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God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Hope in the spotlight

Stay on the positive track

There is a risk between not predicting hope and predicting hope. There is a risk to attributing a lack of hope because of any lack of respect displayed among those who do hope. Those who hope, even tho they hope, may not know how or even what to hope for. Only by staying on a positive track can one predict hope. Negative hope can still exist, but not by any negative act. Realizing this is when hell enters the picture, cancelling oneself and realizing it at the same time.

Monday, 9 October 2023

Speaking too Soon?

I believe if I had enough faith, I could move mountains, that is, if I could only demonstrate enough faith. I understand I speak ahead of the crowd when I say I do not believe Jesus was speaking only figuratively when He said this.  

First there is, to my speculative view, an element of insight that overcomes some. It happens where one is able to see themselves in a brighter & greater and revealing light when someone of emotionally intense significance passes ahead of them. Where does that insight come from, to see oneself so clearly? 

It suggests a future life of the spirit, a flash from an embryonic stage, a completing stage, that is the seen world suddenly spiraled into a sudden glimpse of the unseen.

Saturday, 7 October 2023

The next thread

All things seen came from the unseen
My Epiphanies' 

A key word in my definition of epiphany is manifestation, normally of a sudden unexpected nature. It is like a sudden burst of awareness, at its root and is of religious importance. (The "ph" in the word pronounced as an "f".) There is an entire history to epiphany which one can google out if they are so inclined. 

There is a sense, from its religious origins, that it is a message from God, or His angels delivering a message from God. This is how I take it, which made it all seem private and supported the idea that God places things in our hearts. 

I also felt it was all sort of private and not to be witnessed. Of course, one has to be wary of unfriendly quarters that capitalize on any such experience as loony, which is what any hostile spirit being sent to accuse would do. 

This is where my old friend logic steps in. I am going to try to stick to my threads in the future and make it my witness. My friendship of logic frees me of the mis-entanglements of others. (Thank you Dr. Sahakian.)

Thursday, 5 October 2023

My compulsive desire to rejoice

The reason I find I should praise God and particularly, worship God, as well as desire to be where He is, is because He, as one in the Trinity, authored existence. 

That is, He created the universe as we encounter it, and more. And He did it all, everything, for us, even as us. It is reported exactly how He wanted to be called, into all generations, to Moses. Anyone who does not favor existence I would think be more likely be more attracted to the opposite, into the excitement of fire and consumption. Alongside this many seem to blame God for evil spirits that are permitted to gain dominance, even right alongside expecting free will.

 Anyone who is rejoicing in existence, no matter how hard or doubtful, will want to exist, no matter what, in my mind. Worship is celebration and gratitude. I believe, as it is written, that it is greater than it can be known what God has prepared for us beyond this embryonic manifestation. That is this physical life that grows and slips back in the dust. 

Any emphasis of the physical, the seen, reveals, to me, a stark unintentional slant on the spirit, and especially the Holy Spirit. 

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Eric Arthur Blair

I write experimentally, to discover puzzling questions, that is, interesting to me. I only write for my own benefit, like everyone else. Anyone who claims that they are writing to persuade anyone else is in my view more than usually and firstly writing to persuade themselves. 

I write to objectify my thinking and as well to find out clearly what I am thinking and believing. Luckily for me, my mother accidently taught me to read around three by pointing her finger to Thornton Burgess Peter Rabit word by word every night in the local newspaper. She later told me she would no longer help me carry all the books I chose to take out of the library.

Somerset Maugham said he like to read so much he would read anything available even if it was an out-of-date bus schedule. I think Maugham was the among the very best of the long-distance writers. He wrote laboriously by hand, but I would not say he met my central casting choice. 

There I would necessarily choose Papa, known as the Hemingway of course. But then he shot himself, (thoughtfully in the front entry of his house). I never appreciated his longish novels as much as the very best of writers, George Orwell. Not his real name, he wrote a handful of more briefish novels that appealed to me in my yoot. 

A socialist (not yet then moved to the left) the famous pigs explained equality as admitting everyone to being equal. It was only that they were more equal than anyone else. Now there is a famous quote for us that is exclusively credited. I think for me he is the most famous of all. He could have called 1984, 2084 instead however. 

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

The little black book

The majority is not always wrong. Herbert Spencer. There are fewer right answers than wrong ones. Spencer Corkum 

Mathematics is against us. I am for algebra because algebra, I was early convinced, knows the unknown and is sure of it. Only numberized charts pointing upward are good charts. Knowing that could make life well worth living in the stock market. In fact I know a great number that will shoot me to the moon. If it doesn't go up then don't buy it. 

Monday, 2 October 2023

Where things take me

Star Gazing the Universe

All I observe in the universe seems to constantly move, in all instances and it is, I suppose, probably related to some such universal vibrations, as if mockingly matched to some mysterious violin. 

I suspect everything vibrates even when it seems not to do so. Entities I also feel certain to again suggest, seem not to vibrate even when they vibrate so violently, they appear not to move at all. Physical scientists unwarily rely more strongly on personal sight than is comfortable, from senses placed within us?

It is, as Jesus said, possible to move mountains if one has enough faith. There it is, believing is seeing, rather than seeing is believing. The unspoken looms over us, if we could somehow respeak it in our minds. Could it be just a matter of choice? The seen world must then learn to see more of the unseen.

Sunday, 1 October 2023


Working Out My Own Salvation 

There are millions of spirits and more than quite a few mediums I should imagine. Many of them have great powers I can also well imagine. That seems certain I can assume myself, so myself only trusts one Spirit. 


There are also many poker players even better than I am. So, if Manolete could invent more dangerous passes and be gored to death in the bull fighting arena it is for double certain sure I would not wind up a stone stature in the square. 

Saturday, 30 September 2023

Parlor Tricks

I do not feel comfortable with mediumship and reincarnations. Why should anyone talk at all to anyone they know through someone they do not know? 

And living more than one life one after the other sounds like debilitating confusion. Hell, for instance, is repetitious. This is what boring does.

This is what boring does to anyone who tells someone else to do what someone you do not know said what you should do, and all this to a stranger yet?

Friday, 29 September 2023

My spirit is forming itself within me

Time Does Not Exist Alone;

Only Comparitively

 My life is like living born in an egg, surrounded by handicaps. I sense, planted within me, that when I die this shell will grow only to continue to change deteriorating and I will be born into my spirit. Each day is a rehearsal for the final "lifetime". 

Morning to night again and again I am born into lifetimes that were rehearsed daily. There will be no more time to exist since time requires separate and independent comparisons. There are millions of times, all separate and uniquely measured.

Thursday, 28 September 2023

Fear is not a friend of Faith

Fear is afraid of faith. No surprise, fear is afraid, since it is destructive so that is all there is to it. Hey! Why choose it at all? There is also no hope in it, just to scrape the barrel along with the entire ticket. 

No hope is a worthless give up it seems to me. And all before the game even starts. Faith before the fact is the substance of things hoped for. That means to me that the actor in the piece already takes the things hoped for in an actual hard events turn out. How else is it to come to existence otherwise? Of course, if it is just a feeling then that is likely the only hope one will ever get. The translator reveals the true tale his future really will shoot for. After all, there is great faith and little faith we read in the Bible, according to Jesus.

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Time ends in the foxhole

I will only know what I finally and truly believe in the foxhole. Then it will be too late to change. If I see anything now in the shadows, I am really seeing something forming in my fading mind of flesh. I perhaps live in my own galaxy. I will find out what I really believe when I get in the final foxhole. But then it may be too late to change. This is because my spirit may not be able to change when it is eternal and therefore out of time. This is why I have to figure out my own salvation now as my GranzeeMother so often said. In the spirit my father will appear to me as my father and to his father he will appear as his son. I wonder?