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God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Monday 14 October 2024

Praise worship and gratitude

 With Moses came the first books of the law but with Jesus, as the final sacrifice, came love, forgiveness. grace and all the fruits of the Spirit. 

With Abraham came faith, but it was Moses who questioned God about who He was that the people should believe what God told him to say. No report such as this could carry such powerful weight. So in Exodus we have God's answer how He wanted to be known for all generations.

The question I ask myself is how and why I should respond. My primary reaction was and continues to be gratitude, even an all engulfing thankfulness. Why I am not fully sure. Some I believe focus on praise. I can see why as praise lifts oneself up even as praising lifts  up God. Others glory in worship. 

I suspect there are many who feel uncomfortable, a misunderstanding I suppose because they do not have a strong enough foundation to have an appreciative belief. They have their hands full. 

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