Morning thoughts
The only trouble with figuring out whether there is a God or not, is that one is working their analysis backward. I do not trust thinking in reverse. It is mere, maybe good, but essentially mere private speciation. History has good reason not to be held less than in exact trust, since, as they say, it is written by the winners.
But nevertheless, people like to play God, as I heard an extremely rich may say exactly that, on television. In any event, history is not to be denied, so I engage in it anyway.
The first thing in the mix, that I notice, is that how could we figure out a beginning with only hearsay proof. Fact as proof cannot be identified if there is no one to hearsay identify it.
Logic out the window
This is why, perhaps, that Jesus said one can only come to God is God Himself draws him. Jesus lost a lot of followers after saying that, but it did not seem to disappoint Him. Largely because of His record, without having Himself written one line, I believe Him.
It is so fanatically spectacular, the entire story rides unmatched in history, never yet even slightly duplicated. Apparently too few are willing to die for any sensible reason and believe they are going to rise again. That, in itself, is already a rather incredible idea How wise. compared to all His disaffected followers, is that?