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God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Monday, 23 April 2018

stumbling blocks to faith

I am dealing lately with several chestnuts that occupy those who cannot bridge their gap to a belief in God. Chestnuts like the problem with suffering, the problem with stupidity and many other similar arenas where atheists stumble and cannot believe in God. The reason, in my view, is that they define God, this most commonly undefined in virtually every case, as being a God totally in charge, as being totally in control and therefore being responsible as the creator of evil in all of evil's manifestations.

I am taking a different tack in my approach to the definition of God. For instance, as I read Genesis it never occurred to me that it differed with views on evolution. In fact. I thought it merely the same view couched in more beautiful very poetical language. Later it occurred to me that the untechnical approach of the time was spiritual in that it did not follow the letter of the story but rather the spirit of the story.

Now we all, mostly all I think, know that we cannot express an opinion about someone or anything else, without revealing a great deal about ourselves in the exercise. Expressing process cannot help but do reveal as much or even more about ourselves than about the subject we are talking about. The same is true as well about myself.

My approach is from an individualist view and I recognize an entirely different approach from opposing views, all from a group orientation to existence, therefore to God, and almost entirely a collectivist approach to the entire issue.

All my life, from a very early age, I saw this over and over again. I would say something to the effect that the differing person did not understand or address the basic premise of what I was talking about. 'Oh no' they would argue, I understand perfectly. But if I then asked the most simple of questions they would bungle the subject up into such a ball of various strings all tied together that I gave up.
And so I return in my final all too brief years to leave my view for a final consideration for those who can handle it not so intuitively and emotionally.  Thread will be edited and expanded in the Memorist.

Thursday, 19 April 2018

misplaced authority

Everything of interest is divided in two before one can define and/or begin understand it. If we can't understand it we at least can define it no matter how inadequately. Politics and other group efforts, such as capitalist endeavors, economics in other words, can be divided in two by the labels of either process or result. If it all confuses or provides negative connotones, then they can call it PR, and if in a sacred setting then participants are inspired toward witnessing and conversion. 

Process involves a lot of gossip, particularly in politics and churches. Although politics turn a lot of people off, churches can often provide a highway to atheism.
Virtually every single person who represents himself as an atheist quoted church attendees as the bedrock for their lack of faith in God.

This belief channel is a fallacy in logic I generally call misplaced authority

Sunday, 15 April 2018

clean time of night

Why are the wee small hours the "clean time" of night? Many think these hours are the creative times of night, when each of us are left alone with ourselves and no static intruding on our thoughts. It may also mean one has an unceremonious bladder problem. Eventually you will come across with everything, he said wearily. That is, you will only if you are lucky enough. Remnant left behind from a cluttered time of night. 

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Is God In Control?

Only evil spirits seek control. There is no love in control. One who could control all things does not control all things. If He did, He would have to negate Himself. God cannot deny Himself, nor change His mind. There are those who blame God for doing terrible things of nature, and for not answering His promises. I have talked personally with pastors who reason out in their own minds why they did not get answered prayer by believing such things which come solely from their own doctrine.  Developing.....

Existence Unexplained

Existence was not created, Existence exists. I am that I am is God. First reported by Moses, who is credited as the first to have anything written down. This, when asked, was revealed by God Himself. This revelation is for us a definition, not a theory. It is straight forward and generally understood without dispute. Anything any writer says is non-fiction gospel for him, but only hearsay fiction for his readers. This is why everyone is responsible for their own decisions.

Existence and the Spirit

When one speaks here  it is not their efforts to explain what others have said about God. When I speak, for instance, speak in that fashion it is only as an example, or an illustration of what I am saying about what has already been decided without me. Examples of what I am saying do not prove anything whatever. They only illustrate, which is not proof nor is it an explanation to be mistaken as supporting any position.

Of the Unseen
When I speak it is my effort to tell what I am told in a sudden awareness, at the time beyond my understanding, an epiphany within its' own context. There is only one entity in the world that exists and from which all things proceed. That is the Spirit, the one spirit, called also the Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of Existence variously called the spirit within the unseen. However, there are many spirits. They all motivate, but only One Spirit is the above of all other spirits. Many of these spirits support the Holy Spirit but others may war against the Holy Spirit. In this, God defined Himself previously as Existence, is the only one who said I am that I am. This indicates God is not only The 
spirit of existence He is Existence itself.

I am only somewhat versed in what others speak so I  only speak, directly as it were, what I am told within, directly to my spirit. All other voices are illustrative, perhaps supportive, but always merely collaborative at best. There is no proof that is constant. No proof can stand on its own because we cannot know all the facts. Therefore I, as well as everyone else, must take everything on faith because we will never have all the facts necessary to decide anything without faith. Wisdom is heavy, and difficult to make out from the outside of oneself.

Desire to Control Comes
From Competition With God
All the spirits swarm about us like flies in the dark all wanting to dominate us so they can exist. Unlike God, they strive for control for this reason. To do this they have, by the fact itself, to supplant God. But God did not create these spirits, because God did not create Himself nor did He create Existence itself. Rather, He is Existence. Therefore He did not begin so He will not end. Other spirits want to exist, but they can only do so if they can control our spirit. so that in that way, they can become our spirit. If this were not true then something very much would in effect be the same.

Once our spirit is controlled we must follow the dominant controlling spirit that we have become. The only way out is no longer controlled by ourselves, so any change or relief must come from outside and be itself out of our control. God is the only free standing spirit and only good spirits come from Him. But it is possible a good spirit could become bad and this happens when those spirits decide to desire control for themselves in hostile competition to the Holy Spirit.

Anything I tell you comes from the spirit within me and belongs to the Higher Spirit I have decided can provide my spirit the power to seek safety. Whatever anyone does about anything I say, has nothing to do with me.  Whenever anyone becomes persuaded about anything it is to their credit alone or to their discredit similarly. I am not responsible for others nor do I seek to persuade, anyone but myself.

Only ones spirit can persuade themselves, despite what they may maintain to the contrary. You can only control or convince your own spirit or any other spirit that is gaining control of you. Everything I am saying, even now, is being said by me for my own benefit. I cannot nor would I want to, convince or convict, anyone but myself. In that effort I have my hands full. Picked up in Specific Theory....

Friday, 6 April 2018

revenge of the quotables

When words multiply so does confusion. When word meanings shrink so does understanding. Everyone persuades themselves, but we all normally undertake to persuade someone else first. Let them take the responsibility.

Anger is a sign of weakness in one's argument. Insults, especially one word name calling, is a sign of a weakening vocabulary in an individual and a weakening culture disappearing in any collective setting. Abortion is cultural suicide for that particular group.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

a design observed requires a designer

Evolution theory is fine and agrees with the description of it found in the Bible recorded by the ancient writers. Confirming knowledge, when it arrives after the truth is already known, continues to have a lesser after the fact status,

It is more important to the individual, as opposed to the collective, to believe before even knowing, if that is in anyway necessary. Belief comes through diligent continuous effort, if you are rich in knowledge, because knowledge by itself will begat doubt.

Monday, 2 April 2018

I am experiencing a dangerous schedule of sleep depravation. The risk for the body is great but the rewards might then also be great. In any event the lack of regular sleep could portent a public decline in the physical even as it promotes a wider path to the spiritual. 

Saturday, 24 March 2018

the fine edge of success

Caring and not caring at the same time. We must and we should really care about what we do. And yet, if we don't, if we relax and let go and don't care we, at least, execute better. Between the two, if we can bring them together into a fine sharp cutting edge point we will find the secret of success. This was I think the secret of success for Dean Martin, whether he knew or understood anything about it or not. He was well known for not caring, but there is evidence he did care, I do think, and between the two he succeeded to bring them together to a fine point leading to his successes.