My epiphany might be because
I needed it as a help along the way
I do not regard an epiphany as an advantage aside someone who has not had one, in fact the opposite. It took me a long time, it seems to me now, to figure mine out. My excuse later was it came to me so young.
Minding my own business
I think my interest at the time was more in the church, particularly my right to take communion. I was considered too young, but age was never mentioned to me. Instead I was told I was not a member. So I proceeded in that track but was told I could not be a member because I was not baptized.
So I was baptized, on Pentecost Sunday. So I became a member and then finally could take communion. It was around that time I had my epiphany but was not sure what it meant. The effort finally fell away from my attention and my interest in the Bible and Church was disappointed by the adults who, to someone figuring out if Santa Claus true, realized it was all a putup pulpit talk by adults over us kids. Later the Pulpit Rock on the school lane became clearer to me. It was all pretend church, as I said, by adults for us kids.
Learning that the Bible stories never happened, only the meanings happened, sent me on a course resulting in avowed atheism in my college years. The time consuming trek coming back began when the fallacy of the misplaced authority I'd learned in Logic class finally brought my epiphany into focus. So the epiphany helped, eventually, but I regard it now as help that I needed because of my lazy wittedness in the matter.
Capping it all off was my belief in a fallacy that caused me to blame God for what adults were espousing. When I realized God forgave David for his really horrendous sin because David was honest with God, I, somehow was elated that God perhaps forgave me too for my honesty in lecturing Him as a child. But, I was really hot footing it there for awhile.
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