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Friday 26 July 2024

Embryonic draft updating.....

The body begins tabla rosa, and with all the information it has, believes that is all there is. It thinks it is in a perfect position based on all the known is "being Garden of Eden like," i.e. forcibly expelled, the future is solidly resisted based on all the current information that can be predicted with limited knowledge at hand. Once informed of these immediate facts, the body realizes the known facts, known that is, to its' existence in the womb. 

The body starts growing and when it is about fifty years old, stalls until the next decade begins to decline. Eventually up to this point all the previous activity seems to resemble an embryonic event.

It is then born into a new state from which all previous events were created by unseen forces manipulating seen results. 

The new state is reborn from the embryonic, this time again into a condition where all power originates, called the Spirit and from which all things seen are evidenced. (editing)

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