I have no idea of all he wonderment God has in store for us. I do know I want to be where Jesus is. Whatever, wherever or however that will be I do not know. I trust the promise of God, of good things that are beyond our imaginations.
However, speaking of heaven I remember a pastor I heard who told a little boy from the pulpit that his dog would not be in heaven with him because dogs do not have a soul. He was certain of this.
Doctrinaire heaven
Nevertheless, as Mark Twain commented, there are dogs that will go into heaven before a lot of people. I can go along with that since dogs are known for their unconditional love and their quick willingness to forgive.
But the killer of the pastor's idea that the little boy would be without his dog in heaven makes me wonder if the pastor considered the little boy or his soul. No room for love in that pastor's heaven.
What kind of heaven is in his head if the little boy is without the love of his dog? This is an example of the most ignorant pulpit talk I've ever heard. But here again, I agree with another comment I recall, that the dog would be in heaven if the little boy wants his dog to be in heaven. After all, this is heaven we're talking about here. Not one just for legalists of the law.