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Anything said once can be said again in a better fashion. Everything said today can be better clarified tomorrow All entries are under constant editing and can be changed or expanded anytime. All views are dated, and are works in progress reflective during the expressed time frame only. This blog emphasizes issues ..., not personalities. Except for the On Line Bible, included for convenience, this site is portal to other Sunset Stroller sites linked below....

God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Everyone speaks for their own benefit

Good to Objectify Thoughts

Every so often I have the urge to remind myself that I, like everyone else, speak for my own benefit. But I think it is helpful to express my thinking in a more objective form than merely musing or thinking inside my head. 

The Way to Go 

No one can persuade anyone else of anything. Everyone makes their own decision to believe something themselves and they deserve either the credit or discredit themselves alone.

I consider myself as a witness, likely many do. But I still reserve the right to change my mind. As someone said, or given the credit for, in one of those quotes where many different ones are credited with saying, I only explain, it is up to others to understand.

Monday, 30 December 2024

Oh ye of little & great faith

As far as I can see, both literally and spiritually, since in every situation everything is done in the unseen before it appears in the seen, there would be no limit in space and time whatever.

Time can only exist as a duplicative entity. By that I mean time depends on a another outside unrelated orbital reference, which gives time it's singular meaning. So that takes care of everything known to my mind. 

As for space it only exists as a perceptive entity. Measurement is the unifying force in the affair of time. In other words, space may only exist as far we can deduce a fence. 

As our deductions elaborate further we are faced with the likely illusion that space only expands because we can imagine it as far out as our deductions establish themselves.

The Falcon
Remember too, my proof exists only until my satisfaction restricts itself by my personal faith and belief. This in turn means I cannot escape the requirement of generating either a little or great faith.

Saturday, 28 December 2024

God is All Knowledge while

we were listening to another source,

another source, who wanted to be God. It is in my blood, generationally passed on to me to this very day. The diagnosis was evident, starting as early as an investigation of the toes.

The cure is when I trusted the incarnated Jesus and accepted God as the only single way forward, believing all things seen came from the unseen. 

This understanding of the existence and power of spirit is born within by the grace of an eternally forgiving God who recognizes the Helper.

This is the Paraclete who speaks alongside me before God that I am born again. This is because, I believe, God will nor allow anyone who is not born again to even appear before Him.
This anyone is the one who lies  committing crimes, and blames them on the innocent. I only call him another source to avoid his attention. 

Friday, 27 December 2024

What is it going to be like?

Deep in the Foxhole

Failure to trust or even distinguish the spirit waiting to be born within seems to me the major shortcoming of many, from my understanding.

Yet the power motivating everyone is that very spirit. We even resist it, clinging to the flesh even as it withers and trembling, continues to decay into the future until eventually we are, as it is said all dead out of mind

Many in the flesh remain quite long, until they are alone, surrounded by those who do not remember what they themselves remember. It could be very lonely living too long until we are surrounded, as in a chamber where all familiar sounds echo into a background of hollow silence.

That is, for whatever reason, is what it seems to me. I trust God, who spoke all into existence. I trust Jesus, who explained God, and I trust the Holy Spirit as the Holy Ghost, but what about when I am isolated in the foxhole, what then?

When Jesus spoke to the woman who wanted to be healed, He asked her, do you believe I can do this? She said yes, and notice that Jesus said, then let it be done to you according to your belief. Then too, He often said go and sin no more. 

I have questions where, so far, the only answer is trust.

Thursday, 26 December 2024

Continuing previous

How We Are All Guilty of Original Sin

Remember the ancient writers who knew when God looked down that God knew man could do anything he set his mind to? That was before man became moon walkers. 

And I wondered sometimes, some years ago now, how an ignorant person... any smart individual can be ignorant at any one time... thus be penalized for not accepting eternal life as against an endless forever dark sleep? I mean, what kind of better odds would anyone want?

Now, again then, we are all saddled with the love of knowledge. We are all compelled with the desire for knowledge. And that was Satan's mistake. He wanted the knowledge of God, since God as God is knowledge itself. 

This would make Satan God. He would be God. And along with ourselves, this means we too are all both guilty of original sin as well, even born into it. Just the same as being born a drug addict, from a mother who is a drug addict. So for myself, I say hello to original sin. Then I say goodbye to original sin since Jesus forgave me on the Cross. That is my story on original sin.

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

All born in sin?

There was a time I could not begin to understand my last entry on love. Did God expect me to love the devil?

Well now that I think on it, maybe it would drive the devil to distraction if he understood that. Then again, this may be just the main part of original sin that us climbing the tree of knowledge, thus getting into some sticky kind of web, enmeshes us. And that perhaps is, why Jesus died on the Cross so that thereby Jesus forgave our sins?

Our wanting knowledge we cannot handle is maybe just how original born in sin, works.  No telling what all the AI jazz is leading us into, as many question.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Protection of Love

Our flesh will not help us....

.....according to Jesus. My take on this is that when evil spirits get ahold of a person they become a slave to that evil spirit, or even those many spirits, that have gained ahold of him.

There is nothing going to help us by hating him, but to reject his evil spirit instead. The vital thing I believe, as Jesus showed the way, is for us to love everyone, especially I would think, those who are taken over by unholy spirits.

This also protects us and isolates us from the evil spirits that actually want us to hate him instead of the spirits, so we can be damaged by becoming provoked into hating him.

We are warring against evil spirits, not the people who have become enslaved to unholy spirits. Our loving everyone protects us from evil. Everything that Jesus commands us to do is designed to protect us and help us become more Christ like. 

This is why I have said previously that anger is to our annoyance and therefore a sign of being hurt and further conformation of one's weakness.

Friday, 20 December 2024

Drawing Closer

Jesus' Love Greater Than Many Realize

Daily reading in the devotional, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young has given me a greater realization of His love that not only has deepened my faith but, I believe, increased my faith.

My instinct has been always one of gratitude and praise, toward Jesus, no matter what. Not only does it feel good to priase and rejoice but my answered prayers have increased since meditating on the devotionals. 

Faith is the power source I believe. And faith taps into love and the ability to truly forgive without any reservations. I think the idea, it seems to me, is to make sure there are no resentments which in turn bogs one down helpless.

All Jesus' commandments are to help and benefit us in my view. And that in the long run, even forever into eternity for all existence and beyond our understanding.

Truly God's ways are not our ways even into all futures of any of our possible conceptions. No one has ever explained such thoughts before. Through it all I do not claim myself to prove anything whatever because God knows that all proofs, were they to exist, would make faith totally unnecessary.

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Short is Best

The Quote Blokes Strike Again

I often remind myself it is easier to write a novel than a short story. And it is easier to write a short story than poem, and it is easier to write a poem like a good quote.

In my lifetime however, the best comedy of all is the one liner of comedy, invented in my life's experience by Henny Youngman.

But I love the wisdom of a good quote. Anyone can see that in all things seen come from the unseen. I don't know how that one got a hold on me, St. Paul?

Far as I know only quote I own is the question, which person is worse off? The one who lies or the one who believes it? 

In the Bible there are a host of great verses, but the best of all is found in my favorite gospel, the Gospel of John, 3:16. 

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Predictions can be correct but....

Predicting is Not Proving

Proof is only true if it meets my personal degree of satisfaction. This is true for everyone, and everyone does not agree with any set one the others. Like planets everyone is in a slightly different orbit or view. Proof is only true proof for those that can accept it from their perspective. Just because something is widely accepted does not mean anything more than a likelihood. You pays your money and you takes your chances. 

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

God loves to be loved....

Why God Loves Praise & Worship

Why God forgives me and all of my sins is because He first loved me on the cross and I believe He wants me to return my love for Him. Remembering He first loved me, I am thankful and full of over flowing gratitude for His existence and the existence He has given me.

I enjoy this for my part and never tire of experiencing Him. Even tho when deep in my former ignorance I always felt that I wanted to be wherever Jesus was in my definition of the future.

The reason for my lack of desire for any in the psychic world is simply because I do not, and never did, trust any spirit in the psychic world. Jesus I knew and I only trusted Him. It is growing everyday I believe.

And I believe more everyday that altho I may not now have enough faith to move a mountain it certainly is my desire to be eventually true. It may not be probable today but it is possible with enough faith.

Monday, 16 December 2024

Awareness of.....

...the Spirit within

I have a mind supported by my body. And I have a spirit which was waiting when I was born, for it to be, in a manner of speaking, to be born again. 

My life is spent from tabla rosa to developing this spirit via my belief and strengthened faith. Jesus, the Christ, sent as a messenger from God as His first and only Son, explained this spirit to the world. 

In ancient times, God placed things, convictions of ideas, in the hearts of the prophets. Jesus was given power for us to become sons, or daughters, of God. This, for me, is my capsulized way I am looking at my embryonic life.

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Tomorrow is another day

Why does God love worship?

....because only the true creator can love, forgive and forget anything not being loved. There are many things that create a sense of love, but then later turns out to be the opposite.

For instance, I do not believe there ever are any accidental overdoses. In many, if not most, pleasure seekers situations turns the final struggle to achieve, not pleasure, but the abs cense of pain.

God not only forgives but ancient writers tell us He forgets altogether. He forgives because He loves, which is why He creates. On the other hand, for believers, worshiping God is ecstatic.

It is an obvious law that to lift anybody up, one has to in the process lift oneself up, as Booker Washington is accordingly quoted.

Love is most powerfully observed when loving the unloved seems impossible. This is so because it is not just beneficial to the one is loved. This is why Jesus, most holy, died for unholy sinners. Tonight this is my hastily offered take, at any rate. God wants us to follow all His commandments about the unloved for our own sake.  

Friday, 13 December 2024

Harder in the nut

I sometimes wonder how small things can get before they disappear. Disappear that is for me. I saw a dust mite once that would clean my clock if I were to meet its' size larger than myself in a dark downstairs staircase.

We think we know the universe is expanding, but it may be it is merely our perception that is expanding. How could I be sure? 

Another thing, how did the earth's crust get so beautiful with the core so molten hot? The know there are theories but the truth of the matter might surprise us all.

My mother used to say from time to time, He made the world out of nothing and hung it in an empty space. Oh well, she probably read it somewhere, what does she know?

How some ever, sometimes the most unbelievable nonsense can make a person wonder after the sun has gone down.

Thursday, 12 December 2024

Time enough for the seen world

This Way to the Egress

There were so many uncountable days already passed before I was born. There will be even more days flicker by in all their darkness and dawn days to come. And all for my wearying wasting flesh of this seen world I cling to so desperately. 

The truth cannot be told by those who know, so said

the a most famous successful stock trader earlier in the century, after he shot himself in a fancy downtown hotel. 

He was talking about pools, but I can see clearly now that it has something to do with my strange perception of time when I framed a summer as forever when I was young and at blink speed now that I am old. 

How can I own anything at this rate? In that blink I can maybe control something, but I owned nothing at my coming out party, and nothing when I am eventually, too soon, am directed to the egress.

My inner instinct, placed there as well in others, cannot help but believe anything once started is not going somewhere yet unseen. 

Saturday, 7 December 2024

Easy with the Hard

The Devil is in the Void

Will we be able to recognize family members when we enter the unseen? That is an easy one. Of course, we will we each see each other the exact way we saw each other in another, other than the present tense we want, time.

This one is harder. What if we would want to see someone in heaven who is not. Now if we wanted to see one's faithful dog in heaven, that is easy enough, but if they had not accepted God, what then?

A heaven without one's loving faithful forgiving dog is not much of an heaven it would seem to me. I listened as an eleven year old boy was told from the pulpit that he could not. Why? Because a dog has no soul. 

I was incensed! I should not, but I was. That preacher did not have as much love as any dog I would say. Twain said it more cleverly, how there was more

Little Butter Pittstin
deserved love in most dogs than in many people. 

But what about a loving mother for her unbelieving son? Now I am getting too close to the nitty and the gritty. We are all going to be born, I believe, after this embryonic life born tabla rosa, to what we believe, what then? 

My view is to accept the fact I do not know the answer for everything. I may later on, but at any rate, not now, and likely not even then.. I am happy with everything God comes up with because He knows the eventual entire circumstance, since He spoke it that way. 

And since He always starts in love I expect everything to turn out there, after all His words will not return to Him void.

Monday, 2 December 2024

Bluster Cannot Hide Itself

What is it the godfather said? To be quiet indicates confidence, to be loud hides fear or uncertainty? Never let anybody know you are worked up, annoyed, or any other similar emotion.

Anyone who shows they are angry should realize their emotion is tipping their hand, letting others know they are out of control and scared. So I am convinced that anger is a weakness that shows one is, not able to defend themselves.

Was Jesus ever angry? Exasperated I would say, so you bet, and I would not want to be in His line of fire because His exasperation had power and truth behind it evident to this very day. If anyone thinks Jesus was murdered then they could not have had their sins forgiven. 

Be unconcerned of the one who can kill the body, be afraid rather of the one who can kill the spirit, He said. Eternity is a long time if we come to think about it. The body cannot out last it. 

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Time and Questions are

Revealing Our Ignorance

Why is it when we are young time stretches out before us so forever? When we become old we do not even want to accept it. And why is it those who know the  truth cannot even tell it. The young know all about being old until they get there themselves. The old know all about being young but cannot do anything about it or even tell about it.

I think our perception of time proves the existence of God. Time is always in the present, the present tense because in eternity there is no time. 

Existence is productive and positive. God has to be if He is to exist. Evil is forgotten out of mind, like it is said, as a dead man out of mind.

Every question we answer fauns further questions we did not even know existed before. More knowledge is more questions, revealing we were all along yet again more ignorant than we realized or will realize. 

Without questions we have no possibilities of answers or knowledge. When we will know it, I mean know it all? We all know what know it alls know. Don't we?

I think God has me on a string. And I am the yo-yo. There may be something to be said for relaxing and enjoying it.

Saturday, 30 November 2024

The Truth in the Meaning

 If a truth never happened and only the meaning is true, then can the meaning be true if it never happened? If it never happened in the seen and it is only true in the unseen, what then are the implications?

This is what I am wrestling with now. Is the present tense the only tense in eternity? Another chestnut is thrown into the crackling fire.

Sunday, 24 November 2024

Friday, 22 November 2024

Everything once existing.......

.....exists forever. This a well known quote one can find on occasional gravestones by the hopeful occupant. One was Claude Rains the English actor buried in New Hampshire, who was well liked by the sparky Bette Davis.

I always understood the basis of the quote rested more in the scientific world than anywhere else. But it was taken to be true because of scientific understanding of the metaphysical across the board.

I think it probably is quite true. However all things spiritual are rooted in belief and the faith in that belief. Jesus said that if anyone had enough belief they could do anything, even root up the mountains and cast them into the sea.

Others, including some Christians, understand it however to be only figuratively true. I believe the more charismatic individuals among us, including the anti-Christs, will continue to gather more lesser mass individuals into their orbits, not unlike any celestial object we can observe up there, hung on nothing.

Thursday, 21 November 2024

The Truth Cannot Be Told..... those who know. Famous quote by Jesse Livermore, who altho a natural great trader from his youth who made and lost four million four times in the early turn of the last century.

He was speaking however of pools that were common at the time where several large traders ran up stocks only to dump at the top. His fatal flaw was trying to corner the coffee market and in doing so lost everything because he did not understand that if you corner a market you kill it altogether.

The jewel that is lost is found
.He established bonds funds for his family and in a fancy restaurant, during the FDR administration, shot himself in the head. Proving that the game is more important to keep alive than the players. I, however, thought it was all close to the truth where one cannot comprehend, unless they are in the path of truth themselves. In other words, those born again, cannot really make any real sense if it for anyone else, until the others are ready to be born again themselves. Either God draws them, or He doesn't, Jesus said. 

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

One liners can tell it all.....

A tree is known by its' fruit.  Everyone talks for their own benefit or injury. Of that I am certain, everyone. If one continually beat the bush about some evil or the other, then they are bringing their focus on some negative situation and thereby feeding it energy to harm anyone who takes it, especially oneself as well. Don't give tongue to the devil is the better course. I try hard never to take an offense, otherwise, having taken it, am now, by taking it, offensive myself.

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Various Bible Translations

Jesus is Alive!

Up to now all Bible translation views were centered on the individual words themselves, one by one. But now there is a new translation available, parable by parable instead, by Sarah Young entitled Jesus Calling.

It has made her the single most successful religious writer in history. In my view, having previously tired of devotionals, she has cast for me, a startlingly effective translation, highlighting Jesus in an illumination of His teachings.

This means the emphasis on the dictionary is shifting from pure vocabulary to the integrated  power of Jesus' truths.

Sunday, 10 November 2024

God is simple......

......we are complex.

Jesus and the idle world in a word?

I understood Milton Berle rejected a lot of good jokes from his writers simply  because they, altho very funny, were too complex.

Comedy depends on the short and the sudden combined with the unexpected.  One line comedians, in my mind for instance, from HennyYoungman to Rodney Dangerfield.

Jesus seemed to have been opposed to nonsense, all the way from the back forth film scenes of the banana and the whistling stroller. One remembers Laurel and Hardy. Guess it depends on the definition of nonsense?

 Then there is the attraction of being frightened. The victim running at tremendous speed to escape the pursuing mummy, one arm taped harmlessly to his chest, and dragging his useless leg laboriously behind him. But he manages to keep up. Only in a nightmare. Why are we so attracted?

For Jesus things seemed to be very serious. Can we have mountain moving faith and exist with nonsense?

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Red letters calling

I am starting to become intensely interested in red letter Bibles. I want large print and just the red letter text by themselves. Why?

Jesus Calling by Sarah Young has given me an altogether different perspective. It is really much like a translation in that she says what Jesus is quoted as saying in the Bible but in her own words

I might call it a colloquial  translation. Instead of translating every individual word, she is translating every group of words comprising their ideas, the ideas of Jesus. 

The publication numbers has made the author the number one Christian writer of all time. It is the only devotional I ever read right thru. It's secret, I believe, is that it conveys the emotional atmosphere, sort of like a spiritual atmosphere engulfing me that I am listening to Jesus Himself myself 

Friday, 8 November 2024

When answers reveal questions.....

.....there is that quiet lurking slide into the sense that because one knows everything that is known, they know everything known. However, greater knowledge rewards one of increasing ignorance was what I was trying to say in the previous post.

I keep coming back to my previous dead end. There is no way we will even eventually be assured we know everything. We can never stop because we can never catch up to God. 

This is because God has it rigged to force us into the question of faith. This is because, I figure, it is in faith where true power resides. This is because He is God and why He is God. And this is why, I suppose, it is so  impossible to be ones own God.

Thursday, 7 November 2024

The unseen war from my foxhole.....

.....that is going on in my thought as to a longing, a  yearning, for a stronger belief,  a stronger faith. Peter walked on water as Jesus was doing. He believed in his passion of the moment, but when he realized what he was really and actually doing, lost the strength of that belief. 

And that caused him to begin to sink. Jesus then said, with respect to any of the many translations, why did you lose faith? Then Jesus kept Peter from sinking.

Whether the story is true or not, it's very existence proves it is a known projection of the human spirit and therefore a future possibility. As God observed centuries previous, man could do anything he set is mind to. Who knew then that men would walk on the moon!

Was it not reported that God said when He looked down knew that we would do anything we set our mind to? Now it does seem to be true that the planets and other bodies held up suspended in space, generate something we perhaps call  mass. This stronger mass attracts other bodies into the orbit of anything with a lesser mass.

It happens because it is a principle if there is no interference to change it. So I am projecting that there will someday eventually be those whose charisma will attract others into their orbit. 

There will be cultural tensions going on in a more clearly defined struggle then, perhaps of forces being born in what is said to be now as artificial intelligence. The ancients saw lights in the sky. Galileo was not the first to see them thru a glass all going somewhere.

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

God forgave David because.....

....David was honest with God. I received some measure of relief when I realized that. I certainly was ignorantly honest with God. I even told God that I did not care if He existed or not, I did not want anything to do with Him if He was in with those deacons and the minister.

I was a child deciding at the time whether Santa Claus existed or not and when I heard the minister explain that the stories in the Bible were not true and that only the meaning was true, it set me off against pulpit-talk churches. I would hear it all over again when a teacher and other religious leaders, many who often mentioned for the sake of the children.

Even after I studied, with great interest, logic in college, and still was a college educated unbeliever. It never struck me for several years that I had been hooked on the fallacy of the misplaced authority.

I was starting an embarrassing process, feeling I had been a jackass. I was then, am now,  glad that Jesus was a forgiver. 

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Reasons I love everyone....

...even those who differ with me, strengthen me and force me to firmly establish my reasons for everything I am thinking. I wish them the same.    

Saturday, 2 November 2024

In the Foxhole

Dying is as big a mess as being born into this world. I do not like going into something, from where I am familiar, into something else where I have never actually been before.

Time Fools Us All.  I also feel somewhat betrayed by events that transpired so quickly, when I expected they were not only far off, but a long way off.

Things gradually get more unbearably difficult, and even decorated with pain. I know. But many of us still hold on until the organic mind becomes confused, continually remembering and forgetting. I call this being in the foxhole. We cannot tell when it will happen, but it is close. 

Now I will know if what I believed is true and whether I believed it.

Friday, 1 November 2024

There will come a time when we know what happens......

.....but then it may be too late to change matters. I personally think I will get what I truly believe. But nothing of these affairs was I aware at the time they happened to me. I was as well too young to arrive at such understandings.

I was walking home from our church's summer school, which was largely constructed to entertain us. We made ear rings out of fancy buttons. We watched western movies as the stage coach ran entirely over a cliff. But not so entirely the week following. 

It was boring and I was awarded perfect attendance novelties. I can still see it all now perfect in every dimension. Without any prior warning the words came into my awareness, God is Existence.

Existence however was not yet a word I was at all that familiar in any way. I can see still the details of the empty intersection and the names I knew went with the houses. God is Existence? 

Even so, I was not startled or impressed whatever. I forgot about it, but years later I, older,  came across the words in Exodus by random accident. I am that I am. Then, for the first time I realized what existence meant.

God spoke all that existed, that ever existed, or that ever will exist. Just as it is explained in the opening words in the Gospel John. All in unequaled dramatic fashion it reflects power. I love reading it every time.

Thursday, 31 October 2024

Epipanies OR the Transcendal

Any individual's sudden revelation from out of the previously unknown, is generally described as an epiphany. I personally always assumed God would place compelling ideas in peoples hearts. These I would term prophetic or possibly transcendal. 
They could be an experience, but can also be a textual record of that experience. All my sudden revelations were unexpected and spoken, as unheard words known within thoughts. I can give no judgement over what these experiences that overcame me, gave me, particularly at the time of their occurrences. I think, however, they are more common than many would admit. 
       Since often only one person is the source of each one experience, they are ranked I believe, in the category of unidentified flying objects. This would explain the way such occurrences are reflected upon the public. That would be a small risk for me in view of the fact many think I am already a mysterious flying object.😒

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Creation Indicates Prior Considerations

Things, entities, whatever, as a hard and fast rule, cannot up and create without there being a prior thought out consideration process. This means decisions had to have been made with a prior value construction behind it. There is a prominent view that God created the universe to reflect His glory and presence. 

I think He did it for me. He wanted my attention for a reason that would foster within me "attentions" for my good. I further strongly surmise it came from the unseen in order to be seen... again by me. 

It is hard for me to be anything but a sheer individually reflective fountainhead of gratitude in the presence of our universe as I perceive it. And all hung on nothing yet! No real estate whatever? 

God spoke, & there was light

Well, while I am impressed, there are quite a few individuals who ignore the complete presentation as far as they can appreciate it. That was probably their uninvolved decision at any rate. So anyway, that may be their decision but, hand it all, this is mine.

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Word as Symbol

The Bible is a Book

I am of the impression that there are not a few folks who study the Bible with such exactitude they appear to be worshiping the Book as if it itself were a God. I do not worship a book I worship the Trinity itself not as merely a word.

And it is not just a meaning either, it is described repeatedly so repetitiously in John chapter 17 one does not have to go after that one word Trinity, it is described quite well by Jesus in His high priestly prayer as his disciples slept when the hour had come.

Trinity is a Word

How many times and ways did Jesus say over and over about  others believing that God did send Him. I often think about counting the sending verses and the ones who believe in Him are one in Him and He in them. If we are one in Him and He in us Jesus is talking about those already born again into the Spirit. If some one does not relate to one in the Spirit then they must be, it seems to me, worshiping a word. A word that is there in the Spirit is differently understood only by those reborn in the Spirit. 

Monday, 28 October 2024

Anger is a weakness


Anger indicates an irritation which is simply a loss of control, indicating a physical hostility, as well as more importantly, a like wise spiritual psychologic future attack on all the body's decaying functions. 

Space Not Sized

This is why Jesus spoke in favor of loving one's enemies, and those who hates me. This is why grace and forgiveness is the truth. This why Jesus was the first to truly explain God and the power of the unseen.

This is why I am eagerly grateful to Jesus, why I love Him, and why I praise and worship Him. If anyone loves they have access to God. God is all that is Holy. He cannot tolerate any thing other because that is why He exists. 

Saturday, 26 October 2024

Working next week.....

The one entire chapter in the Bible devoted exclusively to the Trinity, and separately, I finally tackle my trials & tribulations in the Epiphanies.

Friday, 25 October 2024

Why does God need praise?

Does God have a low self esteem, that He desires praise and even worship from others? Why the devil would God need praise? 

It would think it may seem that way to anyone who sets themselves on an equal bar with God. For those who think that God does not exist, who better to stand in God shoes?

If anyone does not believe God does not exist I suggest in the mix could easily be that they themselves may not exist in that day as well.

Since they believe one  side of the equation they may find they get the other side locked in for themselves also. To not exist, and know it, sounds to me that one is dipping into a Dante Inferno double hell with no acceptable unseen escape.  Somebody is playing with fire. So what then, I wonder, is the story? Just a tiny tip of a warning, this is simply my story. I don't know anything about any other stories.

Thursday, 17 October 2024

God of the Fantasies or of Faith

I have reasoned previously that if one does not believe in God then they must of a necessity be their own God. Somebody has to be God, there is no way out without evidential information, but at least there is hope. And perhaps, hope could lead to faith?

Therefore, however, if being ones own God is anything other than being only a God of ones own fantasies, what can anyone otherwise say? Where could any kind of hope exist? Did we invent ourselves out of whole cloth? Did we create anything before we even existed? We are without information of any relevance.

It seems to me that without hope we can only fall back on our fantasies. There is no information to support anything but hope starved fantasies. Myself, I could not even make them up. In fact this all comes to us all totally as either fantasies or faith. One can, at the very least, have hope. This is my hope, that I have a God of faith with love and grace, such as the fruits of the Spirit of existence. Otherwise, I wonder what kind of fantasy as being ones own God would be? Originally rather strenuous editing continues, particularly for several days from initial appearance.

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Praise and Worship

It is true I only know, and that for a physical certainty as well, that my flesh is not only weak but is in control beyond all fleshly contemplations. Just by itself alone I have extensively wasted a large portion of my generously allotted time beyond any justification I can deny.

And yet I have been favored with several unexplained epiphany-like experiences that cast any knowledge I did have beyond acclaimable appreciations.

And yet I feel unexplainedly favored by it all. So, without further concern I will try to describe just how and why one anyone like myself praises God and completely glories in worship. 

I do not feel so independently apart from God that I can carry any doubts of how I was designed, let alone made. The sheer wonderment of what we know of the universe is no only outside my area of expertise, it is obviously outside anyone else for that matter.

One has to read certain of the Psalms to absorb the awe accompanying worship of not only the Creator of the universe generates but the very conceiving of it. One has to simply value existence I would have to suggest. Living without hope is totally unbearable in my view. 

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Enough faith, enough belief

Working out my acceptance... 

I can sense conscious intricacies of life dancing around me as much as anyone but just why or how, I cannot say. However I suspect there are those who do and do much more than I.

I envy them their praise and their worship drawing me into their inner fountainhead that attracts me I do not quite know how. How they must love God and His effortless intense concentration of love and forgiveness. There is a secret here that is not a secret, acknowledging faith as a capable power beyond my own concentration.

I believe Jesus when He said that if I had enough faith I could move anything, even fountains into the sea. I am not putting a limit on faith, just my envious inability to do the same. 

I also believe Jesus when He also said to the sick woman do you believe I can do this? When she answered yes, Jesus said, then let it be done onto you according to your faith. 

Some point out that God does not heal everyone. It is not God who did not, it is those who could not accept their healing. In any situation such as this I know automatically that it is myself who is at fault, not God.

 Am I too anxious the enjoy the faith based celebration of physical healing before the full graduation of my body into spirit?

Monday, 14 October 2024

Praise worship and gratitude

 With Moses came the first books of the law but with Jesus, as the final sacrifice, came love, forgiveness. grace and all the fruits of the Spirit. 

With Abraham came faith, but it was Moses who questioned God about who He was that the people should believe what God told him to say. No report such as this could carry such powerful weight. So in Exodus we have God's answer how He wanted to be known for all generations.

The question I ask myself is how and why I should respond. My primary reaction was and continues to be gratitude, even an all engulfing thankfulness. Why I am not fully sure. Some I believe focus on praise. I can see why as praise lifts oneself up even as praising lifts  up God. Others glory in worship. 

I suspect there are many who feel uncomfortable, a misunderstanding I suppose because they do not have a strong enough foundation to have an appreciative belief. They have their hands full. 

Sunday, 13 October 2024

Jesus forgives....

I particularly love God for His Existence and for the existence He has spoken me into. Prophets predict when God places ideas in their hearts. As for me the reason I believe I was burdened with so much logic is that thru it I became a victim of the fallacy of the misplaced authority. 

So I became a witness to the blaming of God for the errors of men. It is an embarrassment for me now. So, therefore now, I am a partisan for testifying before men my love of God and Jesus' promise that if I do this, Jesus will speak for me before the Holy Father Himself. 

Friday, 11 October 2024

The most important thing for each of us is....

..anticipating the vital move to the spirit and into the permanent present.  My spongy sense of time tends to fog things up nicely. But there came a time when I realized time had been fooling us all. Even so, Paul  urges us not to lose heart, since even tho our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. For my momentarily, light
afflictions are producing for me an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. This, in his second letter to the Corinthians.

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Anger is a sign of weakness

 Love is a sign of strength

If anyone is angry they are being negatively impacted from forces outside themselves whereas if they are responding with love, any negative involvement is then more likely heaping coals on top of their own heads prompted by their own original negativity.  

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

The flesh wil not help us

My flesh must be born again, out of the flesh and into the Spirit, before the flesh decays and returns to the unseen. 

Thursday, 29 August 2024

My primary concern in life

Increasing My Faith

Above all else I want to experience greater faith and a closer relationship with Jesus who was the first to explain God as predicted by prophets in the Old Testament.

I may not have as much time left in this embryonic stage of my life as it appears to me now. Time manages to fool everyone into thinking we have plenty of perceptual time in front of us. But I will soon find differently one day as my body continues to decay with increasingly unexpected speed.

The books of the law in the Bible came through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus.

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Do it yourself God

There is no way around it. If there is no God then somebody has to be God and the tabla rosa unbeliever is it. And that by itself is the a self defeating original sin.

Being born by itself is original sin because we came out of original sin which was desiring to be God by
choosing the tree of knowledge. 

To be God is one who knows everything in the present tense , what was, and what will be from never beginning to no endings. Welcome to AI!

Thursday, 22 August 2024

Going to Heaven

World at the Dead End?

How is it so few want to go to eternal heaven, hanging on for dear life to their increasing rack of bones in order to stay here? It was the same in the womb. Based on what we knew in the womb we had it made. 

Now based on our decaying flesh we don't mind leaving this world, it is just we don't like getting there.

Many are convinced there is nothing beyond this life, but we thought that in the womb with the story we had  at the time that far. I believe now the next transition is going to be beyond all conception since all things now
seen came from the unseen.

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

A tree is known by its fruit

God, I am that I am,

 Spoke Everything into Existence 

and is the author of all existence.

Man, desiring knowledge, was driven from Eden. Thed law was given by Moses but Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ, according to John 1:17. 

God said how He wanted to be called, as reported by Moses in Exodus 3:14 this, I am that I am, was His name forever and to be His memorial through all generations. 

Sunday, 11 August 2024

All the worlds are hanging o nothing

Just looking at the night sky, on the astronomic wonder on display, makes me question how anyone of us could even conceive any idea such as hanging incredible sized worlds on nothing, let alone bring it about.       

Everything seems to travel in stretched circular loops, and we call it time, everything in time with itself. Everything seems also to be attracted to each other by their charismatic mass......just like people. 

Saturday, 10 August 2024

Reason to praise God

Why it is good to Praise God!

 It is well known that to lift God up one is lifting themselves up. God represents eternity, and praise is natural when we lift up the good, good that never turns against the rejoicer, as other enticements do. Everything that God's commandments are designed to do is to help us, while blaming God for what others do is simply the fallacy of the misplaced authority.

Tuesday, 6 August 2024

Faith and fact....

The Rest of the Story 

There is little belief and...there is great belief. Jesus said if anyone had enough faith they could move mountains. The key word here is enough. Some believers think that Jesus is speaking figuratively. I do not think so. Could is conditional tense. 

Conditional of how much one needs to accomplish whatever is being considered. Anything that is hard to believe obviously requires a lot of belief.  Like opening up the Red Sea is easy to believe, so requires little belief. 

God is interested in faith 

Not in scientific proof.

Mouth of tidal river in PEI Canada

Notice that scientific proof  removes the entire event from faith or belief.   

Sunday, 4 August 2024

Since nothing can be proved...

Except to each individual's satisfaction only, there is no universal changeless proof. There may be individual agreement but everyone has a different orbiting perspective. Everyone, also, has a different charismatic mass. Proof exists only in each individual's perspective that satisfies them. 

God also is a Spirit just as all are. There are many answers we do not have. Even knowledge of the questions are not yet known. Each solved question reveals a host of more questions. What we learn is that each solved question reveals how more ignorant we are than we previously realized.

Saturday, 3 August 2024

I believe we could get what we actually truly believe

and be surprised to find what that really is. Some think we all return to nothing from where everyone began. Other say something can come from nothing. Still others think more traditionally, and more hopefully, that something once existing exists forever. I've seen that expressed on their stones.

 I always focus on hope. If there is no hope I consider that critical. It seems to me having no hope

is an insult to existence, and therefore, God. 

If there is anything without energy it has to be something or someone without hope. I believe all energy, all power, comes from the spirit. For energy to have e motion, hope must exist. This, mind, is just what I believe. I persuade myself only, as do everyone else in the final accounting. 

Since I did not create anything prior to my emergence, I cannot believe I will not exist. Existence came to be prior to my emergence. So I cannot not believe I am my own God. If anyone believes there is no God, then they must believe they are their own God. There has to be God in the mix somewhere. Else where did everything came to be? How did all the heavens become populated, all hung on nothing inside circles of emotion.

The worst situation that could exist is for me is to not exist and and the same time know it.