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Anything said once can be said again in a better fashion. Everything said today can be better clarified tomorrow All entries are under constant editing and can be changed or expanded anytime. All views are dated, and are works in progress reflective during the expressed time frame only. This blog emphasizes issues ..., not personalities. Except for the On Line Bible, included for convenience, this site is portal to other Sunset Stroller sites linked below....

God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Monday, 14 October 2024

Praise worship and gratitude

 With Moses came the first books of the law but with Jesus, as the final sacrifice, came love, forgiveness. grace and all the fruits of the Spirit. 

With Abraham came faith, but it was Moses who questioned God about who He was that the people should believe what God told him to say. No report such as this could carry such powerful weight. So in Exodus we have God's answer how He wanted to be known for all generations.

The question I ask myself is how and why I should respond. My primary reaction was and continues to be gratitude, even an all engulfing thankfulness. Why I am not fully sure. Some I believe focus on praise. I can see why as praise lifts oneself up even as praising lifts  up God. Others glory in worship. 

I suspect there are many who feel uncomfortable, a misunderstanding I suppose because they do not have a strong enough foundation to have an appreciative belief. They have their hands full. 

Sunday, 13 October 2024

Jesus forgives....

I particularly love God for His Existence and for the existence He has spoken me into. Prophets predict when God places ideas in their hearts. As for me the reason I believe I was burdened with so much logic is that thru it I became a victim of the fallacy of the misplaced authority. 

So I became a witness to the blaming of God for the errors of men. It is an embarrassment for me now. So, therefore now, I am a partisan for testifying before men my love of God and Jesus' promise that if I do this, Jesus will speak for me before the Holy Father Himself. 

Friday, 11 October 2024

The most important thing for each of us is....

..anticipating the vital move to the spirit and into the permanent present.  My spongy sense of time tends to fog things up nicely. But there came a time when I realized time had been fooling us all. Even so, Paul  urges us not to lose heart, since even tho our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. For my momentarily, light
afflictions are producing for me an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. This, in his second letter to the Corinthians.

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Anger is a sign of weakness

 Love is a sign of strength

If anyone is angry they are being negatively impacted from forces outside themselves whereas if they are responding with love, any negative involvement is then more likely heaping coals on top of their own heads prompted by their own original negativity.  

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

The flesh wil not help us

My flesh must be born again, out of the flesh and into the Spirit, before the flesh decays and returns to the unseen. 

Thursday, 29 August 2024

My primary concern in life

Increasing My Faith

Above all else I want to experience greater faith and a closer relationship with Jesus who was the first to explain God as predicted by prophets in the Old Testament.

I may not have as much time left in this embryonic stage of my life as it appears to me now. Time manages to fool everyone into thinking we have plenty of perceptual time in front of us. But I will soon find differently one day as my body continues to decay with increasingly unexpected speed.

The books of the law in the Bible came through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus.

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Do it yourself God

There is no way around it. If there is no God then somebody has to be God and the tabla rosa unbeliever is it. And that by itself is the a self defeating original sin.

Being born by itself is original sin because we came out of original sin which was desiring to be God by
choosing the tree of knowledge. 

To be God is one who knows everything in the present tense , what was, and what will be from never beginning to no endings. Welcome to AI!

Thursday, 22 August 2024

Going to Heaven

World at the Dead End?

How is it so few want to go to eternal heaven, hanging on for dear life to their increasing rack of bones in order to stay here? It was the same in the womb. Based on what we knew in the womb we had it made. 

Now based on our decaying flesh we don't mind leaving this world, it is just we don't like getting there.

Many are convinced there is nothing beyond this life, but we thought that in the womb with the story we had  at the time that far. I believe now the next transition is going to be beyond all conception since all things now
seen came from the unseen.

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

A tree is known by its fruit

God, I am that I am,

 Spoke Everything into Existence 

and is the author of all existence.

Man, desiring knowledge, was driven from Eden. Thed law was given by Moses but Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ, according to John 1:17. 

God said how He wanted to be called, as reported by Moses in Exodus 3:14 this, I am that I am, was His name forever and to be His memorial through all generations. 

Sunday, 11 August 2024

All the worlds are hanging o nothing

Just looking at the night sky, on the astronomic wonder on display, makes me question how anyone of us could even conceive any idea such as hanging incredible sized worlds on nothing, let alone bring it about.       

Everything seems to travel in stretched circular loops, and we call it time, everything in time with itself. Everything seems also to be attracted to each other by their charismatic mass......just like people. 

Saturday, 10 August 2024

Reason to praise God

Why it is good to Praise God!

 It is well known that to lift God up one is lifting themselves up. God represents eternity, and praise is natural when we lift up the good, good that never turns against the rejoicer, as other enticements do. Everything that God's commandments are designed to do is to help us, while blaming God for what others do is simply the fallacy of the misplaced authority.

Tuesday, 6 August 2024

Faith and fact....

The Rest of the Story 

There is little belief and...there is great belief. Jesus said if anyone had enough faith they could move mountains. The key word here is enough. Some believers think that Jesus is speaking figuratively. I do not think so. Could is conditional tense. 

Conditional of how much one needs to accomplish whatever is being considered. Anything that is hard to believe obviously requires a lot of belief.  Like opening up the Red Sea is easy to believe, so requires little belief. 

God is interested in faith 

Not in scientific proof.

Mouth of tidal river in PEI Canada

Notice that scientific proof  removes the entire event from faith or belief.