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Anything said once can be said again in a better fashion. Everything said today can be better clarified tomorrow All entries are under constant editing and can be changed or expanded anytime. All views are dated, and are works in progress reflective during the expressed time frame only. This blog emphasizes issues ..., not personalities. Except for the On Line Bible, included for convenience, this site is portal to other Sunset Stroller sites linked below....

God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Thursday 30 May 2024

No Doubt about it

I've really built up a mountain of doubt assailing the fountains of faith I intended would prosper. 

If the logical God one builds up does not dance to one's own logic then I have built up a God who is just a reflection of myself. To become one dealing with a true God I cannot be the one in charge unless I am my own God myself. 

I little understand how anyone can even delude themselves into being their own God. I know I did not light  up the night sky with worlds hanging on nothing, tracing calculated but unknown destinations in the sky to where I have never been. 

Where is anything ever been solid terra firma? I recently learned I am living on boiling seas of lava explosions erupting in under ground oceans. I must be incredibly brilliant to suspect so much personal ignorance I do not even know.

Wednesday 29 May 2024

God places ideas in our hearts

Whether to the Moon or to Mars

 A prophet predicts. A sudden revelation, much like an epiphany, may be how God places ideas in the hearts of the  prophets. How else could the ancients even think that man, as he built a garden into the sky would reach the moon, while doing anything he set his mind to? 

Monday 27 May 2024

Sunday 26 May 2024

The temporal and eternal

If anyone is sensitive, and I mean really sensitive, then they are grateful far beyond anything normal sensitiveness for the Existence of God, like I am thankful. 

God spoke everything and everyone into existence

I believe everyone has to be sensitive to their own spirit. Praising God, thanking Him for his Existence and then grateful for one's own existence. This should fire a person up into such a state they would want to praise and worship God for speaking them into the future for eternity where the future is always in the actively stand-still present. 

First I realize everything that is seen initially came from the unseen eventually. The unseen is eternal and the seen is temporal, always changing, growing and decaying. If everything ratherly ends at death of the physical body then I, we all, have nothing. Not even hope. 

Anyone without hope is hopeless  but I have a great hope

Saturday 25 May 2024


There are two kinds of faith, little and great. I do not believe there is any figurative faith as some suggest. See Manna, click left side column.

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Once a man, twce a child

Working Out My Own Salvation

What would be the purpose of this life if it were not better than compared to the womb? Based then on what I knew at the time, being born would be a downer. Instead, it turned out to be an upper. But the upper itself is now wearing down, yet I still cling to it. The life I know is better than the life I don't?

I think the life ahead will be even better than I could imagine in the womb. Why give up on it? So I can become my own god? I say I am trusting this life as in an embryonic state and I choose God, who is so evidently ahead of me in everything. 

Saturday 18 May 2024


My Bible Verses

I focus on them too much, so that I am in danger of becoming a "chapter and verse" man. I am very partial to verses that highlight the Spirit.                     I want to think about what happens next. This is a sharp turnaround for me, almost like going by faith and not by sight. It looks now that by bringing faith to the front draws me into an intimacy I had not known previously. This is why Manna is my favorite site. This is the site, I am trusting, that will bring me closer to Jesus. In this process I credit the devotional Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.

Friday 17 May 2024

about the hard copy.....


What I am originally trying to do is be more accurate and clearer of what I believe by writing down what I am really believing by saying it published here. Accordingly, the high Priestly Prayer is found in John 17, not 14. Typing too fast has proven to be a hazard. Editing goes on continuously for this reason.

Thursday 16 May 2024

The Holy Spirit?

The High Priestly Prayer

In the church I was born in it was never taught about being born again, and that would include not one single word about the Trinity. 

This meant that the Holy Spirit was ignored, and forgiveness not mentioned. When one of us kids asked why Jesus had to die on the Cross, no one in the Sunday School had a ready answer. 

In the church I was married in, the pastor, an intellectual sort who authored books, likely read mostly by other intellectuals, was dismissed by a faction in the congregation who just did not like him.The reason many Protestant churches are a certain size is that it is at a certain size they will split, around 500 in my experience. 

I only realized how important the Trinty was when a person came to the door and explained to me just how important the Trinty actually was. That was what I thought, not whatever precisely what he thought. That was when John 17, began to lead me to the workings of the Trinity.

Monday 13 May 2024

Jesus as the central figure.....

Does any ever think, or in any manner speak of Jesus in any churches? Not in those I was familiar, I mean any, of any denomination. Who was it said, if we confess Jesus before men, then Jesus will confess us before God?

I made an attempt, but I admit it was a weak attempt. I saw no hunger for Jesus in any manner. Yet there is a lot in attendance to hear about Godly subjects and history, The five thousand have to eat, do they not? I lost my interest in God in the churches, so I am not a good one to speak. 

Searching Bible verses brought me back, slowly, as they were revealed to me. Especially the definition of God. A definition I never heard in churches but found in the Bible. Where would the devil go to perform his function? It would not be the barrooms; it would be the churches. 

Saturday 11 May 2024

We only know certain things.....

This world of the flesh, we are all born into, will not help us Jesus has said. Jesus also said God will draw certain ones close to Him, which saw Jesus lose many followers.

At this point my solitary reasoning is forced to think, like many physical scientists, to think in wonder, how could so much design render so many intricate and interacting complications? No matter how long anything takes to happen, time is a comparative variable, an entity not subject to a single inter-independent comparison or many multiple phenomena.      There we have it! How can that be solved without prior knowledges? Afterward, perhaps yes. We only know one thing, a prophet predicts. Predicts suddenly, without prior knowledge or reasoning.

Friday 10 May 2024

I understand from the ancients....

...that God spoke the world into being by breathing His Spirit into Existence. God, being always in the present, is eternity with no beginning nor ending. God is forever loving and forgiving for those who can recognize and accept Him. His thoughts are behind the display in the heavens, his ideas planted in the self-evident words of the prophets.