Life is not a game of chance the way God plays it. |
Right or wrong, proof makes faith useless, there is no decision made. Right or wrong, faith makes proof a pointless game of satisfaction and faith dominates. After all, God hung the world on faith.
Anything said once can be said again in a better fashion. Everything said today can be better clarified tomorrow All entries are under constant editing and can be changed or expanded anytime. All views are dated, and are works in progress reflective during the expressed time frame only. This blog emphasizes issues ..., not personalities. Except for the On Line Bible, included for convenience, this site is portal to other Sunset Stroller sites linked below....
Life is not a game of chance the way God plays it. |
Right or wrong, proof makes faith useless, there is no decision made. Right or wrong, faith makes proof a pointless game of satisfaction and faith dominates. After all, God hung the world on faith.
Our spirit controls our mind.
If it is true proof weakens or eliminates faith in the present and faith works in eternity, then what can one conclude? It tells me that time is fooling us all.
Time is fooling us all?
How fast is time moving? Where is it going? Where did it come from? Time itself is unseen. Is it a spirit? My conclusion so far is that time by itself exists spiritually, accounting for eternity.
By itself where time only exists in the seen and that only comparatively, that is, compared to something else, both of which are variable in all comparisons to other time parities'.
Pairs of time are all different. Combined, time pairs seem totally meaningless. Just like Ecclesiastics found, everything is meaningless without God, since God is, by definition, the fountainhead of existence.
Too much Knowledge weakens faith
I have to be careful in that with all my reasoning, I might weaken the importance my faith. How lucky, how important is the child-like mind.
How burdensome it is for those rich in too much knowledge. It feeds doubt and the mocking's of the doubting devil. It also makes one aware of questions better answered simply, by faith. .
God is known as the Father of Spirits
The Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost
God is the fountainhead of spirits, spirits like Himself, good spirits. There are many spirits and they are contending with each other for our spirit, resting in the existence God has spoken into us. Some say breathe into us, which seems more exact.
Then, we each make individual decisions. This is the point when decisions other than God's decisions are made and are to be contended. This is how and when evil enters, with spirits who would be God. They want to be God but they only can become their own God. Some want to be with God and some want to be God. Evil spirits are opposite to the Holy Spirit. I was once told that God spelled backwards was dog. They wanted me to believe God was a dog. I told them that the devil does a lot backwards and is reputed to able to recite the Lord's Prayer backwards. God is Good.
My Complications
Blocked Understanding
It took me until late in life, but I finally learned the Holy Spirit wanted me to witness for my own benefit, and incidentally for others. I argued a long time with the Holy Spirit over that issue before an understanding came to me. The reason turned out to be I was asking about others instead of myself. The Holy Spirit was not going to tell me or even acknowledge anything about others.
All good things come down from the Father of Lights |
Finally I realized everything Jesus told us to do was for our own benefit. Simple, but clouded by my complications. As for others, that was the concern of those individuals and the Holy Spirit, or whatever spirit they believe in. Only the Holy Spirit convicts and that is not my jurisdiction. Like, was it Peter I think. Jesus told Peter that what He, Jesus, said about John, what has that to do with Peter?
This realization about myself was a great release. Funny, curious now it seems to me, how I could miss by such a large a mark so widely. Everything Jesus tells us to do is for our own personal, individual benefit. Forgiveness is not first for the forgiven, it is for the forgiver. How deep and vast is the simple.
I even remember saying at one time the it was we who were complicated, God, deep and vast, was simple. There is more to everything than we realize. After these intellectual struggles, I faced how critical the fact of faith really is. Faith, whatever one's is in, is all anyone of us really have. So if someone believes in nothing, then nothing is what very likely they would have. It is in the knowing that is the most terrible of all difficulty.
Witnessing for our own benefit
My mother in her prime ran into a lot of people who seemed offended by her attempts to share her witness. One occasion when my mother was explaining her experience with the Holy Spirit to a relative stranger of our extended family, she garnered a come back that she was getting a little ghostie.
I supposed that she was talking about the Holy Ghost, but I was not then Biblically self taught as was my mother.
Host of Spiritual Evidence
Haunts Secularists
The claim the lack of secular evidence for Jesus' existence is logic worthy by secularists tangling themselves in a myriad of self interest rationalizations'.
Secular evidence has a long history of being politically corrupted, nothing new there. Because they do not believe in God in the first place, they claim lack of evidence in the second. It is the same as a cleric saying there is a lack of spiritual evidence for the secular. What an obviously tangled web we mortals weave.
Tyranny of the myth
Many scholars today tend to attribute the ancients as dealing exclusively in myths. If it is old then it is a myth. However, many myths have been discovered to be actual events.
Some go so far as to attribute works of the ancients as aided by extra terrestrials or totally accomplished by travelers from another world, only to discover information revealing how our own ancients accomplished what amazes scholars of today.
The Roman Colosseum was, I believe, one of those incidents. Discovered in a in Roman library in London, with drawings yet. This event is not very old either. Astro devices orbiting the earth reveal a body of water connected via canals to Rome, an inland bay not imagined until our day. These occurrences will likely continue in the future. Cities beneath the sea, the list goes on even as the tyranny of myth list shrinks.
Faith Rating Zero
Skeptic Goal
If judgement required to believe the truth of an event is true, to skeptics, is only true if there is no faith needed. In another vein, if something is entirely explainable in a routine manner, then it is easy to believe and is therefore true. But if faith is required, then the situation is untrue.
Jesus Existed and Rose Again
Therefore proof that God exists eliminates faith from the situation, the ultimate skeptics' goal in every event. Nevertheless, there is such a host of surviving documents composed by so many different authors that to claim Jesus never existed is to reveal the constant attraction the skeptics paint far too dubious to consider relevant.
Notes on Existence... from the Web
The answer to whether or not Jesus truly existed is different depending on who you ask. Many historians believe that the man responsible for the largest religion in the world was a real person, while others argue that the man was simply folklore.
Some reasons for attempting to discredit Jesus include a lack of eyewitness accounts, the vague writings of the New Testament, and the lack of secular evidence.
Outside of the Biblical world, there is little proof that Moses was a real figure. Historians have questioned his existence due to a vague timeframe and the extent of his actions. However, many scientists have corroborated the biblical figures’ actions, such as parting the Red Sea, with naturally occurring forces in nature. Others who may not have existed include Jack The Ripper and Solomon. Great duo there, all framed in advertising.
Reaction entries continue tomorrow....
I go to church... strengthen my faith, conceptualize it more clearly, as well as to witness and praise God. But, mostly to increase my faith. Instead I found my faith under attack and weakened, actually losing it altogether for a time.
As a result of formally studying Logic in college under a professor, also a minister, I in due course regained by faith beginning with the realization I had based my prior atheism on the fallacy misplaced authority. I have come to believe churchgoers generate, via their individual testimonies, many understandably atheist antichristian beliefs.
However, this reasoning is also based on a fallacy, as mine was. In my experience an overwhelming majority of atheists' views are a result of interacting with churchgoers. One has to have a very strong Christian belief to weather the spiritual struggles I have witnessed in many churches, especially those based on personal fantasies and sheer lack of Biblical knowledge.
Who Blew the Whistle
On No Faith?
All the Way |
I do Not Question God
I figure it is not profitable for me to believe in an eternal God who is Himself bowed down subject to time, like all flesh. So I figure if He did not heal me yet then I did not have great enough faith. Not no faith, as some I've heard preach. Rather, not enough faith yet. I go to God for answers. I do not then question His answers.
Bedrock definition of faith, to be faith at all, is permanent, ever lasting, never give up, persistence.