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God is Existence. Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." This is the name God told Moses He wants to be known by this name forever "into all generations."
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Saturday 29 June 2024

A piece of old cake and

The New Switcheroo?

 When it comes to interpreting the Bible nothing can take the cake like translating it one language to another. It is an opportunity like none other. Hebrews 11:1 is a wonderful example. Here we can watch faith change from a "solid substance hope" in the 1700s to a more recently today, less than "solid hope of assurance."

Then any evidence of faith not seen becomes a hard to pin down not seen.  We came from a more meeky assurance now, from an original 1700s hope of "evidence seen" yesterday. 

Only the actual meaning is somewhat qualified true. 

Saturday 22 June 2024

"The Truth Cannot Be Told.....

By Those Who Know"

This great quote is from  when stock market  pools were common. One such trader, termed one of the great stock traders of all time, shot himself in a fancy hotel. One of his failures I think was his desire to corner the market. 

No one can corner any market because then there would be no more market. Any desire to be the one person everyone had to come to get, say coffee, would lead to their downfall.

No small select core of market participants can do this. Even if they do, the greatest number of participants in any market can only bring out the true truth or there is no game. Any pool had to be the most careful because when the fix is in then the truth cannot be told. 

Then again, maybe not...but then, never forever. Just my view...

Tuesday 18 June 2024

God can do anything.....

Could God Commit Suicide

Yes. God could commit suicide, but then He would instantly be revealed as a false God? So No, He could not, because He cannot negate Himself.

However, thinking of God being restricted by Himself or by human exemptive emotions is complicated by our own knowledge, but not God's knowledge. I would not venture to engage whatever we could comprehend up against God's restrictions for Himself.

Therefore, if we ask for relief thru a physical healing we could be answered by God with death. This apparent contradiction depends on another logic system that can embrace death positively because some are not convinced they want to die just to get into heaven, Meanwhile God knows we are not only better off, we have no idea how greater better off can get. 

We may die to our physical but be born into our spiritual. Just like being kicked out of the perfect environment, the womb. God already knew what is, in the permanent present tense as, was on the other side. We have to become perceptively multi-dimensional to deal with it.

Some of us had a hint of what was on the other side of being born physically and still were physically anxious to be born. We were called breech babies which is, literally, making as big an ass of ourselves as soon as we could.

Saturday 15 June 2024

talk outside the hat

 I've always been amused by many physical scientists when they make predictions so far out even Betty White could not make head nor tail of it. I mean now, listen hey, why make predictions so far out they embrace billions of years? 

So much can happen in zillions of years, let alone 3.19 bullions. I'd trust a weather report in the middle of a wind tunnel first. People who know a lot can, and indeedy doo have, become so enamored of knowing everything that can be known at the time, that they forget, sliding into locking themselves into the position where they talk as tho they know all the info that can ever be known as if they know it already.

New information never stops

Meanwhile there is not even any great agreement on a definition of what time itself is among the cogzegentlzee. You can look it up.

Friday 14 June 2024

I sing of the epiphanies


If a person can predict the future they are ordinarily considered to be anyone from a hunch taker at a race track to a prophet wrestling with an angel. (That is what the dimple in the hip means.) The process, if we can call it that, encompasses no effort and no brains. Rather, since it is totally not understood, it does embrace imagination, according, they say, to Einstein. 

I myself call them epiphanies to take the magic out of them and head off any spiritual topics when I do not want to deal with any. I really do strongly suspect however, that God places ideas in the hearts of the prophets. I go no further than that since anything too far out carries any discussion into a science fiction story straight as a shot out of an over- thumbed copy of Galaxy.

Sunday 9 June 2024

slave of Jesus

Previously  I've said I regarded myself as a witness, but I now say I would like to work up to being a slave of Jesus.
all things seen
came from the unseen

That is, if I could regard myself so highly, since I started working out my own salvation as a witness. Problem is I do not have as many answers as questions. Every answer I do figure out is consumed along with it by more questions requiring more answers than previously. Questions  plague anyone too rich in answers. I suppose because answers were, in my view, some what cheap to the excessively educated. 

Wednesday 5 June 2024

who wants to go to heaven

Everyone wants to go to heaven, but not right now? Yes, it is true. And clergy are not exempt from that altar call as well.

Taught in some seminaries longer than my lifetime that it is true that the stories in the Bible are not true. Only the meanings are true. I rather think most people just park it. 

Maybe they wait for the panic attacks set in toward the end. This is where our hope comes in to fight it. I might do well to study up on panic attacks along in here. My purpose right in here for this blog is to anticipate my answer.

I think that the hard stories require great faith and the easy to believe stories require little faith. I am of the opinion it might be time to bring Job in here. I like what Job has to say about this.

Saturday 1 June 2024


The only way to gain faith in God is to study the scriptures. Logic is not. Physical scientific proof is not. Faith is only gained by studying the scriptures. Even this may not be sure fire since it takes diligent persistence. Key point here is if one has proof then they jump over faith. But firstly, no one gains faith unless God first draws them to Him. When Jesus said this He lost a significant number of followers. This leaves me with one remaining avenue.       That is, if God places something in my heart as if by an epiphany. A man with an event like an epiphany is not at the mercy of a man with a story.

Thursday 30 May 2024

No Doubt about it

I've really built up a mountain of doubt assailing the fountains of faith I intended would prosper. 

If the logical God one builds up does not dance to one's own logic then I have built up a God who is just a reflection of myself. To become one dealing with a true God I cannot be the one in charge unless I am my own God myself. 

I little understand how anyone can even delude themselves into being their own God. I know I did not light  up the night sky with worlds hanging on nothing, tracing calculated but unknown destinations in the sky to where I have never been. 

Where is anything ever been solid terra firma? I recently learned I am living on boiling seas of lava explosions erupting in under ground oceans. I must be incredibly brilliant to suspect so much personal ignorance I do not even know.

Wednesday 29 May 2024

God places ideas in our hearts

Whether to the Moon or to Mars

 A prophet predicts. A sudden revelation, much like an epiphany, may be how God places ideas in the hearts of the  prophets. How else could the ancients even think that man, as he built a garden into the sky would reach the moon, while doing anything he set his mind to? 

Monday 27 May 2024