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Anything said once can be said again in a better fashion. Everything said today can be better clarified tomorrow All entries are under constant editing and can be changed or expanded anytime. All views are dated, and are works in progress reflective during the expressed time frame only. This blog emphasizes issues ..., not personalities. Except for the On Line Bible, included for convenience, this site is portal to other Sunset Stroller sites linked below....

God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Saturday, 26 October 2024

Working next week.....

The one entire chapter in the Bible devoted exclusively to the Trinity, and separately, I finally tackle my trials & tribulations in the Epiphanies.

Friday, 25 October 2024

Why does God need praise?

Does God have a low self esteem, that He desires praise and even worship from others? Why the devil would God need praise? 

It would think it may seem that way to anyone who sets themselves on an equal bar with God. For those who think that God does not exist, who better to stand in God shoes?

If anyone does not believe God does not exist I suggest in the mix could easily be that they themselves may not exist in that day as well.

Since they believe one  side of the equation they may find they get the other side locked in for themselves also. To not exist, and know it, sounds to me that one is dipping into a Dante Inferno double hell with no acceptable unseen escape.  Somebody is playing with fire. So what then, I wonder, is the story? Just a tiny tip of a warning, this is simply my story. I don't know anything about any other stories.

Thursday, 17 October 2024

God of the Fantasies or of Faith

I have reasoned previously that if one does not believe in God then they must of a necessity be their own God. Somebody has to be God, there is no way out without evidential information, but at least there is hope. And perhaps, hope could lead to faith?

Therefore, however, if being ones own God is anything other than being only a God of ones own fantasies, what can anyone otherwise say? Where could any kind of hope exist? Did we invent ourselves out of whole cloth? Did we create anything before we even existed? We are without information of any relevance.

It seems to me that without hope we can only fall back on our fantasies. There is no information to support anything but hope starved fantasies. Myself, I could not even make them up. In fact this all comes to us all totally as either fantasies or faith. One can, at the very least, have hope. This is my hope, that I have a God of faith with love and grace, such as the fruits of the Spirit of existence. Otherwise, I wonder what kind of fantasy as being ones own God would be? Originally rather strenuous editing continues, particularly for several days from initial appearance.

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Praise and Worship

It is true I only know, and that for a physical certainty as well, that my flesh is not only weak but is in control beyond all fleshly contemplations. Just by itself alone I have extensively wasted a large portion of my generously allotted time beyond any justification I can deny.

And yet I have been favored with several unexplained epiphany-like experiences that cast any knowledge I did have beyond acclaimable appreciations.

And yet I feel unexplainedly favored by it all. So, without further concern I will try to describe just how and why one anyone like myself praises God and completely glories in worship. 

I do not feel so independently apart from God that I can carry any doubts of how I was designed, let alone made. The sheer wonderment of what we know of the universe is no only outside my area of expertise, it is obviously outside anyone else for that matter.

One has to read certain of the Psalms to absorb the awe accompanying worship of not only the Creator of the universe generates but the very conceiving of it. One has to simply value existence I would have to suggest. Living without hope is totally unbearable in my view. 

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Enough faith, enough belief

Working out my acceptance... 

I can sense conscious intricacies of life dancing around me as much as anyone but just why or how, I cannot say. However I suspect there are those who do and do much more than I.

I envy them their praise and their worship drawing me into their inner fountainhead that attracts me I do not quite know how. How they must love God and His effortless intense concentration of love and forgiveness. There is a secret here that is not a secret, acknowledging faith as a capable power beyond my own concentration.

I believe Jesus when He said that if I had enough faith I could move anything, even fountains into the sea. I am not putting a limit on faith, just my envious inability to do the same. 

I also believe Jesus when He also said to the sick woman do you believe I can do this? When she answered yes, Jesus said, then let it be done onto you according to your faith. 

Some point out that God does not heal everyone. It is not God who did not, it is those who could not accept their healing. In any situation such as this I know automatically that it is myself who is at fault, not God.

 Am I too anxious the enjoy the faith based celebration of physical healing before the full graduation of my body into spirit?

Monday, 14 October 2024

Praise worship and gratitude

 With Moses came the first books of the law but with Jesus, as the final sacrifice, came love, forgiveness. grace and all the fruits of the Spirit. 

With Abraham came faith, but it was Moses who questioned God about who He was that the people should believe what God told him to say. No report such as this could carry such powerful weight. So in Exodus we have God's answer how He wanted to be known for all generations.

The question I ask myself is how and why I should respond. My primary reaction was and continues to be gratitude, even an all engulfing thankfulness. Why I am not fully sure. Some I believe focus on praise. I can see why as praise lifts oneself up even as praising lifts  up God. Others glory in worship. 

I suspect there are many who feel uncomfortable, a misunderstanding I suppose because they do not have a strong enough foundation to have an appreciative belief. They have their hands full. 

Sunday, 13 October 2024

Jesus forgives....

I particularly love God for His Existence and for the existence He has spoken me into. Prophets predict when God places ideas in their hearts. As for me the reason I believe I was burdened with so much logic is that thru it I became a victim of the fallacy of the misplaced authority. 

So I became a witness to the blaming of God for the errors of men. It is an embarrassment for me now. So, therefore now, I am a partisan for testifying before men my love of God and Jesus' promise that if I do this, Jesus will speak for me before the Holy Father Himself. 

Friday, 11 October 2024

The most important thing for each of us is....

..anticipating the vital move to the spirit and into the permanent present.  My spongy sense of time tends to fog things up nicely. But there came a time when I realized time had been fooling us all. Even so, Paul  urges us not to lose heart, since even tho our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. For my momentarily, light
afflictions are producing for me an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. This, in his second letter to the Corinthians.

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Anger is a sign of weakness

 Love is a sign of strength

If anyone is angry they are being negatively impacted from forces outside themselves whereas if they are responding with love, any negative involvement is then more likely heaping coals on top of their own heads prompted by their own original negativity.  

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

The flesh wil not help us

My flesh must be born again, out of the flesh and into the Spirit, before the flesh decays and returns to the unseen. 

Thursday, 29 August 2024

My primary concern in life

Increasing My Faith

Above all else I want to experience greater faith and a closer relationship with Jesus who was the first to explain God as predicted by prophets in the Old Testament.

I may not have as much time left in this embryonic stage of my life as it appears to me now. Time manages to fool everyone into thinking we have plenty of perceptual time in front of us. But I will soon find differently one day as my body continues to decay with increasingly unexpected speed.

The books of the law in the Bible came through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus.

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Do it yourself God

There is no way around it. If there is no God then somebody has to be God and the tabla rosa unbeliever is it. And that by itself is the a self defeating original sin.

Being born by itself is original sin because we came out of original sin which was desiring to be God by
choosing the tree of knowledge. 

To be God is one who knows everything in the present tense , what was, and what will be from never beginning to no endings. Welcome to AI!