Changing our mind
Yesterday's Magic = Today's
Physical Science
Voltaire matched faith with reason. But what is reason? It is merely what we think we know already. I think reason would be logic. But something can be logical by all appearances and be not. Reason is just the catalyst pointing in a particular direction under a respected sense of reason at a particular time.
Point I am making is that each of us, to illustrate, are like a small planet looking at a larger planet, all have a different view from a particular orbit. However, examples or illustrations do not prove anything by themselves.
In point of fact, we only have a limited amount of information we believe to be true at any one time. As often as not, information is eventually expanded with newly arrived knowledge, with the unexpectant introduction of say, telescopes.
We can only prove anything each to our own particular satisfaction. No one can prove anything except to their own satisfaction and a particular set of reasons that evolve out of date, in time. When will we ever know? Now, here we are, matching wits with God. Who is God? God is a Spirit and if He is sitting across the table from us, our tails are wagging.