common sense.
Familiarize them with debating club competition so they can improve their articulation and reasoning.
Provide very little information, thus avoiding indoctrination. Students shown how to look up anything on a computer can teach themselves any fading-interest curiosities.
Only cover technicalities, like mathematics for those pursuing studies in technical areas. Emphasis on algebra for non-technical subjects to provide a basis for general conceptual mathematics. Students should be stretched not shrunk!
*LCD lowest common denominator.