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Sunday 17 October 2021

The teachers and the preachers

My Paraclete 

There are those who speak from the pulpit who claim to be teachers rather than preachers. I wonder if they realize that teaching is the most difficult and nearly impossible effort in which to function, much less excel.

The easiest on the other hand, is preaching because it requires emotion, while preaching which is easy to project if one already believes in the power of the Holy Spirit. Teaching is the beginning arena requiring intellect whereas preaching requires emotion which is the Energy generating motion that comes from the Holy Spirit. 

Some call Him the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. I call the Holy Spirit my Paraclete. My Paraclete is much like my personal lawyer, who stands before God testifying to my sin forgiven belief in Him since God does not want unbelief of any shade to be even in His presence. 

My Paraclete advises me and I seek His explanations. It seems as tho He draws out of me an extreme personal effort before suddenly and finally reveals to me His answers to my spiritual struggles.

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