From the unseen comes the seen
Believing is the first step in making things "true", which is to say seen. Once anything happens in the seen world it is difficult to absolutely "prove" it at all. Time always enters the picture in the end.
Anything said once can be said again in a better fashion. Everything said today can be better clarified tomorrow All entries are under constant editing and can be changed or expanded anytime. All views are dated, and are works in progress reflective during the expressed time frame only. This blog emphasizes issues ..., not personalities. Except for the On Line Bible, included for convenience, this site is portal to other Sunset Stroller sites linked below....
and those with greater belief
Remember when Jesus asked the man seeking relief for his stricken child whether he believed, and the man answered I believe, help my unbelief?
Recall also when Jesus said if one had enough belief he could move a mountain into the sea? And then He spoke of the centurion with greater belief than in all Israel and still again, when He asked the woman seeking healing whether she believed He could do it? She said yes she believed He could do it and He responded, then it will be done according to her belief?
All these things suggest there are those with belief, greater belief and little belief, which He also spoke of as well. So there are different intensive degrees of faith. Therefore I constantly seek to increase my belief even though I have already made my prodigal decision to believe. A decision I remade losing several years to the atheism view before regaining my initial decision finally again.
Mountain moving faith
When Jesus said we could move mountains and, now think about this, do greater things than even He had done. There are many believers who think He was speaking metaphorically. Whether yes or no I believe every thing He said was and is true for today.
Otherwise when does one stop? Before or after the Cross? Or was the Cross fiction also? I believe in a future when it will be common for strong believers to move mountains of the inanimate world of the seen about at will justifiability.
Reminder: As I continue, everything I write here is dated and reflects my view at those specific times. However I am also unannounced editing my prior views for clarity and common typos as well as increased validity at various other times.
All things seen came from the unseen
Darkness promises the Light. |
In our world of change
The older one becomes the greater likelihood someone very close to our age will succumb physically, still, their spirit lingers on in our awareness. However if they are younger then it is especially difficult to weather while in the seen world. God has placed in our hearts the promised belief I will see everyone again, and not only that, but I will have a greater understanding. As the Holy Spirit shared with Paul, we see now darkly, but time comes when we will see understandings and happiness greater than I could ever have imagined in this world of the seen.
Faith is the central most guiding force
Is the physical world of the seen more dear than the promise of the unseen world of the spirit? I think time fools us all. But faith will save us. This is the greatest single most force I must strengthen within our spirit once born again. It is especially not unreliable proof that can direct me, nor anything else, except faith.
Evolving vs Evolution
Evolution is a belief that humans came from ocean slime, and later from menkeys. This, while observational, it has to be said, has never been seen.
Regardless, nothing can evolve from anything different despite similarities, fanciful or not. It reminds one of the fallacy of skipping categories. I have visited Old Ironsides but could not get inside.
Seeing is believing?
I have ducked my head entering colonial houses constructed only a few hundred years ago. I have heard how small Roman swords were, the conquerors of the western world. I am related to a family of five boys, all standing the oldest down to the youngest, only to see them as young men standing together, the oldest up to the youngest. Say what we will, I still find it suggestive that observation has its place.
Everything in the seen world changes despite appearances. Various living trees may seem similar but all trees are known by their fruit. My conclusion is, Christians are losing an evolution debate that is not quite pointless.
All minds change
As a man on a bucking horse
I hope to remember every time I pray to thank God for His existence, and the existence He has given me.
The spirit never changes
It is because I love and appreciate existence, even amazed by existence, that I love Him. My purpose in praying is to build my faith in God and in the Existence He has given me. This especially since at one time, many times, I did not do that very thing that matters to me now. In the seen world everything is changing, including my apparently slowing witted mind.
Only the questions are difficult
The answer to every complicated question is simple. But everything simple is more difficult to see, even as it sits right in front of everyone.
If a person knows the questions of life are but not the answers, that perceptive person is smart. But if someone already knows the answers, that poor person is on thin ice. Funny how life can be turned upside down sometimes.
So that I may believe
To see beauty one has to first think beauty. |
In all cases my spirit is the energy driving emotion bringing, either now or eventually, to me according to the diligence of my spirit. And if it is true for me then it must be true across the board for everyone. This then is why and how if I take an offense I become offensive. I should not take it so that I will not be bogged down by negative forces, or so to say, negative spirits.
This is again why I should forgive so that I may be forgiven. This is why I've said before that Jesus tells me what to do, to do for Him for my own benefit. I remember, I think it was Paul, who said there is a continual life and death spiritual struggle going on between opposing spirits.
The definition and purpose of war, which is a continual struggle between groups evident even in peacetime, is accompanied by rumors of war. It may be, it seems, like peace is building up pressure for war.
We are all One
Many seem to exist exclusively in the flesh. They deal with their perceptions, and react only to what they see and feel. They have trouble with the Trinity, a word some say itself does not appear in the Bible.
Is Trouble with the Trinity, difficulty with the Spirit?
Jesus spoke about the Spirit, meaning one with each other, in the Bible, most especially, to my mind, in John 17. It is of interest that He makes repetitively the point that we were all one over and over many times. We are all one, as Jesus said, are we not?
God is Spirit, Holy Spirit. If some do not grasp that oneness, it has to be because they cannot relate to the concept of spirit. They are more dazzled in a more presently dominating belief in the seen rather than the unseen. The Trinity is three particular Spirits, and all are One, and all are One with us.
Which person is the more responsible? The enemy who told a lie about you, or the friend who believed it?
My epiphany might be because
I needed it as a help along the way
I do not regard an epiphany as an advantage aside someone who has not had one, in fact the opposite. It took me a long time, it seems to me now, to figure mine out. My excuse later was it came to me so young.
Minding my own business
I think my interest at the time was more in the church, particularly my right to take communion. I was considered too young, but age was never mentioned to me. Instead I was told I was not a member. So I proceeded in that track but was told I could not be a member because I was not baptized.
So I was baptized, on Pentecost Sunday. So I became a member and then finally could take communion. It was around that time I had my epiphany but was not sure what it meant. The effort finally fell away from my attention and my interest in the Bible and Church was disappointed by the adults who, to someone figuring out if Santa Claus true, realized it was all a putup pulpit talk by adults over us kids. Later the Pulpit Rock on the school lane became clearer to me. It was all pretend church, as I said, by adults for us kids.
Learning that the Bible stories never happened, only the meanings happened, sent me on a course resulting in avowed atheism in my college years. The time consuming trek coming back began when the fallacy of the misplaced authority I'd learned in Logic class finally brought my epiphany into focus. So the epiphany helped, eventually, but I regard it now as help that I needed because of my lazy wittedness in the matter.
Capping it all off was my belief in a fallacy that caused me to blame God for what adults were espousing. When I realized God forgave David for his really horrendous sin because David was honest with God, I, somehow was elated that God perhaps forgave me too for my honesty in lecturing Him as a child. But, I was really hot footing it there for awhile.
My Paraclete
There are those who speak from the pulpit who claim to be teachers rather than preachers. I wonder if they realize that teaching is the most difficult and nearly impossible effort in which to function, much less excel.
The easiest on the other hand, is preaching because it requires emotion, while preaching which is easy to project if one already believes in the power of the Holy Spirit. Teaching is the beginning arena requiring intellect whereas preaching requires emotion which is the Energy generating motion that comes from the Holy Spirit.
Some call Him the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. I call the Holy Spirit my Paraclete. My Paraclete is much like my personal lawyer, who stands before God testifying to my sin forgiven belief in Him since God does not want unbelief of any shade to be even in His presence.
My Paraclete advises me and I seek His explanations. It seems as tho He draws out of me an extreme personal effort before suddenly and finally reveals to me His answers to my spiritual struggles.