.....but then it may be too late to change matters. I personally think I will get what I truly believe. But nothing of these affairs was I aware at the time they happened to me. I was as well too young to arrive at such understandings.
I was walking home from our church's summer school, which was largely constructed to entertain us. We made ear rings out of fancy buttons. We watched western movies as the stage coach ran entirely over a cliff. But not so entirely the week following.
It was boring and I was awarded perfect attendance novelties. I can still see it all now perfect in every dimension. Without any prior warning the words came into my awareness, God is Existence.
Existence however was not yet a word I was at all that familiar in any way. I can see still the details of the empty intersection and the names I knew went with the houses. God is Existence?
Even so, I was not startled or impressed whatever. I forgot about it, but years later I, older, came across the words in Exodus by random accident. I am that I am. Then, for the first time I realized what existence meant.
God spoke all that existed, that ever existed, or that ever will exist. Just as it is explained in the opening words in the Gospel John. All in unequaled dramatic fashion it reflects power. I love reading it every time.