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God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Sunday, 18 July 2021

Setting the mind or the spirit

Hearing and saying

 The Bible maintains anyone can gain faith by hearing the word of God. I am not aware of any other method recommended. I believe the purpose behind this is that proof does not please God, only faith. 

In the Bible, one must choose individually that they will believe God, even the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. This is often referred to as making a decision for Christ. If a person has proof, I believe they are deceived logically ot otherwise, because if one has proof God does not want it. If one has mere proof then they do not need all important faith. 

So we believe by hearing but I also suggest we follow up believe by saying. I say this because God in Genesis puts everything into existence by saying. This is often credited, as far as we know for first time, to Moses. All what was formerly memorized was now to be written down on his direction. 

Jesus asks what we say

We might also notice that Jesus often asked on occasion those He healed whether they believed He could heal them. When they responded yes then He said, then let it be done onto you according to your belief. Was this His faith healing them on their confirmed belief? 

So by this I suggest we must say we accept the healing by saying so, healing which was offered and accomplished on the cross. There is no need to persuade God to heal us, it was given on the cross and we must accept it from our faith.. 

So if God speaks then we should speak. And like minded, we should follow Jesus question and answer yes also, since faith is required. 

So then also the atheist view might say, anything is believed when one sets their mind to it. I say set our spirit to it. 

Friday, 16 July 2021

Struggles stretch the spirit stronger

 All my struggles are similar to exercise for my heart. It improves my faith in the struggle. And if I were to chase all my struggles it would include everything right up to, or better perhaps better to say, down to massive war. Our time on this seen world is as brief as a single twinkle in any star in the night, no matter what, when or whatever. 

I believe that if some, better said many, do not believe that, then they will soon find in their own time that time is shorter than ever any one of us can conceive. My greater point is that all the struggles we tangle with are fires attacking our faith emboldening us toward the finish line. My hope is I will be emboldened rather than chased. 

Meanwhile we live on hope, our only reason to continue, in my view. I've found as the older one gets the more easily fear slips into the mix when not expecting it. There is no future in following the flesh into the downside.

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Does war serve a purpose?

If nations are not at war, they always seem to be rumors of wars. If neither of those two situations are dominant then there is a peace conference going on between two prominent nations which is always an indication to the prelude to war. 

War is destruction
If this is true than there must be a reason for it, basic to the fundamental life of nations. Maybe it is a natural manifestation of civilization, or that civilization is naturally competing for power to exist over other nations. 

Devil in the mix

War is production
This agitation then would be present to indicate some sort of evolving contentions continually promoting war. So far then, all I hinted so far was war was bad for a good reason to the continued development of nations, i.e., humanity. Sounds like a fallacy to me, a fallacy nevertheless purposeful, for what, seems obscure. So why then do we have war, war, war all the time?

Sunday, 11 July 2021

Who are we without our memories?

There is one thing worse than forgetting and that is forgetting that we are forgetting. It is a hard life out there when the mind begins to desert the body. Sometimes the mind leaves the body altogether and the body continues on locked in a sort of autopilot as it were.  They call it dementia, very common in stages. 

God hung the world on nothing
This is where I believe my spirit steps in,  sort of leaving the mind and its' body behind. My spirit, not subject to time or space, embarks me on a new course of which I know nothing for certain except God's promise.

The ideas of God 

Only faith, born within my spirit, can carry me forward into a fantasia like future that God and in His existence has prepared for me. I must be prepared to let the seen world go, lost perhaps in memories powered by the unspeakable favors in the world of the unseen. 

I remember when it was good to be born but in the womb I did not know it. It was good to be born and I believe it will be good to die in its' time, just like before. I had no conception of the future then and I do not have it now, only the importance of my spirit to existence.

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

What does "again" mean as in being "born again"?

The mind can only influence my body that is seen, but only the spirit can influence both the seen and the unseen.    

Notice the spirit influences both seen and unseen but it takes substantial faith to dominate the seen body while I am seen. Otherwise I do not know. The again as in born again is a term can be problematical it seems to me. 

Our mind and our spirit

Confusion can stumble in to the mix with the word "again" because the spirit is, I think, born additionally when the body is born and is not connected to the heart as such. So if one is born again that means the spirit is born within and the mind is born, as it is,  of involuntary physical control of the physical body. 

My mind tells my body what my body wants

So if the spirit is born with the body I guess you could say it is born again, but it seems to me the spirit is making its presence known for the first time. That would mean the word again lumps it in with the body, suggesting to my impression at least, that the spirit was born previously, as the word again suggests.

In all events, the mind influences the body while the spirit controls the body once it is born, either for the first time or again.

The mind con influence the body, not with its own power, but only as the spirit being in harmony with the Holy Spirit. I say harmony because there are many negating spirits with various amounts of power and control that can take over the mind along with the body easily. (All published entries are continually subject to constant editing at any time.)

Monday, 5 July 2021

This is my name forever

 the name you shall call me

from generation to generation

I am who I am. This is what God

said to Moses, who was the first to report who God said He was.  Exodus 3:15

This was God's definition of Himself and by faith I believe the report of Moses not only because Moses was the first, in my view becoming an authority in the definition, not because it makes complete sense to me, not because of Moses reputation, but because I was told in an epiphany, "God is Existence".

Monday, 28 June 2021

Celebrations praising existence

Well being...

All things will be new
Like a butterfly the Spirit is born in those that believe. The flesh prospers, but unhindered, disappears into decay. Therefore I must continue to concentrate on the laws of God, the commands of Jesus, and the peace beyond all understanding, delivering the advice of the Holy Spirit. 

Friday, 25 June 2021

Jumping ship of flesh

Born in time

Becoming aware of our spirit...

First we are born into time then into the eternal where there was never any time.

Many are never born into the second birth  perhaps because they never understood it. The first was the seen life of the flesh and the second is the unseen life of the spirit. The first to explain the spirit and this second birth was Jesus Christ. As far as many of us go, like myself, we did not think of being born again until we saw the first birth leaving us with a failing body, suggesting to ourselves it was closing in on its final course. Only then do we think of another birth, this time onto eternity beyond the flesh. 

Friday, 28 May 2021

Definition of time

Not by chance computers

Modeled on our brain

Time is fooling us all. Perhaps every single one of us! Many live as if there is a future but as we get older we will be just older but won't notice all that much. In order to keep my longer term viewpoint active upstairs in my puzzle factory, I have best advised myself to read the Bible.

Eternity is compared only to itself?

Reading the more meaningful verses, relevant to myself, is the only way I am told I will gain faith. There is an instinctual idea in my brain that we can control the seen world with our psychologically spiritual tools, like faith, attributes of the unseen.

All the seen worlds hang on nothing. They are attracted by those bodies that have a greater mass. Just like us human beings. There are those who have greater charisma than others. It is the others who are attracted into the orbits of those with greater charismatic mass.

I feel certain the similar tendencies involving the seen bodies apparently hanging on nothing are extended similarly in the unseen world. Meanwhile my eye is on the clock, time for me to (get ready) to go. It is better to keep a footstep ahead of the clock than to wonder where the time went.