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God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Wednesday, 20 October 2021

The Trinity "are" one Spirit

We are all One

 Many seem to exist exclusively in the flesh. They deal with their perceptions, and react only to what they see and feel. They have trouble with the Trinity, a word some say itself does not appear in the Bible. 

Is Trouble with the Trinity, difficulty with the Spirit? 

Jesus spoke about the Spirit, meaning one with each other, in the Bible, most especially, to my mind, in John 17. It is of interest that He makes repetitively the point that we were all one over and over many times. We are all one, as Jesus said, are we not?

God is Spirit, Holy Spirit. If some do not grasp that oneness, it has to be because they cannot relate to the concept of spirit. They are more dazzled in a more presently dominating belief in the seen rather than the unseen. The Trinity is three particular Spirits, and all are One, and all are One with us.

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Monday, 18 October 2021

Epiphanies may be for those need them

My epiphany might be because

I needed it as a help along the way 

I do not regard an epiphany as an advantage aside someone who has not had one, in fact the opposite. It took me a long time, it seems to me now, to figure mine out. My excuse later was it came to me so young.

Minding my own business 

I think my interest at the time was more in the church, particularly my right to take communion. I was considered too young, but age was never mentioned to me. Instead I was told I was not a member. So I proceeded in that track but was told I could not be a member because I was not baptized. 

So I was baptized, on Pentecost Sunday. So I became a member and then finally could take communion. It was around that time I had my epiphany but was not sure what it meant. The effort finally fell away from my attention and my interest in the Bible and Church was disappointed by the adults who, to someone figuring out if Santa Claus true, realized it was all a putup pulpit talk by adults over us kids. Later the Pulpit Rock on the school lane became clearer to me. It was all pretend church, as I said, by adults for us kids.

Learning that the Bible stories never happened, only the meanings happened, sent me on a course resulting in avowed atheism in my college years. The time consuming trek coming back began when the fallacy of the misplaced authority I'd learned in Logic class finally brought my epiphany into focus. So the epiphany helped, eventually, but I regard it now as help that I needed because of my lazy wittedness in the matter.

Capping it all off was my belief in a fallacy that caused me to blame God for what adults were espousing. When I realized God forgave David for his really horrendous sin because David was honest with God, I, somehow was elated that God perhaps forgave me too for my honesty in lecturing Him as a child. But, I was really hot footing it there for awhile. 

Sunday, 17 October 2021

The teachers and the preachers

My Paraclete 

There are those who speak from the pulpit who claim to be teachers rather than preachers. I wonder if they realize that teaching is the most difficult and nearly impossible effort in which to function, much less excel.

The easiest on the other hand, is preaching because it requires emotion, while preaching which is easy to project if one already believes in the power of the Holy Spirit. Teaching is the beginning arena requiring intellect whereas preaching requires emotion which is the Energy generating motion that comes from the Holy Spirit. 

Some call Him the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. I call the Holy Spirit my Paraclete. My Paraclete is much like my personal lawyer, who stands before God testifying to my sin forgiven belief in Him since God does not want unbelief of any shade to be even in His presence. 

My Paraclete advises me and I seek His explanations. It seems as tho He draws out of me an extreme personal effort before suddenly and finally reveals to me His answers to my spiritual struggles.

Saturday, 16 October 2021

My own benefit

Everything I do is for my own benefit, even it ostensibly would ever appear to be for someone else. If, as Jesus said, I am one of those drawn to God it is because God draws me to Him, or it would not have happened. 

A Value to Me 

My intensity in the matter is to gain more of God because He is, according to my epiphany, the spiritual fountainhead of Existence as reported by Moses. I was told of my drawing by Jesus, I did not think it up myself. Although I slept on this realization for, to me a too long time, I am increasingly elated over my awareness of this realization nevertheless. 

Friday, 15 October 2021

Definition of an essay

An essay is a trial of thought. Nothing concludes in thought, it is always ongoing. The question is where. I tested mine out when I objectified them by putting their word symbols outside my thoughts in writing them down.

Thursday, 14 October 2021

Faith is the root of all Proof 

If we can only please God through faith, then why is that? Is it to require each of us to make our own decision? It was earlier pointed out, more elaborately, that absolute proof is not possible with various witnesses all from various respectives, influenced by different times as is usual in all seen situations, unlike unseen situations. 

And then too, we know that knowledge is too much for us and as we gain knowledge we also gain the knowledge that there is even far more that we do not know than we already know. So knowledge of our ignorance grows faster than our knowledge of what we know. Then to top things off, the known does not always remain the same, as other conditions inexplicably appear in seen situations by the different times, causing even more variabilities to puzzle us further

I think it is to stretch our spirit and gain for us more control over our spirit power to strengthen our existence. Existence, in order not to negate itself,  is itself good but we do not appear to be making our nation any better. God has been known to interfere but I would hesitate to explore those possibilities. Such is the case when I get too far afield. 

All future requires faith

Proof only exists to one's satisfaction

The future is brighter than the past.
There are those who will only believe the believable, but not anything that requires faith. Turns out I can only believe God with, in, and through faith. Proving faith makes faith redundant, which is to say, a non-event. Restricting faith restricts everything, halting the progression of all human thought.

Wednesday, 13 October 2021

God defined Himself

 In Exodus 3 Moses, who is my authority in this matter, asked God who shall he say sent him?

God answered I am who I am and later in Chapter 15 said, This is my name forever, and this is My memorial-name to all generations.

I, for my part, only accept God's definition of who God is, as reported by Moses, especially since it jives with my epiphany. 

Sunday, 10 October 2021

Belief in God is an individual decision

All things seen came from the unseen

Many detractors of a belief in the existence of God, that is, God as the fountainhead of Existence, do not believe in the unseen but rather emphasize the seen physical world as the conclusion of everything for everyone, in particular for the individual. This is a politically influenced decision governing everyone, except those who must direct the group effort.

But if there is no unseen existence, how did we get here if all things seen did not come from the unseen? Gravity is now considered a physical scientific fact. When Newton introduced the idea of gravity many other physical scientists were extremely uneasy because it suggested to them a psychically mystic condition unwelcome in the physically seen. To them seeing was believing rather than believing was seeing. This left the avenue for future knowledge in human affairs increasingly closed.

Even if there were no God, unbelievers would be forced to create one for themselves. 

The singular politically oriented were forced to maintain their view that there was no God, which left them the responsibility to be their own God of themselves. They were the sole decision makers, which in turn handicapped them in economical affairs since the decision makers were so few. 

It is well known that the greater the number of decision makers there are, the greater the number of chances for success. Flip side this fact that wrong decisions were not recognized even tho caused by the individual making wrong decisions. They in turn were suffered by people who had no influence or responsibility directing in the economic arena. 

Overlooking this fact narrows all possible views for success, except luck, for those few who took no responsibility but were allowed to continue their mistakes since they had no skin in the game. In other words the unseen clouded the future of the seen. This means the belief in God is an anathema to those who do not believe in God. The thinning hedge around individuals who made a decision to believe in God will be increasingly at threat. Danger in the hallway will be counterbalanced by love of God, since God is Existence.

Saturday, 9 October 2021

How could the idea even come about?

Are we hiding inside something?

Everything works together 

In a finely balanced harmony

How vast and awesome the universe is! Where did the idea come from for God to hang the earth on nothing, in an empty space? The mingling colors and the movements, the sounds and the smells? More spectacular than the power bringing everything into being, is perhaps having the singular idea of it all in the first place. Born in a hallway of tabula rosa I could never conceive of it. 

Friday, 8 October 2021

Hope must be very important

Even with other planets
our time is unique.

The mind, without hope, can commit the body to suicide. But the mind cannot commit the spirit to suicide, with or without hope.   

 The spirit knows nothing of suicide in my view, or it would negate itself. Therefore it would not be spirit. Hope sustains my spirit. But the mind cannot help my body with or without hope. My mind cannot even measure time correctly, else how could time be so draggishly slow and later find it so fancy dancy fast? That means my perception is wagging out of tune somewhere. I  think time, being singular, because it exists only in the comparative state everywhere, generates correspondently different signals everywhere, could be one conclusion. So hope must be very important to my existence, should I desire it, as I do.