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God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Friday, 22 July 2022

If I have sstrong enough belief

The Bettter Risk Reward Ratio

This is why I think it is good to believe in paradise, in particular specificly when we are one spirit with Jesus' Spirit. It is because we have hope. If we have hope and it is strongly sincere enough, that by itself could make it true because we believe. If one does not believe they will at least have a pleasant surface hope and benefit while they are yet alive. 

However, no matter what, I wonder that if they do not believe whether they will still have the knowledge awareness that they exist outside Christ, which is outside existence. To not exist and know it at the same time sounds like an extremely uncomfortable place to be in, too similar to hell, and in it forever yet as well.

Thursday, 21 July 2022

Ancients more aware than some think

From Fiction Comes Fact?

Many so-called intellectuals who worship anything new today, of those I was aware, believe almost anything the ancients said was myth material and came out of myths. 

Old is Dumb because the UpToDate is nothing but fine. That is, until they adopt a new paradigm. Despite this, many occasions have discovered the opposite to be true. 

The ancients were correct. The best example I think, is the occasion, found in the Bible, that they wrote that God looked down and saw that man could do anything he took a mind to. 

This was written when mankind tried to build a building to the sky. What wisdom they expressed! How did they know such a deep idea as that? One answer I ascribe to is that God placed it in their hearts. At the dawn of written time the ancients wrote that man would walk on the moon!!

Think of it! In the time when such concept was near insanity, they knew man would walk on the moon! I remember when highly educated science types, sometime in the fifties, were amused by the science fiction idea of black holes, because... they were invisible, like gravity?

Now the unseen is seen?

Thursday, 14 July 2022

Never enough time....

This Is Where I Came In

Now the time had come. The reason time comes is that it just goes. It was like an insurance company that is front end loaded. Time starts out slowly and drops you, in the end, into a donut hole. Obscene, but there it is in all its' glory, when the insurance company drops you in your own special little donut hole with your name on it. 

When I was fifteen, I yearned for the day when I would be eighteen. This was because eighteen was the perfect age. All my troubles would be over when I would become eighteen. It happened because I jumped out of being fourteen, never with time to figure out what happened there. 

But there was no doubt about it, when I would be eighteen I would have it made, that was an established fact. I knew this because I had a faraway cousin who was eighteen and suddenly attractive. I did not know it then, girls would not look at a boy the same age. She was only interested in older boys. 

Older the better, so she could blame them for everything and anything that happened. I did not know at the time that the boss is identified by being blamed for everything. That is how women go through life, as innocent as doves.

Turned out to be when I was eighteen, I had to be twenty-one. When I was finally, agonizingly, twenty-one, not one single solitary bartender on the entire planet asked me for my ID. Everything has been downhill or over the hill, depending on one's vision.

Next no one trusts anyone over thirty. Things temporarily improve when you reach forty. From forty to sixty everyone is in their power years with the right to advise young and the old what to do. It is called humoring the young and the old, doing what you want. Then comes the seventies and for those still healthy enough, this is their last decade. When the eighties arrive, time to live off the fat. The mind goes to sleep until you finally fall and break a hip. 

Point of all of this is everyone changes their mind. But eventually everyone ends up living off their fat, Yes indeed, time fools us all, even as I write. All the time I wasted, and all the preparation time lost building my faith, and the lost enjoyment of it. Time lost working out my salvation.

Too late, many find themselves, so quickly, in the donut hole, like myself.

Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Final Decision for Now

I'll See Where This Takes Me 

It is a wonderful place to arrive, to be a slave dead in Christ, and to find everything settled, ready for action, in its' place, organized in my spirit. 
Despite this, questions present themselves, one is if there is no time in eternity then why would there be space in the sense of size from here? This would only be the baggage of the seen cluttering the unseen.

It just may be that the spirit, set free from the seen, can reach no limit to the accompanied size of the universe nor retreat into within itself, to the smallest of sizes. 

However, I am now still entangled in the web of prediction within this seen world of time. Everything within time consumes itself and disappears into its' beginning like a mobius strip consuming forever.  

If this too is in any way true, then it moves me to accept the full field of faith stretching out within me. Once free of the seen, the unseen opens up to its own unseen world without limits with God. 

Faith would be free to operate as it needs.

Tuesday, 12 July 2022

I am merely a witness....

Written to Objectify my Understandings

I reveal or witness only to what I am told.  Even prophets do not predict of themselves but that which they are told by God. God also places ideas in many. I call mine epiphanies only to convey my meaning as the materialistic seen world better understands. 

Fallacy of the Mis-Appropriated Authority

I have observed previously that I am not a fan of churches.  Atheism makes happy hay over the historical fact that organized Christian churches commit hellish acts. This is an example of the logical fallacy of mis-appropriated authority.  It is blaming God for the Devil's sins in Christian sinners.  

But Christianity is an individually based membership because each individual must make their own decision. A decision specifically for Christ. Right there, is our salvation, worked by each individual person. There are perhaps churches based on group salvation, or so I've heard it said.

I have not been told anything about the future that was applicable to anyone else. I have however, been told who God is. I was told that God was Existence. Since we know God is a Spirit, I sometimes mention this as well. This is universally believed whether one is a believer or not. 

So, I have concluded that God is a Spiritual Person. This, "God is a Person," is like us. it is agreed in the Bible. Even so no one has ever seen God, except Jesus. Therefore, I have said that God is the Spiritual personification of existence. 

The two conditions I have mentioned are both precise and not subject to interpretation. So, I have said those who do not agree with me, or my definition of God, would instead understand I had an epiphany which is, of course, a revelation. 

"Create" is a good word and well chosen. But God did not precisely only create existence, I observe as a personal aside. He "spoke" it into existence. This suggest to me, there is no beginning nor end, since God is Himself Existence. 

God is Existence. The Bible affirms this. Those who cannot agree should perhaps read the "God said " text in Genesis. Next, the nitty gritty...

Monday, 11 July 2022

If Jesus is right....

then we will do greater things than He

I am primarily interested in Jesus or, that is, in the Trinity. I am not so enamored by churches or religious, on the other hand. Many nonbelievers do not reject God but rather reject many in churches. By this, they mis-define God. Jesus was the first one to give us knowledge of the Spirit. The law came through Moses, and Jesus gave us grace and truth, as John said in the Bible.

It was not until Newton became aware of gravity that the power in the unseen entered the scientific view, unsettling other physicists. But Jesus believed we had God given power within, if we had great enough faith. 

I think Jesus meant it.

Sunday, 10 July 2022

Projecting What We Want to Believe

Problems with Predictions

I think we have to see in our mind's eye that there are forces unseen we are encountering, and I am not impressed by seen UFOs. It is an easy cop out to think excuses. UFOs are too much like pleading ignorance instead of displaying any curiosity to know. The forces I am thinking of are beyond UFOs. 

They are mysteries of the unseen more powerful than seen UFO implications. 

The fact that the scientists in the day of Isaac Newton were uneasy about his theories of gravity was a conception beyond their current psychic awareness at that time. If UFOs were an answer they should have been identified by now, like gravity. 

It is the nature of our seen instincts to pre-figure answers to questions not yet entirely understood well before answers slowly emerge. We are discouraged by the ancient books from predicting. Predicting is knowledge and it has always been sensed we would get into trouble since the tree of knowledge. 

We have still yet to see gravity. Unfolding...

Saturday, 9 July 2022

Cathcing Up to God

The progress of science is strewn, like an ancient desert trail, with the bleached skeleton of discarded theories which once seemed to possess eternal life. Arthur Koestler

When I view the history of learning and knowledge for all mankind so far, it is hard for me to conceive all that is known so far can in any way match up to the knowledge needed to decide whether there is a God or not. 

The mere fact we are starting out thinking everything can change by themselves is not the most solid position worthy of envy. I read of more scientists forced to conclude there has to be a designer. To me this in turn means we have a lot to learn about unseen forces that we are in no way close to learning about so far.  

Even ouur general history indicates we have a long way to go. If this is true then we are in for a long history of discovering there is more for us to learn than before we learned anything much at all. Our knowledge of our ignorance is growing even greater than we gain in knowledge. What this means is we taking our new knowledge purely on faith. Even scientific laws can change all by themselves as conditions change beyond our knowledge. 

We got a lot of work to do to catch up.

Friday, 8 July 2022

Great Faith Has No Size

Better Hot or Cold Than Lukewarm 

Great Faith is my goal. Little faith is worse than no faith. Jesus said He would spew lukewarm faith out of His mouth. Faith is spiritual, size takes no toll. Grat Faith can be as large as a mustard seed. Tiptoeing Little faith can be quite fancy, tippy toeing as it likes to do. 

Time is short in the seen world. We are a long time not seen. No matter how great seen things are, they shrink to something different altogether. Famous depends on a winnowing attention until it disappears. Amazing the attention such great fleeting events weaken in the seen. 

Thursday, 7 July 2022

Worry means Fear

Faith Means No Fear

Faith means no fear of pain. Pain is evil leaving the body. Isn't that what the Marines say? The Cross tells us the pain Jesus endured is overcome. By it God has forgotten my sins, and I am healed, if I can accept it by faith. I am going to believe this no matter what, no matter when, no matter how long.

Wednesday, 6 July 2022

Mountain moving faith

Just Saying It May Not Make It So

 I am not talking here about being saved. I am thinking about building greater faith. I expect I will know how much faith I have when I am in the fox hole with bullets zinging overhead. Does anywone remember when Jesus said we would do greater things than He? No one ever seems to talk about it, speculate about it, shares with anyone about it. 

In fact, I do not see much said about Faith at all. I'll wager many believe all they have to do is just say it. Not so fast! I am not so sure! Faith on the lips may not be faith in the heart.

A man is on a long journey to find the promised land, maybe it was heaven, maybe it was greater faith. He comes after a long struggle to a place resembling Niagra Falls. There is a man there with a barrel taking people across a deep divide in the barrel while walking on a wire between the present spot and greater faith.

He says jump in. Our hero says let this one behind me go first while I rest. The wire walked takes the one behind across walking on the wire and returns. Ready to go? I am thinking about it our hero says. You saw me take the other person over the man with the barrel he is told. The wind is blowing harder now our hero answers. It will die down soon. 

And he did.