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God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Monday, 2 May 2022

Halo Spill Over Energy

Shroud of Turin's Halo Power

Another new book out about the Shroud of Turin. That there should be such unique evidence concerning Jesus incarnate, is proof of some sort in and of itself. Such power of the Spirit is like a halo leaving evidence that in even the cloth touching Him while dead, points to spiritual evidence of its' own sort.

Reminding myself that God is not impressed with proof for perhaps one prime reason only, that God's power operates through and from faith. Where there is proof under pining faith is a temporal inexact rendering of faith greatly weakened.  The more faith required to believe is, correspondingly, the more powerful.

The greater power comes from faith, not faith from proof. Proof is whatever satisfies me, but faith is something else. Further ideas along this line in I am, God is Existence .

Sunday, 1 May 2022

Play Book for Presidents

 Speak Softly & 

Carry a Big Stick

Updated: Always speak well of everyone in your party whether they please you or not. They represent votes, sometimes many votes. For every individual with an opinion of other individuals there are an infinite number of views. None of them even match it seems. 

Also, speak well of your opposition, always from your viewpoint that they are good and smart but are being pressured by misplaced unhappy people in their own party. Always appear to be on good terms with everyone, especially those in the opposition. 

Never appear to be annoyed or unhappy with anyone in any party, because this is subjectively seen as weakness. Always appear to be deliberate, because emotional tensions suggest a flawed loss of control. Continued at the corner table in the Naked Eye

Saturday, 30 April 2022

Flame Out!

Flame Out! refers, in my understanding, to someone when they are dying, and they actually pass the bar with a euphotic expression. I am not sure if it is desirable or not, however, it seems it should be.  It is certain, it would seem, to have positive association but I cannot put my finger on anything definitive. It happened to someone known to me and who was well connected. Looks like I should be in a profitable position, but it is frustrating not to know what it is. All I sense it with would be a SAC aircraft going down.

Friday, 29 April 2022

Attracted Yet Hesitant

Heaven Can Wait?

Doubts and Fears: It is amazing how great an attraction the physical world has on us all. Many seem to really desire and envision the spirit but yet are all totally hesitant. Many pray for healings of their physically deteriorating bodies. Why, I wonder, the hesitancy to fully enter the far more desirable spirit? 

Leaning on the Arm of Flesh

Some say they don't mind entering, it is getting there that bothers them. Yet, especially among the earliest primitive church, there were quite few who actually desired greater suffering in order to gain a more favorable entry to the promised spirit world. Today faith is, from my assessment interlaced with a wariness, actually a hopefulness that it is all true. More see Pulpit Rock

Thursday, 28 April 2022

Jesus in the Source is the Source

Digesting Knowledge
The reason some of us give so much attention and devotion to Jesus is that He awakened the world to the world of the full spirit waiting beyond, in all its' promise and beauty, the world of the flesh. 

Yet, there are many who do not relate to the concept of the unseen and their flesh dictates complete awareness of their existence. There are many things we do not know that, had we known, would have understood things quite differently at that time. Again, why? 

Could it be. perhaps, that knowledge figuratively eats itself?

Monday, 25 April 2022

Twisting Paul's Letters Against Himself

Blaming One's Sin on Others

I ran across a group of Christians quite a few years ago who were quite down on Paul. That takes in much of the New Testament. Their view about Paul was that he quoted himself in the Bible saying that he, Paul, explained Jesus Christ to others and if they did not accept it then he, Paul, would let them alone and consign their souls to hell, or some such language.

I haven't heard anything since, so as they say, maybe the flag did not fly on that one. Their basic idea was that it was from Paul that later Christians were inspired to burn people at the stake and torture them during what is remembered as the Inquisition.

I rather think myself that this view is so harsh primarily to move Paul aside and weaken the Christ story. It is true that Paul is "harsh" but he was harsh when he was originally turned aside. He was zealous against Christians and then was equally zealous in favor.

It is mentioned in the Bible that it is quite common for the devil to blame his sins on the Brothern. One should be alert for this and always check their premises.

Sunday, 24 April 2022

The Arrow that flies by day

 Metaphorical Jesus

Many, maybe many, do not even think of believing the last entry comment on Mark, without wondering if the Cross is metaphorical as well as in Mark 11:13. There is where the metaphorical Jesus spoke things about faith too hard for many to believe. 

Believing in Jesus 

But Not the Power Thereof

If the devil in doubt cannot dislodge Christians in believing Jesus even existed, the next step would be to question His power. Jesus spoke of rising on the third day metaphorically but then later spoke directly. So metaphorical proceeded literal on those occasions. 

It takes more faith to believe something unbelievable than it takes to believe something easy or especially something proved. 

Thursday, 21 April 2022

Figurative Faith

How God Spoke the Universe into Being 

"For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says." Mark 11:23 This is a good test verse to tell me how I believe, either figuratively alone or faithfully with the spirit. 

Jesus spoke figuratively and is quoted as saying He spoke figuratively.  But here I believe He spoke true faith, not just figuratively for illustration. 

I say this because when He spoke figuratively, He spoke figuratively for a reason. For example, He spoke figuratively when He said the reason, was so that those "who heard would not understand and be healed." 

In other words, those that were believers would understand He was speaking spiritually but unbelievers would not understand, otherwise they would be healed. So, I believe this passage in Mark is to be believed literally because if one has enough belief, they can do anything.

This tells us just how powerful the spirit of belief and faith actually are if one has belief enough to see it happen, they can. 

Monday, 18 April 2022

Logic lying in the dark

Morning thoughts 

The only trouble with figuring out whether there is a God or not, is that one is working their analysis backward. I do not trust thinking in reverse. It is mere, maybe good, but essentially mere private speciation. History has good reason not to be held less than in exact trust, since, as they say, it is written by the winners. 

But nevertheless, people like to play God, as I heard an extremely rich may say exactly that, on television. In any event, history is not to be denied, so I engage in it anyway. 

The first thing in the mix, that I notice, is that how could we figure out a beginning with only hearsay proof. Fact as proof cannot be identified if there is no one to hearsay identify it. 

Logic out the window

This is why, perhaps, that Jesus said one can only come to God is God Himself draws him. Jesus lost a lot of followers after saying that, but it did not seem to disappoint Him. Largely because of His record, without having Himself written one line, I believe Him. 

It is so fanatically spectacular, the entire story rides unmatched in history, never yet even slightly duplicated. Apparently too few are willing to die for any sensible reason and believe they are going to rise again. That, in itself, is already a rather incredible idea How wise. compared to all His disaffected followers, is that?

Saturday, 16 April 2022

No Matter What

God is

I no longer care what logic says, even as I agree with it.   I bear all things which fail me without question, and I believe all the more in God, no matter how it may appear God is not favoring me, or is not acting in any way that I do not understand.

Who am I to question God? Who I am to call Him to account? Did I create myself? Was this natural world my creation? Do I know all the answers? I do not even know anyway near all the questions!

Did I conceive of my spirit? How were these things placed in my heart? I do wonder at the things which were shown me, all that I was allowed to see. I have wrestled all night with the Holy Spirit to give me answers. He waited, it seemed, until my desire was red hot. His answers then were short and sudden. 

I have, so far, been burdened with the efforts of a witness. And this, for my benefit, not any benefit for others. That would be their concern, and for their credit, not mine. 

My way is clear once the decision is made, if I can hold to it. 

Thursday, 14 April 2022

Future of Big Bangs

 from the Quoteblokes

The progress of science is strewn, like an ancient desert trail, with the bleached skeleton of discarded theories which once seemed to possess eternal lifeArthur Koestler

Direction of my remarks

The Mystery Religions

The Mystery Religions are usually grouped together with Christianity as a way of trivializing religions in general. I refer to science as specifically physical science because they appear to place high marks on proof and logic, whereas the spiritual, the unseen, all gain a mystic, mystery rating. 

Koestler 1905-1983
Closer to the beginning they were both considered together but grew apart in succeeding centuries. In this was a tragedy of thought, where I strongly agree with Arthur Koestler in his book entitled The Sleepwalkers.

The atheistic view, which I once rather carelessly adopted myself while in college, favors the specific which some handle roughly the further down the scale, if one takes note. 

Koestler takes a detailed long-term view of the parting of the disciplines, science and the humanities. The scientific views always seem to take a dogmatic final stage attitude, which he decries. 

Each generation typically take a more hostile view of the previous generation than do the current more malleable students of today. Not good, it suggests to me a hiatus in historical progress.